Third Year PG
Department of Community Medicine
1.Carefully observe the given photograph and answer the following
1. Identify the disease.
2. Name the causative organism of the disease.
3. Name any one common complication of this disease.
4. What is the ideal age for vaccination of children for this
1. Chickenpox (Varicella).
4. One year.
2. Carefully observe the given photograph and answer the
following questions:
3. Fluoroquinolones/Cephalosporins.
1. Scrub typhus.
2. Rickettsia tsutsugamushi.
4. Doxycycline / Tetracycline.
6. Mr. Ashok is a company executive. His height is 160 cm and his weight is 80 kg. He
is conscious of his physical fitness.
1. What is the most likely diagnosis?
2. Which vitamin is most likely deficient?
3. How this nutritional deficiency disorder can be prevented in the community?
1. Pellagra.
3. Prevention of pellagra:
2. 3-4 mg/day.
3. Interventions:
a. Changing the water source with lower fluoride content (0.5 to 0.8mg/dl).
2.Complications may include bone fractures, muscle spasms, an abnormally curved spine, or
intellectual disability.
3. Prevention:
c. Vitamin D Supplementation.
11. Carefully observe the given photograph and answer the
following questions:
1. Pre-eclampsia.
3. Hydralazine, labetalol and nifedipine are the recommended first-line treatments for
severe hypertension in pregnancy.
13. Carefully observe the given graph and answer the following
Developing Country Developed Country
3. Developing country has high birth rate & high death rate where as in the developed
country both are low. Hence, the percentage of younger population will be more in
developing country and elderly population will be more in developed country.
14. Mrs. Kamala, 24/F, Primi has been admitted with labour pain. She gave
birth to a live female term baby. The baby cried soon after birth (Weight: 2.7
2. Write the four immediate measures to be done for caring a normal newborn baby.
1. Birth weight is normal (>2.5 kgs).
2. Continue usual diet. Give plenty of home available fluid. Give Oral rehydration salt
solution (ORS).
3. Reduced
Trisodium citrate,
dihydrate 2.9 Potassium 20
Citrate 10
Total Osmolarity 245
16. Mid-day meal program was implemented in a primary school consisting
of 120 children. 12 to 24 hours after eating the meal, many children had
fever, nausea, vomiting and watery diarrhoea. The meal menu consisted of
rice, sambar and boiled eggs, some of which smelt and tasted differently.
3. What is the drug (antibiotic) used to treat this disease under IMNCI?
1.Acute respiratory infection.
2. Commonest organisms:
a) Pneumonia
b) Haemophilus influenza
c) Streptococcus pneumoniae
3. Cotrimoxazole.
18. In a rural area near Kanchipuram it’s found that there was a high
prevalence of microcytic hypochromic anaemia among the farmers. Most
of them had Hb levels less than 9 mg% and had common complaints of
abdomen pain.
2. 12 months.
2. 6 months.
1. Epidemiological triad.
2. Host: Man
1.What is the provided growth
2. Mention 2 characteristics of the
growth pattern to support your
1. Normal growth.
2. The growth curve indicates that the child's growth pattern is normal
starting from normal birth weight and by showing that the curve is going
between and parallel to the 5th and 95th percentile curves.
25. A 58-year-old man presented at a clinic with a long history of
haemoptysis. The diagnosis was advanced pulmonary tuberculosis.
Immediately after admission, the patient had an acute and massive
pulmonary haemorrhage and died 10 hours later. Write the patient's
cause of death, Approx interval between onset and death?
a) Pulmonary haemorrhage – 10 hours
c) Nil
1. What do you see in this image?
2. What are its types?
3. Where it is used and why?
4. Give inference on the given image.
2.There are four different types of VVMs for different vaccines depending on
their heat stability. VVM 30, VVM14, VVM 7 and VVM2.
3. VVMs are small indicators that adhere to vaccine vials and change colour as
the vaccine is exposed to cumulative heat, letting health workers know whether
the vaccine has exceeded a pre-set limit beyond which the vaccine should not be
O/E: Inspection showed a swelling of size 16x12cms; moves up with deglutition and lower border of
swelling could be made out.
