Posh Act Pbis

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Prevention of Sexual

Harassment of Women at
Workplace (POsH)
Special committee for redressing of the sexual
Harassment of women at work Place.
( Internal Complaint Committee)
Sr Name Designati Contact E- mail Id
No on

1 Mrs- Rashmi President 7744916000 rashmi.poddarbrio@gmai

Singh l.com

2 Mrs- Philomina Member 9029860991 philomeenadsouza@podd

Dsouza arbrioschool.com
3 Mr- Anthony Member 9220568966 srviceprincipal@poddarbr
Dsouza ioschool.com
4 Mrs- Priti Mishra Member 8329622057 counsellor@poddarbriosc
5 Mr- Sachin Member 91304 70066 sachinkarangale@poddar
Karangle brioschool.com
6 Mrs- Neetu Member 7030965389 neetusharma@poddarbri
Sharma oschool.com
7 Mrs- Pritam Member 9682848484 pritamwalung@poddarbri
Walunj oschool.com
How Common is Sexual
Harassment at Workplace?

52% Women experience Sexual

Harassment at Workplace;
25% touched without invitation;
20% experienced sexual advances;
Why Don’t women
1 out of 5 do report it;
80% thinks outcome is poor;
16% said that the situation worsened
after they reported;
What is Sexual
 ANY UNWELCOME ACT or behavior which is
SEXUAL in nature.
 A SUBJECTIVE experience .
 IMPACT ( Physiological or psychological)not the
Intent that matters.
 Prevention
 Perception
Sexual Harassment
• Stalking
• Physical contact

• Abusive Sounds • Vulgar/indecent

jokes, phone calls,
• Making sexually text massages, e-
colored remarks mails,
• Physical confinement
• Using sexually
or touches against
abusive language or
the will and likely to
signs in the
intrude upon one’s
presence of woman
privacy; or

• Showing • Demand or request

pornography or the for sexual favours;
Sexual Harassment
 Implied or explicit promise of PREFERENTIAL
TREATMENT in her employment; or
 Implied or explicit THREATENING TREATMENT in her
employment; or
 Implied or explicit THREAT ABOUT PRESENT AND
 Interference with her work
 Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or
Physical Touch


What is at stake?

 Brand value – Negative Publicity of our school;

 Decreased Morale and decreased efficiency of
 Loss of money for non-compliance of provisions
Madras High Court awarded
of law –
Rs. 1.68 Crores in damages to an
employee for Non-Constitution of
Laws Governing Sexual
 The Sexual Harassment of women at workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
and Rules made thereunder.

 Indian Penal Code (Section 209, 354, 376 and

509), 1860; and

 Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,

Prevent Sexual
No women employee shall be
subjected to sexual harassment at
Section 3(1) of the Act
Employees Responsibility

 Understand
 Observe
 Examine
 Confront
 Resolve
 Support
How to prevent?
Following are the responsibilities of the employer under the

 Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) to

handle the complaints of sexual harassment;

 Display on the notice board of the premises giving full

details of members of ICC;

 Display at conspicuous places at workplace, penalties &

consequences of sexual harassment ;

 Providing training to sensitize the employees on the

issues and implications of sexual harassment at
workplace and organizing orientation programme(s) for
members of ICC.
Internal Complaint
Every Employer needs to constitute ICC as per the provisions
of the Act to take care of following matters:-

To conduct enquiry into the complaints of sexual


To make recommendations to the Board of Directors of your

Company in the matters of sexual harassment after
conclusion of enquiry;

To file annual report as per the provisions of the Act

What to do?
 Don’t ignore it. In the
hope that it will go away.

 Don’t blame yourself and

don’t delay.

 Be sure to say ‘No’ clearly

and firmly.

 Speak Out. Speaking out

about sexual harassment
is an effective tool in
combating it.
What are the
 Any aggrieved woman
employee (complainant) may
file a compliant with ICC for
Redressal of her grievances.

