T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
Roku ERA
e DiMartino, Arthur “DJ” Desin, Joan Hilty, Amy Jarashow, Bryan Konietzko,
Claire Posner-greco, James Salerno, Russ Spina, Jeff Whitman
Chinese Translation
Dr. Lee Siu-Leung, Tony Lee
Dr. Lee Siu-Leung
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game text and design ©2023 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all
related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
An Urgent Request is a standalone adventure set in the Roku Era. If you’ve never run a game of
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—it includes all
the elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. An Urgent Request can also be
used in an ongoing Roku Era campaign. The adventure is set in the Fire Nation and features a plot
against Princess Zeisan and the Guiding Wind, a rogue movement of Air Nomads.
The Fire Nation princess, Zeisan, is engaged to the leader of
the Guiding Wind, an Air Nomad named Khandro, and their If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed
wedding is nigh. News of the celebration is all over the nation’s encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that
capital. As part of the festivities leading up to the wedding, the few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca-
princess is giving a lecture on the Guiding Wind’s principles for lations and some information about various characters. Avatar
all to hear in Hari Bulkan. Fire Lord Sozin believes his sister is Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves
out to dethrone him, and in a move to discredit her, is planning based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
to interrupt the lecture with undercover Fire Nation soldiers players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
pretending to be radical Air Nomads. Air Nomad Sister Rioshon by the adventure.
has discovered the plot to ruin the lecture and asks the heroes to Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
see his will done. Zianda’s plot to discredit the Air Nomads is
all his own invention, and involves Firebenders pretending to
be Airbenders, disrupting the symposium with anti-nobility
propaganda, and attacking the nobles there. Zianda hopes this
might even help blow up the political marriage between Zeisan
and Khandro, leader of the Guiding Wind, further casting Air
Nomad influence out of the Fire Nation.
Sister Rioshon of the Air Nation uncovers what is happening
and asks the PCs to warn the princess of the plot as she is unable
to do so herself for personal reasons. As they make their way to
the symposium, they are stopped by Tiger-Monkey, a spy sent
to investigate the Air Nomads by nobility, who suspects the PCs
of working against the Fire Nation. The heroes must escape from
Tiger-Monkey or convince him to let them go. When they arrive
at the symposium, they must unmask the Firebenders and pre-
vent them from causing a chaotic incident that will undermine
the Air Nomads in the eyes of the world.
Brother and Sister
Fire Lord Sozin is working to prove himself a stronger leader
than his father. Unfortunately, the current Fire Lord is a petty
and insecure man. Princess Zeisan is convinced that her broth- Air Nomad Rioshon
er’s insecurities will lead him down a dark path and is attempting and the Mystery Attacks
to disrupt his increasingly brutal actions as much as she possibly Air Nomad Sister Rioshon is in the Fire Nation Capital on the
can. Zeisan follows Air Nomad teachings and is set to marry invitation of Fire Nation nobility to act as a teacher to their chil-
Khandro, the leader of the Guiding Wind, a disruptive faction dren, and to check in on her own people in the city. And so what
of Air Nomads. She believes that if more of the Fire Nation fol- if Princess Zeisan’s wedding is nigh, and Rioshon might have a
lowed the Air Nomad teachings, they would turn away from Fire chance to see the princess, if only from afar? Rioshon regularly
Lord Sozin and his xenophobic fearmongering. tries to convince herself that that is not why she is here.
Fire Lord Sozin is aware that his sister is attempting to Fire Lord Sozin doesn’t trust Rioshon, and has declared her
undermine him and wants to thwart her by discrediting her and a guest of the royal family, assigning her an apartment in Hari
her Air Nomad teachings. Their current conflict started with Bulkan and attaching a retinue of Fire Nation soldiers to keep
arguments and accusations as Sozin interrogated Zeisan’s beliefs, tabs on her. They are there under the guise of being guides and
but it has now escalated to the Fire Lord spreading propa- protectors, but Rioshon knows she is being kept under watch.
ganda around the city concerning the Guiding Wind’s radical Sozin knows that Rioshon was one of Zeisan’s most beloved
ideas. Worried Fire Nation nobles who’ve bought into Sozin’s teachers, but he has only learned hints of the depth of their
propaganda machine have asked an independent investigator, relationship. Rioshon trained Zeisan in chi-blocking, and the
Tiger-Monkey, to find out what the Air Nomads in the city are two also formed a meaningful, deeply personal bond—in fact,
up to and bring them evidence if they’re working against the though neither said so out loud, each was in love with the other.
throne. Tiger-Monkey is a master spy and is now keeping tabs on The two women still have feelings for one another despite the
anyone associated with the Guiding Wind. fact that Zeisan is betrothed to another. Rioshon would never do
anything to disrupt the marriage though; Zeisan has sacrificed
too much to free the Fire Nation from her brother’s grasp, and
Rioshon knows Zeisan would always choose her duty to the
people over her own feelings. Rioshon is pointedly avoiding
direct contact with Princess Zeisan while she’s in the Capital to