Palpation showed a soft globular swelling measuring 16x12cms with smooth surface was found
involving both lobes of the thyroid gland.
Clinical &X-ray
1. Spot the diagnosis.
2. What is the cause?
3. Mention the preventive measures.
O/E: The child was conscious but irritable, had puffy face, sparse hair, flag sign was present
and skin showed flaky paint dermatosis. He had severe pallor and bilateral pitting pedal
oedema. His height and weight were less than expected for his age. Abdomen palpation
revealed enlarged, soft and palpable liver.
3. What is the infection based on the above mentioned symptoms and the
causative organism?
1. Investigation of an epidemic using the spot map.
2. This outbreak, which killed 616 people, is best known for the physician John
Snow's study of its causes and his hypothesis that germ-contaminated water was the
source of infection.
2. Measles is an airborne disease which spreads easily through the coughs and sneezes of
infected people but it can also be spread through direct contact with mouth or nasal
3. Small white spots known as Koplik's spots may form inside the mouth two or three days
after the start of symptoms.
4. Common complications include diarrhea (in 8% of cases), middle ear infection (7%), and
pneumonia (6%). These occur in part due to measles-induced immunosuppression.
32. A 11-year-old girl was admitted with chief complaints of fever for past 10 days and
swelling of both parotid glands for past 7 days. Pain and stiffness on opening the mouth.
O/E: Bilateral swelling of parotid glands which is tender on palpation. Both eyes are
congested and watering. Hoarseness of voice present and temperature is 103°F. Tongue
coated and dry. Abdomen is distended and tender on deep palpation. Spleen is just
palpable. Liver is not palpable. She is not taking oral foods. Lungs - clear; Heart –
Normal; Pulse rate: 120/min volume and tension moderate.
1. What is your diagnosis and mention
its causative organism?
2. How is it transmitted?
3. When does the symptoms resolve?
4. What are the common
1. Mumps is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus.
2. The virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with an
infected person.
3. Symptoms typically occur 16 to 18 days after exposure and resolve after
7 to 10 days.
4. Complications may include orchitis, pancreatitis, meningo-encephalitis,
thyroiditis, neuritis, hepatitis and myocarditis.
33. A 42-year old male Mr.Kumar, driver by occupation, presented with chief complaints of
ulceration on the skin over the genitals which was painless. On taking a detailed history,
patient says he had sexual contact with multiple partners.
O/E: Ulcer was present on the shaft of the penis and its base was indurated. His investigation
showed positive VDRL test.
1.What is your inference based on the above
2. Mention its causative organism.
3. How will you prevent & treat this condition?
1. Scabies.
3. Scabies are prevented by avoiding direct skin-to-skin contact with an infested person
or with items such as clothing or bedding used by an infested person. Scabies treatment
usually is recommended for members of the same household, particularly for those who
have had prolonged skin-to-skin contact. Both oral and topical agents can be used.
Ivermectin, Permethrin cream 5% & Benzyl benzoate 25% can be used for treatment.
35. A 67-year-old male, Mr. Kumar, who is a security worker in the shopping
mall, presented to O.P. with a H/O nonhealing ulcer in the foot for the past
one year. He is a known case of diabetes for 20 years and hypertensive for 8
years. O/E: An ulcer of size 18x14 cm on the left foot. Investigations: Fasting
sugar level: 350mg/dl, Postprandial sugar level: 470mg/dl
1. What is your inference from the above-
given condition?
2. How will you treat this condition?
3. Mention the other complications of the
1. Diabetic foot ulcer is a major complication of diabetes mellitus and probably
the major component of the diabetic foot.
2. Treatment of diabetic foot ulcers should include: Blood sugar control, removal
of dead tissue from the wound, wound dressings, and removing pressure from the
wound through techniques such as total contact casting and surgery in some cases
may improve outcomes.
2. Early symptoms of deficiency include weakness, feeling tired, and sore arms & legs.
Without treatment, it leads to decreased red blood cells, gum disease, changes to hair, and
bleeding from the skin may occur. As scurvy worsens there can be poor wound healing,
personality changes, and finally death from infection or bleeding.
