Ltd. - Zbrush Monsters (2011)
Ltd. - Zbrush Monsters (2011)
Ltd. - Zbrush Monsters (2011)
Chapter 02 | Subterranean
Page 20 | Marc-Olivier Plouffe
Chapter 03 | Volcano
Page 32 | Jesse Sandifer
Chapter 04 | Aquatic
Page 44 | Olive Titouan
Chapter 05 | Jungle
Page 50 | Jonas Skoog
Chapter 06 | Mountain
Page 60 | Marthin Agusta
Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
Chapter 01 - Sewer
Dwelling / Swamp
Software used: ZBrush
Gather information
and references
In order to create a believable creature you
Creature Design
The bone structure was another crucial thing
When considering the creatures appearance, at
first I thought about crocodiles and turtles, with
maybe a primitive carapace and a head like a
snapping turtles. With this in mind I developed
a sketch in Photoshop after some doodling
with pencil and paper. The design I came
out with was very close to what I had in mind
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Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster ZBrush Monster Character Creation
(Fig.01) but for some reason it appeared too
naturalistic for a monster. It was not easy to
admit that the design, though nice in itself, was
not the right design I wanted for this creature...
so I decided to explore some different designs.
I picked up ZBrush and, with a technique
learned from Neville Page, created a 3D plane
and converted it into a Polymesh. I filled the
plane with a neutral gray and then with just the
RGB for my brush turn on and symmetry active,
I started to sketch on the plane with Polypaint.
At first I tried to not subdivide the plane too
much, just two or three times. This way you
cannot go crazy with details and you pay a lot
more attention to the primary forms, since you
are restricted to the mesh resolution. I came up
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Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
Getting back to my creature, I went on to
use ZBrush for a pure 3D sketch. I started
using ZSpheres to build an armature for my
creature, and then I used zsphere2 to sketch
the masses of the body on top of the armature.
My suggestion here is to use a thin armature,
and use the ZSketch feature to fill the masses
with bigger volumes. Try to use few strokes and
manipulate them to give the look you have in
mind using the Move and Bulge tools.
Once you have the forms roughly in place
convert your ZSketch to a Unified Skin. With this
newly created mesh you can start to develop the
forms as you normally would with the sculpting
toolset that ZBrush offers (Fig.04). I used a
combination of the Move and the new Move
Topological brushes to adjust the silhouette
and the masses, and then with the Clay and
Claytubes brushes I sculpted the mesh (Fig.05).
my final design.
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Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster ZBrush Monster Character Creation
Now I had my base I started to adjust the
features (Fig.07).
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Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
organic looking.
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Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster ZBrush Monster Character Creation
scratch (Fig.11).
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Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
section of Spotlight.
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Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster ZBrush Monster Character Creation
the snakes to see the radiated heat of warmblooded prey, like infrared receptors.
I spent some hours detailing the whole body and
finally my final model was finished (Fig.16).
Before starting the polypainting I exported the
models lowest subdivision layer to Maya and
created some UVs mainly using the Unfold
feature with some relaxing and using the UV
lattice deformer where needed.
With the UV done I started the polypainting,
using salamanders and amphibians as
blood vessels.
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Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
ZBrush (Fig.23).
Ground modeling
To create the ground element I used a 3D plane
converted to a PolyMesh and positioned it under
my creature. Then in the lowest subdivision
layers I adapted its surface to support the
creatures action with the Move and Move
Elastic brushes. Once it was subdivided I
sculpted it with the Clay brush to mimic a mud
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Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster ZBrush Monster Character Creation
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Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
Attribute editor. I played with its settings a bit
and when happy with the look of the grass I
converted all the strokes to polymesh by going
to Modify > Convert > Convert Paint Effect to
Polygon (Fig.27).
The background is half of a cylinder with
the face normals inverted, just to give the
impression of a round concrete surface.
Since I was going for a real environment, trying
to mimic that environment lighting was the key
to creating a realistic mood. Lighting is important
to tie together all the elements of the image.
With fake environment lighting its very difficult
to give the viewer the impression that the
situation portrayed is actually happening.
For this image my idea about whats happening
is that the creature is emerging from the
darkness of the underground, maybe to find
some food or just for curiosity. It is slowly
approaching the land above, where the
underground tunnel comes from.
Generally speaking, viewers eyes are attracted
more to the light than to the dark, and the same
could be said for warm and cold colors. For
this reason I created a Spotlight with a warm
orange-ish color facing the creature to serve as
my main light. I then created a second Spotlight
positioned to the right, a little higher than the
camera, to be my fill light and represent a sort
of environment lighting or bounced light coming
from the environment. Both the spotlights have
the Decay rate set to Linear to give a gradual
falloff on their intensity. Behind the creature
I placed a direct light to create my rim light.
This helps a lot to enforce the silhouette of
the creature and to make it stand out from the
background. To create an overall dramatic mood
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Chapter 01
Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster ZBrush Monster Character Creation
For the creature I used the mental ray Misss_
fast_skin shader. It can seem a bit tricky to set
up but the key to mastering this shader is to split
its setup into several steps.
