MLT Lecture
MLT Lecture
MLT Lecture
(KCS 055)
INTRODUCTION – Learning, Types of Learning, Well defined learning
problems, Designing a Learning System, History of ML, Introduction of
Machine Learning Approaches – (Artificial Neural Network, Clustering,
Reinforcement Learning, Decision Tree Learning, Bayesian networks,
Support Vector Machine, Genetic Algorithm), Issues in Machine
Learning and Data Science Vs Machine Learning;
4. Data Privacy:
Handling and storing sensitive data for training models can pose privacy risks.
Techniques like differential privacy and federated learning aim to mitigate these
5. Lack of Transparency:
The inner workings of some machine learning algorithms are complex and not
well-understood by the general public. Lack of transparency can lead to mistrust
and misconceptions about AI.
Pragya Gupta, JSS academy of technical education, Noida
Issues in Machine learning
6. Robustness and Reliability:
•Models can perform well under normal conditions but fail when faced with
unexpected inputs or adversarial scenarios. Ensuring the robustness and reliability
of models is an ongoing challenge.
8. Environmental Impact:
•Training large deep learning models requires substantial computational resources,
contributing to the carbon footprint of AI research and applications.
Definition and • Data science is a broader field that • Machine learning is a subset of data
scope encompasses various aspects of data, science that focuses specifically on
including data collection, cleaning, the development of algorithms that
exploration, visualization, analysis, can learn patterns and make
and interpretation. predictions from data.
Objective • The primary goal of data science is to • The primary goal of machine learning
extract knowledge and insights from is to build predictive models that can
data to support decision-making and make accurate predictions or
solve complex problems. decisions without explicit
• Machine learning algorithms aim to
find patterns and relationships in data
that can be used for future
Skills • Data scientists require a diverse skill • Machine learning engineers and
set, including proficiency in statistics, practitioners need strong programming
data wrangling, data visualization, skills, knowledge of various machine
domain knowledge, and business learning algorithms, and expertise in
acumen. model evaluation and optimization.
• They may use various tools and • They often work with libraries and
programming languages like Python, frameworks like TensorFlow, scikit-
SQL, and data visualization libraries learn, and PyTorch.
Applications • Data science is applied in a wide range • Machine learning is used for tasks like
of domains, including business image and speech recognition, natural
analytics, finance, healthcare, language processing, recommendation
marketing, and social sciences. systems, autonomous vehicles, and
• It's used for tasks like customer anomaly detection.
segmentation, fraud detection, demand
forecasting, and recommendation
Pragya Gupta, JSS academy of technical education, Noida
Data Science Vs Machine Learning
Parameters Data Science Machine Learning
Real life • Example: Netflix uses Data Science • Example: Facebook uses Machine
Example technology. Learning technology.
Basic Concepts:
1. Neurons (Artificial Neurons):
1. The fundamental building blocks of neural networks are artificial neurons,
also known as perceptron's or nodes.
2. Each neuron processes input data, performs a weighted sum of inputs, applies
an activation function, and produces an output.
2. Layers:
1. Neurons are organized into layers within a neural network.
2. The input layer receives raw data, while one or more hidden layers process
information, and the output layer produces the final predictions or outputs.
3. Networks with one or more hidden layers are referred to as "deep" neural
2.Activation Functions:
•Activation functions introduce non-linearity into the model, allowing neural
networks to learn complex relationships in data.
•Common activation functions include ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), Sigmoid
4. Backpropagation:
•Backpropagation is the process of computing gradients of the loss with respect to
the model's parameters (weights and biases) and using these gradients to update the
parameters via optimization algorithms like gradient descent.
•This iterative process helps the network learn and improve its predictions.
Introduction to Clustering:
Data points within the same cluster should be more similar to each other than to those in different clusters.
REGRESSION: Linear Regression and Logistic Regression
BAYESIAN LEARNING - Bayes theorem, Concept learning, Bayes Optimal
Classifier, Naïve Bayes classifier, Bayesian belief networks, EM algorithm.
SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE: Introduction, Types of support vector kernel –
(Linear kernel, polynomial kernel, and Gaussian kernel), Hyperplane – (Decision
surface), Properties of SVM, and Issues in SVM.