 It is the responsibility of ICC

to send notice to
Respondents (against whom
a complaint of sexual
harassment has been made)
within 7 (seven) working

 The Respondent shall file his

reply to the complaint along
with supporting documents.
Procedure of filing
Any aggrieved woman may make a complaint in writing
with any member of ICC

 At the prescribed contact details,

 Preferable within a period of 3 months of the date of

incident of sexual harassment or in case of series of
incidents, with in a period of 3 months(90 days) from the
date of last incident.
 The Complainant shall file minimum six copies of the

 The complaint shall consists of name of the

Respondent(s), date and details of incident of sexual
harassment, name and details of witness, if any, along
Who is eligible to file a
 Aggrieved woman herself;

 Where the Aggrieved Woman is unable to make a

Complaint on account of her physical or mental
incapacity , a Complaint may be filed by any prescribed
person, on her behalf;

 Where the Aggrieved Woman for any other reason is

unable to make a Complaint, a Complaint may be filed by
a person who has knowledge of the incident, with her
written consent;

 Where the Aggrieved Woman is dead, a Complaint may

be filed by any person who has knowledge of the
incident, with the written consent of her legal heir(s).
Procedure of Enquiry

 The ICC may, before initiating an inquiry, at the request

of the Aggrieved Woman, take steps to settle the matter
between her and the Respondent.

 No monetary settlement shall be made as a basis of


 The settlement terms shall be recorded in writing and

forwarded to the Board of Directors of the Company.
Copies of the same shall be provided to the Aggrieved
Woman and the Respondent.

 Where a settlement has been arrived at, no further

inquiry shall be conducted by the ICC.
Procedure of Enquiry
 In case, conciliation is not possible, ICC shall investigate the complaint
and provide its report, as promptly as possible, but not later than 90
working days from the date of the Complaint.

 The ICC shall follow principles of natural justice in all its proceedings.

 Complete confidentiality shall be maintained, unless required by law.

 A copy of the Complaint as recorded by ICC shall be given to the

Respondent as well as the Complainant.

 The Respondent shall submit his response to the Complaint as well as

to indicate whether the Respondent wishes the ICC to examine any
witnesses or furnish any evidence.

 The Complainant shall also indicate in writing whether the

Complainant wishes the ICC to examine any witnesses or furnish any
additional evidence.
Procedure of Enquiry
 Upon receipt of the responses from the Respondent and the
Complainant, the ICC shall conduct a hearing, where both the
Complainant and the Respondent shall be heard in person.

 ICC shall be empowered to call upon such of the Employees

who may have been witness to the incident(s) of Sexual
Harassment and/or connected in any manner thereto.

 All Employees shall extend their fullest co-operation to ICC.

 Upon completion of the hearing, the ICC shall prepare its

complete report, setting out its recommendations on the
disciplinary action(s) to be taken against the Respondent or
Complainant (as the case may be).
Punishment for Sexual
 To take action for sexual harassment as an act of misconduct in
accordance with the rules/regulations of the Company
governing ‘conduct and discipline’ as applicable to the
Respondent; and/or

 To deduct such amounts from the salary or wages of the

Respondent as may be considered appropriate to be
paid to the Complainant as per the Policy of the

 Section 354, 354 A, 354B, 354 C, 354 D and 509 of Indian Penal
Code, 1860 provides for punishment for offences of outraging
the modesty of woman, sexual harassment, disrobe,
voyeurism, stalking and insulting the modesty of woman
respectively and the punishment ranges between rigorous
Punishment for Malicious
Compliant or False Evidence

If an Employee is found to have raised a malicious or false

Complaint or given any false evidence, such complainant or such
person making evidence may also be subject to :-

 Appropriate disciplinary action, which may include

termination of employment, engagement or relationship with
the Company, as the case may be.
Absence of complaints of sexual
harassment doesn’t necessarily
means absence of sexual
Refrain from….
 Behavior that may offend or hurt people at your workplace;

 Behavior that cause harassment to any women employee at your


 Behavior that may be interpreted by another as sexual harassment;

 Behavior that may support sexual harassment in any manner;

 Disbelieving a woman when she shares about harassment. Remember

that sexual harassment is ‘Unwelcome Behavior’.

 Involvement in trivializing the matter of sexual harassment;

 Filing or supporting any malicious or false complaint;

 Producing any false evidence of sexual harassment.

What can you do…...
 Be Professional all the time;

 Set a positive example;

 Think before making personnel comments;

 Be supportive of people who wish to talk about being sexually


 Direct them to the appropriate persons/authorities;

 Hold the harasser accountable for his actions. Don’t make excuses for

 Demand that the harassment be stopped;

 Report sexual harassment to responsible person in the organisation.

Say ‘No’ to Sexual
Let’s make this Earth a safe and healthy Workplace
Thank You

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