To precisely set up the SSS componant I set the
Diffuse weight and the Specularity overall weight
to 0. Then I started from the Backscatter Layer
and turned the Epidermal and Subdermal Layer
weights to 0.
You then basically have two parameters to
set. One is Weight, which can be seen as the
intensity, and Radius (and Depth that I usually
set at the same value of the Radius), which is
how far the light penetrates into the skin.
I then did a test render to see how the shader
looked with the default values. I wanted the
Intensity to be very evident, so I set the Radius
in such a way that if the Intensity value was too
low it would be easy to understand how much
it would change if I turned it up a bit. Then
I started tweaking the Radius and Intensity
values. If the Radius or Intensity are too strong
then you can halve their values and do a render
and so on until you get the settings you feel are
right for the kind of skin youre going for.
Once the Backscatter is ok, I usually write the
Intensity value in a notepad to remember the
setting and then turn it to 0 so it has no effect
and move on to the next layer, the Subdermal.
Its difficult to say how the Subdermal layer
should look. My idea is that this is a deep layer
that should soften the shadowed area, but not
be too intense. I used the same process for the
Backscatter layer and once done copied the
weight value on the notepad and turn it to 0.
skin (Fig.29).
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Chapter 01
ZBrush Monster Character Creation Chapter 01: Sewer Dwelling / Swamp Monster
For the ground I used a simple Phong shader.
set the near and far clip plane just as they were
a bit.
the image.
component (Fig.31).
character (Fig.33).
page 17
Chapter 01
Federico Scarbini
For more from this artist visit:
Or contact:
[email protected]
Chapter 02
Hey there, my names Marco and heres the
tutorial on how I modelled the Land Shrimp
subterranean monster. I decided to make it in
ZBrush from start to finish, in order to show
that ZBrush 4 now has a lot of new cool tools
to assist you through the complete workflow of
character modeling, from making base meshes
to final renders.
There is a lot to say about digital sculpting but
this tutorial will focus on the basic tools and the
complete workflow in ZBrush.
1. Conceptualization
The best way to achieve impressive and catchy
results is through good references. It is possible
to accomplish great things from nothing, but
people seem to react better to things they can
relate too. This means that if you inspire yourself
from existing images, and build an original
model from a good starting point you most
probably will end up with a good response. Also
Character Background
its look.
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Chapter 02
2. Modeling
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Chapter 02
(Fig.07a 7b).
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Chapter 02
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Chapter 02
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Chapter 02
3. Materials and
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Chapter 02
4. Transpose and
Transpose: Part 1
Since I made some sketches, I knew what kind
of movement and flow I wanted for his pose and
what shot I wanted for my main beauty shot.
To save the camera angle, I opened the
Zapplink submenu in the Document menu and
clicked on the Cust1 or Cust2 button. Dont
forget to save the views to file here! I used
Transpose Master to create a low poly version
of the model in order to pose him using the
Action line tools (W, E and R button on the
keyboard). This is the part where youll notice
if your subtools have a respectable amount of
polys in their lowest subdiv level! You dont need
to finish the pose at this point: wait to have the
terrain nailed down first.
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Chapter 02
you get the look just right. If you feel like your
Transpose: Part 2
When the terrain was done, I finished the pose: I
Render settings
real-time canvas.
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Chapter 02
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Chapter 02
Marc-Olivier Plouffe
For more from this artist visit:
Or contact:
[email protected]
Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
base level and hide all the faces but the ones
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
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Chapter 03
Jesse Sandifer
For more from this artist visit:
Or contact them at:
[email protected]
page 42
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
crocodiles in them.
totally clean.
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Chapter 04
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Chapter 04
the canvas.
on the canvas.
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Chapter 04
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Chapter 04
Olive Titouan
For more from this artist visit:
Or contact them at:
[email protected]
Chapter 05
Hi, my name is Jonas Skoog (energise) and
here is my tutorial on how I created a jungle
monster. I aimed for a beautiful image displaying
something creepy. ZBrush was used for almost
everything in this image, except for some stuff
in Maya and Photoshop. I hope to give you a
better understanding of my workflow and ideas
around creating a character. Happy reading!
The first thing I did after getting this assignment
stick on paper!
- Poison stinger
cannot fly
to the sculpting!
ZSpheres & Silhouette
To kick off the sculpting I went straight to
ZBrush using the ZSpheres. I am not superskilled in using them, but they get the job
done and they do it fast. Within a few minutes
you have a decent mesh ready to be turned
into a masterpiece. Creating something with
ZSpheres is very straightforward. Create the
first sphere symbolizing the pelvic area, activate
Symmetry from the Transform menu and just
start extruding limbs. Make sure you preview the
adaptive skin once in a while by pressing the A
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Chapter 05
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Chapter 05
weird results.
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Chapter 05
Fine Details
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Chapter 05
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Chapter 05
While posing my monster I wanted it caught
in the moment when climbing over the stone
statue. To achieve this I used the Transpose
tools within ZBrush. This allows you to add
temporary joints to parts you wish to pose
(Fig10). Let us say I wanted my monster to
bend his elbow a little. I would then mask
everything on the body except for the area
below the elbow and blur the mask for a
smooth deformation. Next I would hit R on the
keyboard to switch to the Transpose tool for
rotation and draw out a joint from the center of
the elbow all the way down to the hand. By then
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Chapter 05
Render Passes
in comparison.
