
fuck around and find out


✨Esht | adult | they/it | rus/eng✨

So, I set an old magnifying glass down next to the fish tank.

And one of the False Julii Corys decided to check it out.

Apparently they found it newsworthy as they went and brought back a friend.

Eventually the friend got bored, but the first Cory was intrigued and continued their examination for quite awhile.

I wonder what it was they saw... ???











Buses are very tolerant of humans and not skittish at all. Trains are much less tolerant and they get scared easily ... Trains hate when their way of life /schedule is disturbed. Even a small deviation will be very stressful for a train. While buses are used to it. They have to deal with cars every day so their tolerance is very high. Buses are like large herbivores. You can't push them over or make them do something they don't like. You may train it but they still go their own way most of the time. Very independent. While a train doesn't know what to do when it sees a plastic bag on the tracks


was just lying about in bed with my cat, my arm outstretched and bent backwards at the elbow, with my wrist doing a full 180, completely comfy. caught myself thinking "well maybe I am hypermobile..."


artist rendition


was just lying about in bed with my cat, my arm outstretched and bent backwards at the elbow, with my wrist doing a full 180, completely comfy. caught myself thinking "well maybe I am hypermobile..."



they call me a master baiter because im very good at worming my fishing hook in a clean and efficient way that keeps the worm attached and secure. what, you thought i was gonna make a joke about masturbating ? hm. how crude. fish army kill them badly

fish army write a thoughtful obituary for this person and include their gender identity not in a way that tokenizes them but in a way that brings light to queer struggles and celebrates queer joy


there's a fascinating type of post on this site which boils down to "what if, instead of being cliché, such-and-such work of fiction instead dodged all genre tropes in a way that instead made it really boring"

"imagine an indiana jones or lara croft type who repatriates artifacts instead of taking them abroad" - kind of hamhanded and potentially white savior-y, but it is at least An Idea that meaningfully engages with the genre

"what if indiana jones was like a real archeologist and spent all his time filling out grant applications and carefully dusting off pottery sherds" - yeah I dunno man. what if he was like that. you could maybe get a five-minute SNL sketch out of it. good luck making it an interesting movie or video game though lol

I think a lot about that one post where it's like "why would a monster that subsists on fear / suffering inflict it when it could instead eat people's existing anguish, thus making them feel better"

and it's like. idk maybe because that isn't fucking scary or angsty or a particularly good allegory. and the monster is a Character or Plot Device, not a real fucking guy.

people are likening the last one to the plot of Monsters Inc. so I feel obligated to point some things out:

  • the "fear vs laughter" premise of monsters inc is part of a broader allegory about corporate greed at the expense of the health and well-being of the world at large. in particular, it's roughly analogous to the world's continued reliance on fossil fuels, which is due in part to fearmongering about nuclear power and wind farms.
  • a key element of the plot is that it's not just a matter of "the main characters don't want to subsist on fear, they want to be Niceys." the plot and characterization rely on sully and ESPECIALLY mike buying into the corporate line on human children, and thus going from "terrified" to "confused and intrigued" when it becomes apparent that human children are not actually dangerous
  • the result of all this is that "laugh power is just as feasible, and in fact more efficient" develops the themes and characters rather than shutting them down. if the premise of the movie were simply that sully and mike are Niceys to begin with, you lose the allegory, you have to rewrite the plot from scratch, and the characters - imo - become considerably less interesting, because you're robbing them of the tension between "maybe what I'm doing is wrong" and "I would like to have Money to Eat, not cause a mass panic, and not get thrown in jail or killed or written off as a crank"
  • attitude is a major element here. monsters inc isn't out here implying that the concept of monsters engendering fear/pain in order to harvest it is stupid. undertale isn't a game where "you're in a dungeon but everyone is friendly;" a pacifist run is a conscious decision that you make with people firing bullets at you. this one's a Twitter example, but - something like lovely lady rpg or clam man 2 isn't starting from the absurd premise that harry dubois and the setting he's in are Generic and therefore Uninteresting, only to tear them out and replace them with nothing of substance.

