Exodus: Fall of Atlantis is a First person RPG shooter game. The game will focus on a world beyond ours run by technology and poverty. The purpose of the game is to work your way through a heavily influenced scientific world to become a stronger warrior through new armor and weapons also to defeat the administrators that are responsible captivity of many citizens from the main land. Overall the project will be looking at process of character designing, Lighting modeling.
Deep understanding of everything. The project was hard to stat with because it had no real origin. Atlantis is a myth there for looking at what was needed to create my myth character as had to be shown through the origin of the character.
Creatures of Ancient Greek Mythology. Looking at for creatures I thought would be great to re-invent into enemy bosses for a game. I Looked at the creatures. Minotaur Hydra Chimera Griffin Through a Process of elimination, The Hydra was chosen because of how it may move underwater.
Real Life Hydra! The bacteria Cnidaria aslo known as the hydra bacteria was the base of the shape of my project. Finding this bacteria and studying how it ate was a great was to form ideas on how my character would also work.
Understanding the world that revolved around my character was critical in my design, I needed the character to show traits of the technology that was being made in Atlantis to get a idea of how my character would look like. The next pages show the original ideas behind the city and the technology that I though would be used in the city.
Next was the Technology within the city of Atlantis. I wanted to keep that dark sharp shapes with the city and bring this to motion and show how it may work.
To do this I had to take on a influence to shape and form, for this I looked at dark or unknown sea creatures. the next page shows the creatures I used to bring the technology of my world to more of a visual understanding.
Sea Creatures
I picked these creatures because of their features I thought could apply with my world and the final design of my character.
Using all of the parts form the sea-creature based technology and added this to my original hydra bacteria base form. I marked out what I thought would work as a design for the character. The next page shows the process.
With more of a clear understanding of how the Hydra is made, from the cockpit to the base material ,the tentacles and weapons that will be used I was ready to get the final concept drawn and colored.
The Concept needed some more understanding like how it would fire its weapons and what else it was capable of, what the cockpit looked like and what where the other features on the main body of the character.
Next I focused of the profile of the character. for modeling, The design was complete but I felt like that was more I needed to work out about the bottom of the character and how the tentacles would operate.
Working in a high poly mesh for the starting was the character was a way to learn a how the hydras geometry would work. The next few pages show the starting and the ending the high poly modeling.
The starting of modeling base mesh and understanding where the panels will be.
Next was taking some of the geometry away so that I was left with a more basic mesh that didnt take around the shape of the Character. After that i was ready to extrude the mesh pannels and try then connect them.
When all the joining of the panels where complete I then worked on the UVs of the character and the Textures that went with it.
The UV texture proved to be very difficult but was finished eventually here are the UV snapshots with the texture that I used for the character.
Adding a rig to the tentacles of the hydra has also given it more dynamics to how it may more in the game.