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Chapter 05
I would like to thank 3DTotal for the opportunity
to write this tutorial. I had a blast doing it, even
though the time limit of 20 days was a little
stressful (being an artist, it was the writing part
that took up most of the time!). I hope you have
enjoyed it as much as I did creating it and if you
have any questions, do not hesitate to send me
an e-mail.
You can also visit my website for more art and
tutorials. Thanks!
Jonas Skoog
For more from this artist visit:
Or contact them at:
[email protected]
Chapter 06
Creatures and monsters are always interesting
to build in 3D. For this tutorial, I will show you
my workflow from concept through to sculpting
and texturing a character using ZBrush.
The theme given for this tutorial is a mountain
monster. After doing some research, I decided
to create a mountain troll, simply because I
thought it would be interesting to design and it
fitted well into the mountain environment.
So first of all, we have to determine the
personality of this troll. I want my troll to be big
and strong, but also friendly and maybe a bit
stupid. He might wear a very simple outfit, like
an animal skin or fur, but it should be minimal
since he is living in the wild.
I made a couple of sketches for this creature,
but heres the one that seemed to work with
the description above. As you can see I initially
wanted to give him a weapon to hunt with like
bat or stone axe, but I later dumped this idea
because I dont want to make him look violent,
which is contrary to his personality description.
Although this concept is rough and far from
finished, it gives us a good picture of what were
going to sculpt later in ZBrush (Fig.01).
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Chapter 06
mirror axis.
head) invisible.
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Chapter 06
shape (Fig.10).
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Chapter 06
with later.
the painting.
active subtool.
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Chapter 06
Marthin Agusta
For more from this artist visit:
page 65
Chapter 06
The aim of this 198 page eBook is to provide both an efficient and methodical approach to creating characters
that can encompass both organic and mechanical components and equip artists with the knowledge to learn
techniques used by industry professionals. The series provides an in depth account of creating a character from
the concept and base mesh stages through to the final detailing and high poly sculpt. It will as its subject adopt
the theme of an alien humanoid in battle dress, partly clad in armor and carrying weapons.
Original Author: Ltd | Platform: ZBrush | Format: DOWNLOAD ONLY PDF | Pages: 198
This five part series will focus on the topic of setting up a variety of lighting rigs that reflect natural lighting at
different times of the day and manmade interior lighting. Each of the chapters will use the same base scene as
a starting point, and will show a step by step guide to finding a lighting and rendering solution that best reflects
the desired lighting situation. The tutorials will explain the type of lights used and how to set up the parameters
along with talking about the different methods of tackling the subject. The manipulation of textures may also be
covered in order to turn a daylight scene into night scene for example.
Original Author: Ltd | Original Scene by: Viktor Fretyn | Format: DOWNLOAD ONLY PDF
Using 3ds Max and Photoshop this eBook teaches you how to create a fantasy scene inspired by real world
architecture, and how to correctly and effectively use reference photos of your chosen source of inspiration to
get stunning effects quickly and easily.
This eBook provides and instructs a great system to creating 3DStills in the quickest way whilst still getting great
Original Author: Ltd | Platform: Suitable for all 3D software | Format: DOWNLOAD ONLY PDF
The aim of this eBook is to show and explain how you might tackle rigging your 3D character for animation. The
six chapters within this eBook will give help and advice to novices and experts who are looking to build on their
rigging skills or approach rigging for the first time. The series gives a detailed step by step guide as to how to
approach rigging but also shows us how to tackle common problems and issues that regularly occur even in a
professional environment. The artists will be reflecting on working in the industry as well as talking us through
their individual approaches to creating the best rigs possible.
Original Author: Ltd | Platform: 3dsmax and Maya | Format: DOWNLOAD ONLY PDF
This e-book provides a detailed account of building, texturing and lighting the interior of a Gothic Church based
upon a concept painting. The ebook is available in five different platforms. Chapter two however is dedicated to
creating a gargoyle in Zbrush the focal point in our scene. Here the author will start by creating a rough body
form using ZSpheres and move through the numerous sculpting phases and modeling the details for each part
of the character, highlighting the various brushes and tools used throughout.
Original Author: Ltd | Platforms: 3ds max, Cinema 4d, LightWave, Maya and Modo.
Format: DOWNLOAD ONLY PDF | Pages: 47+
Manimal is a Zbrush tutorial series divided into six parts, covering nearly 70 pages and addressing the process
of transforming a generic base mesh into an original creature design. The notion behind the series assumes
the task of genetically splicing a human being with a different animal class and sculpting the resultant character.
Each of the tutorials adopts a different animal class as its theme and walks through the stages of developing
a concept and sculpting the overall proportions through to the individual features and particular anatomical
Original Author: Ltd | Platform: ZBrush | Format: DOWNLOAD ONLY PDF | Pages: 067