lastly, and imo this is key:

  • a short tumblr post is ill-suited for exploring ideas in any real detail, which tends to make it more annoying, not less.
  • more specifically: these posts rarely dive into the actual narrative implications of anything they're proposing, instead favoring vague gestures at pithy but underdeveloped ideas. there's a difference between saying "what if Indiana Jones didn't go on adventures lol" and "what if a normal, realistic archaeologist still got drawn into a pulp adventure and had to get by in spite of being terrified and under-equipped to deal with the situation." the latter would be A Story that engages with the genre, not just a cheap gag.

in conclusion:


The 40 hour work week isn't good for anyone. We know this, both on a gut level and from empirical research.


There are people, the majority of people in fact, who go through their 40 hour jobs and then come home, make dinner, and do something with their evening that is enjoyable and not just a dead-eyed zone out. They spend time with family or friends, play with pets or kids, engage in hobbies, or even just sit and enjoy media actively.

When they talk about how much it sucks to go to work, it's a kind of general grumbling (because again, nobody likes the current system).

If you approach going to work and feel like you might just die if you have to go in again. If you come home after work and can't do anything except stare blankly at the TV or your phone. If you can barely make dinner or keep your house clean. If you feel like you're actually drowning all the time and have no ability to actively engage in any enriching activities outside of work.

That's not just the general shittiness of the system. That's a sign that you have a mental or physical health issue that's being compounded by the system. It's a sign of disability.

The medical system where you are may suck donkey balls, but there's a lot you can do just by tracking your symptoms and trying to figure out what's going on. And if you can get medical help, you can vastly improve the quality of your life, even if you can't get out of the system.


When you get to the station and the tram immediately appears this is a sign of favor from the genius loci of the city. You are advantaged today. You will not get caught if you perform minor crimes, etc. Behave accordingly


My favorite detail about Jurassic Park is that it has a baked-in justification for any and all retcons it might need to make due to paleontology advancing forwards.

Because there is not a single dinosaur that has ever appeared in Jurassic Park.

Not one. Not in the books. Not in the movies. Not ever.

"Now what John Hammond and InGen did at Jurassic Park was to create genetically engineered theme park monsters." ~Alan Grant

Grant says that in a moment of cynicism. It's part of his arc for the film. But it's not inaccurate. What Jurassic Park has, what it's always had since the very first novel, are "Mostly Dinosaurs".

"And since the DNA is so old, it's full of holes! Now, that's where our geneticists take over!" ~Mr. DNA

It's impossible to recover a fully intact gene sequence from an ancient amber mosquito. Cloning a pure dinosaur would have been completely impossible, and so the park filled in the gene sequence with whatever works. Frog. Lizard. Bird. Whatever they need to get the result they are trying to get.

Every single dinosaur is a chimeric beast made up of mostly dinosaur and a bunch of other stuff that some scientists thought would achieve the appropriate dinosaur-like result.

"Nothing in Jurassic World is natural! We have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. And if the genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different." ~Dr. Henry Wu

Which, from a writing perspective, is fucking genius. Because now you have a preset excuse for each and every plot hole your movie has.

Like. Why don't the raptors have feathers? Because of the chimera DNA.

Why do dilophosaurs spit venom? Because of the chimera DNA.

Why do T-Rexes have movement based vision? Oh, they don't. But Rexy does. Because of her chimera DNA.

Why is the Spinosaurus so fucking big? Because of the chimera DNA.

Why are the velociraptors mislabeled? Because Hammond's a dipshit.

Like. I've always marveled at the way Jurassic Park started out by giving itself a blanket excuse to be wrong about every single thing it ever said about the central attraction of its franchise. It's honestly beautiful, and allows the series a degree of immortality well into the era where we know better about its animals.

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