Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
An Overview
● Machine Learning is a subset of AI that focuses on developing
algorithms capable of learning from data without being explicitly
PAC Model and Generalization Bias-Variance Decomposition Time Complexity and Feasibility
Computational learning theory, The bias-variance decomposition in Learning theorists evaluate time
particularly the PAC model, assesses learning theory highlights the complexity and the feasibility of
machine learning algorithms and their importance of matching hypothesis learning, determining if computation
performance with probabilistic bounds. complexity to data underlying function can be done in polynomial time and
for optimal performance. the efficiency of learning certain
Models and Types of Machine Learning Models
Pros Cons
✓ Easily Identifies Trends: Machine learning can sift through ✕ High Error Susceptibility: Errors in machine learning can cause
large amounts of data to spot patterns humans might miss, problems, especially since machines work independently.
making it great for tasks like data mining. Detecting and fixing errors can be time-consuming and
✓ Improves Over Time: With more data, machine learning
gets better at making decisions or predictions. For example, ✕ Takes Time to Bring Results: Machine learning needs time and
weather forecasts become more accurate with more resources to develop properly. Handling huge amounts of data
historical data. requires computing power, which can be costly.
✓ Adapts Without Human Intervention: Machine learning can ✕ Lack of Transparency: Machine learning models can sometimes
adapt quickly to new situations without needing human operate like "black boxes," meaning it's hard to understand how
input. This is particularly useful in security software, where they make decisions. This lack of transparency can be a
it can respond rapidly to emerging threats. challenge for users trying to understand or audit the system.
1. Artificial Neural Networks
In the finance sector, machine learning is applied for financial market analysis,
credit card fraud detection, and insurance risk assessment. For instance,
algorithms analyze transaction data to identify fraudulent activities or predict
stock prices.
Machine learning techniques are used in NLP for sentiment analysis, text
summarization, and machine translation. For example, NLP algorithms power
virtual assistants like Siri or Google Assistant to understand and respond to
spoken language.
Computer vision enables machines to detect objects, faces, and drive
autonomously. For example, in self-driving cars, it detects pedestrians and
Machine learning programs may Some machine learning algorithms Machine learning systems can
struggle due to lack of suitable function as 'black boxes,' perpetuate biases existing in their
data, data bias, privacy issues, complicating the understanding of training data, resulting in
poorly chosen tasks and their decision-making process. This discriminatory outcomes. Biases
algorithms, and insufficient opacity is particularly concerning in have been observed in language
resources for evaluation. critical applications like self-driving models and image recognition
cars and healthcare. algorithms against certain
demographic groups.
Limitations to Machine Learning