1. Iron-deficiency anemia.
3. Weekly, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet. Each tablet contains 60 mg elemental Iron +
500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated and red-color.
38. A 35-year old male patient presented to OPD with the C/O fever, vomiting and
pain in the right side of the abdomen. He gave a H/O eating outside foods in the last 2
O/E: Patient had yellowish discoloration of eye
Investigation: Serum bilirubin - 5.3mg/dl
3. Improved sanitation, food safety, and immunization are the most effective ways to
combat hepatitis A.
• Personal hygiene practices such as regular handwashing before meals and after going to
the bathroom.
39. A 28-year-old male came with the complaint of fever for the past 3 days. The fever
was high grade, intermittent, which was associated with chills and rigor.
O/E: Anaemia was present with enlargement of spleen (splenomegaly)
2. It is caused by the Plasmodium parasite. The disease is most commonly spread by an infected
female Anopheles mosquito.
40. A 52-year-old male patient, Mr. Murugan came with chief complaints of breathlessness, chest
pain, and cough with hemoptysis for the past 5 months. Expectoration was purulent in the
beginning and changed to blood-stained sputum in the past 2 weeks.
Gives h/o evening rise of temperature, night sweats, loss of weight and loss of appetite. There is h/o
contact with tuberculosis cases at work place. He is a smoker for the past 20 years. O/E: Patient is thin
built and pale, trachea is shifted to the right, percussion note is impaired in the right infraclavicular
area and mammary area, Bronchial breath sounds are heard. Vocal resonance increased and crackles
were heard.
Investigations: Sputum smear is done
1. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient and
causative organism?
2. What is seen in the sputum smear and what staining
method is this?
1. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease usually caused by Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria.
2. Conventional smear microscopy with the Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain is a rapid and
practical method for detecting acid-fast bacilli (AFB).
3. Isoniazid (INH), Rifampin (RIF), Ethambutol (EMB), and Pyrazinamide (PZA)
are considered first-line anti-TB drugs.
4. The cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test (CBNAAT) assay is a real-
time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cartridge-based assay for the simultaneous
detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and rifampicin resistance from
biological specimen samples within two hours.
41. A 30-year-old male from Kumbakonam, came to O.P. with the chief complaints of progressive
swelling in the left leg for the past one year. His socio-economic status is class 4, living in a kutcha
house, with a breeding place for mosquitoes around his house. He gives a past history of fever,
pain, tenderness, and erythema in the left leg, The episodes last for a few days but recur several
times in a year.
O/E: Nonpitting edema, enlarged regional lymph nodes. Coarsening, corrugation, and Assuring
of the skin. Investigation: Microfilaria in peripheral blood at night and ELISA shows antibodies.
1. What do you infer from the above findings? Clinical picture of the patient
2. Mention the causative organism.
3. What is the treatment of choice?
4. What are the other types of filariasis?
1. The patient is suffering from lymphatic filariasis.
1. What is the inference on the above-
given scenario?
2. How does it spread?
3. What is AFP?
1. The child is affected by Polio, also called poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis, is an
infectious disease caused by the poliovirus.
2. Poliovirus is usually spread from person to person through infected fecal matter entering
the mouth. It may also be spread by food or water containing human feces and less
commonly from infected saliva.
3. AFP stands for Acute Flaccid Paralysis, which is a sudden onset of paralysis or weakness
in one or more limbs, often accompanied by fever or respiratory illness. AFP is an important
indicator for monitoring the status of polio eradication efforts because it is one of the most
common symptoms of polio infection.
4. VAPP stands for Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Polio, which is a rare but serious adverse
event associated with the administration of oral polio vaccine (OPV).
43. A 4-year-old boy was brought by his mother with complaints of fever, sore throat,
and difficulty in swallowing.
O/E: The boy was febrile, had erythema and a localized membrane was seen on the
posterior pharynx.
Investigation: Smear shows the presence of gram-positive bacteria.