Cardiac Anatomy
Cardiac Anatomy
Cardiac Anatomy
Learning Objectives
• Understand Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
• Pathophysiology And Physical Manifestations Of:-
▪ Atherosclerotic disease (IHD, stroke, PVD)
▪ Heart rhythm and conduction disorders (tachy/brady arrhythmia, conduction
▪ Structural abnormalities of the heart (grown up congenital heart disease
GUCH, valve disease)
▪ Heart muscle disorders (infective, inflammatory, acute and chronic heart
failure, cardiogenic shock)
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
• The circulatory system is also called the cardiovascular system where cardio
refers to the heart and vascular refers to the blood vessels.
• Heart: pumps blood.
• Blood vessels: carry blood to the body and return it back to the heart again.
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
Anatomical position:
The heart lies in the mediastinum (middle region of the thorax)
▪ Between puberty and 25 years: the heart attains its adult shape and weight (310g for
male, 225g for female)
▪ In adult: the shape of the heart tend to resemble that of the chest (In tall individuals it tends
to be elongated, in stocky individuals it has greater width)
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
Coverings of the heart:
The heart is covered by a special covering, called: pericardium
Stimulate the contraction of the heart muscles. Compression of the heart cavities and the blood
within them, with great force
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
Structure of the heart:
1. Blood storage
2. Atrial walls contain stretch receptors
that monitor the change in atrial pressure
and initiate several regulatory
cardiovascular reflexes
3. Certain atria cells secrete Atrial
natriuretic peptide (favoring Na+ and
water by the kidney)
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
Pumping chambers
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
▪ They allow the blood to flow from atria to ventricles and prevent it
from flowing back up from the ventricle to atria.
They are pocket like flaps extending from the lining of the
pulmonary artery and aorta (Pulmonary valve& Aortic valve)
They prevent the flow back of the blood into the ventricles
from the pulmonary artery and aorta
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
The ventricles receive blood from branches of right and left coronary arteries
The atria receive blood from small branch of corresponding coronary artery
The most abundant blood goes to the myocardium of the left ventricles as the left
ventricle does the most work and so needs oxygen and nutrients
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
▪ The veins follow a course closely parallel to the course of the coronary arteries.
▪ After going through cardiac veins, the blood enters the coronary sinus to drain into
right atrium
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
re ctly
Coronary Sinus Right Atrium
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
• Blood Supply To The Heart:
Coronary Circulation
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
A. Metabolic Factors:
B. Mechanical Factors:
C. Neural Factors:
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
A. Metabolic Factors:
B. Mechanical Factors:
C. Neural Factors:
If one fiber is stimulated the entire myocardial unit contract
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
▪ It is the ability of the cardiac muscle to transmit action potential from one fiber to the adjacent
Heart Anatomy and Pathophysiology
1. Arteries:
2. Capillaries:
3. Veins:
Blood Vessels
Types of blood vessels:
1. Arteries:
A) Elastic arteries : aorta
B) Muscular arteries: brachial, gastric
C) Arterioles "resistance vessels”
D) Met arterioles "Connecting vessels"
Blood Vessels
Types of blood vessels:
2. Capillaries:
A) Continuous capillaries
B) Fenestrated capillaries
C) Sinusoid
Blood Vessels
Types of blood vessels:
3. Veins:
A) Veins
B) Venules
C) Venous sinus
Structure of blood vessels
Arteries Veins
Carry blood away from the heart and toward carry blood away from the capillaries and toward
capillaries the heart
Thick tunica media (elastic fibers) Thin tunica media (elastic fibers)
Thin tunica externa (connective tissue) Thick tunica externa (connective tissue)
No valves Have valves to prevent pooling of blood in the
Largest vessel is the aorta Have valves to prevent pooling of blood in the
Major Blood Vessels
Circulatory routes:
The circulation means the blood flow through vessels arranged to form
a circuit.
I. Systemic circulation
II. Pulmonary circulation
III. Hepatic Portal Circulation
IV. Fetal Circulation
Major Blood Vessels
I. Systemic circulation
It conducts the blood flow from the heart (left ventricle) to all parts of the body
and back again to the heart (right atrium)
Ascending aorta Arteries to tissues and organs of the body🡪 Arterioles🡪 Capillaries
(exchange of substances occurs between the blood and cells)🡪Blood flow out from
each organ by veinules🡪 Veins🡪 Inferior superior vena cava🡪 Right atrium🡪 To start
Systemic circulation
Major Blood Vessels
II. Pulmonary circulation:
The venous blood moves from the right atrium to The right ventricle
Pulmonary artery 🡪Lung arterioles 🡪Lung capillaries 🡪Exchange of gases
Major Blood Vessels
III. Hepatic Portal Circulation
Veins from spleen, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, and intestine pour their blood
into hepatic portal vein to the liver where blood mingles with arterial blood in the
capillaries and is eventually drained from the liver by hepatic veins that join inferior
vena cava.
Major Blood Vessels
III. Hepatic Portal Circulation
Advantages to detouring blood to the liver
1- Removing excess glucose from the blood and storing it in the form of
glycogen(thus blood returning to heart carries moderate level of glucose )
• The circulation is the only means by which cells can receive materials needed for
the survival and can have their wastes removed
• The greater the activities of any part of the body, the greater the volume of blood
circulating through it.
• The blood must be shifted from less active tissues to more active tissues
The Heart as A pump
• The four chambers of the heart and their valves make up two pumps:
The left pump (left side of the heart)
The right pump (right side of the heart)
▪High pressure system
Left ventricle
Systemic arterial system
▪Low pressure system
Systemic veins
Pulmonary vessels
Heart chambers other than left ventricle
Conduction System
• Conduction system of the heart is formed of:
1. Sino atrial (SA) node
2. Atrioventricular (AV)node
3. AV bundle (bundle of Hiss)
4. Subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers)
Electrical Passway
• ECG Waves
1. P waves represent
depolarization of the atria
2. QRS complex represent the
depolarization of the
ventricles, and the
repolarization of the atria
3. T waves reflects the
repolarization of the
Cardiac Cycle
▪ The first, or systolic, (long and low) sound is caused primarily by contraction of
ventricles and closing of AV valve
▪ The second, or diastolic, (short and sharp) sound is caused by the closure of semi
lunar valve
Primary principle of circulation
▪ Blood circulates for the same reason that any fluid flows:
Cardiovascular system
Cardiac Output
• It is the amount of flow that flows out of the heart per unit of time
The resting cardiac output to systemic arteries is 5000ml/min
Stroke volume (SV)
It is the volume of blood pumped out of the ventricle by each beat
Heart rate (HR)
It is the number of beats per minute
1- Nervous Factors
2- Chemical factors
3- Direct effect on SA node
Cardiac Output
▪Factor affecting Heart Rate
1- Nervous Factors
A- Supra spinal factors:
B- Reflexes initiated from CVS
1- Marey's reflex
2- Bainbridge reflex
3- Reflex from left ventricle
2- Chemical factors
A. Changes in arterial blood gases
1. Oxygen lack HR
2. CO2 ,H+ excess
1) Respiratory pump
• Inspiration increases the
pressure gradient between
peripheral and central veins
• This is done by decreasing
central venous pressure&
increasing peripheral venous
Venous Return to the Heart
Venous Pump
2) Skeletal muscle pump
• It promotes venous return by
squeezing veins through a
contracting muscle squeezing
the blood toward the heart