POSH Presentation
POSH Presentation
POSH Presentation
Workshop on Prohibition,
Prevention and Redressal of
Sexual Harassment at
at workplace was filed in the Supreme Court of India.
◇The POSH Act, 2013 has incorporated the same definition of sexual
◇ An implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in the
◇ An implied or explicit threat about present or future
employment status;
◇ Interference with work or creating an intimidating or hostile
◇ Humiliating treatment, likely to affect health or safety.
Act of Sexual Harassment
‘Sexual Harassment’ would be any one or more of the
following unwelcome acts or behaviour, directly or by
◇ Physical contact and advances;
◇ A demand or request for sexual favours;
◇ Making sexually coloured remarks;
◇ Showing pornography;
◇ Unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct
of sexual nature;
• Ms. B, a junior colleague, was asked to organize an event for
the training of the employees.
• Mr. A, as the team leader submitted his report of the training
programme blaming Ms. B’s incompetency for the failure of
the event.
• Ms. B felt really embarrassed and filed a complaint for Sexual
Harassment against Mr. A alleging that the report was only
to harass her.
A workplace could be any place where a working or
professional relationship exists. Some of the basic examples of
a professional relationship are:
• colleagues-peers,
• employee-employer,
• team leader-team members.
Situation -2
• Ms. B is a new employee in the organization. She
shared her contact information with her colleagues.
• Mr. A , who was a member of Ms. B’s team and they
kept trying to initiate conversation with Ms. B over
social networking applications and texts after office
• Mr. A also started cracking obscene jokes and memes
to Ms. B.
• Ms. B filed a complaint of sexual harassment against
Mr. A.
• Formulate and widely disseminate an internal policy for
prohibition, prevention and redressal of sexual harassment at
• Display conspicuously at the workplace, the penal
consequences of indulging in acts that may constitutive
sexual harassment.
• Declare the names and contact details of all the members of
the Internal Committee.
Key Obligations of an
• Treat sexual harassment as a misconduct under the
service rules and initiate action for misconduct.
• Monitor the timely submission of reports by the
Internal Committee.
• Publish the statistics of the complaints under the
POSH Act in the Annual Report of the Company.
Key Obligations of an
An extract from the 2017-2018 Annual Report of Tata Steel
committee can also decide to terminate the employment.
Sexual Harassment by Man [354A]: Sexual Harassment is
defined as:
• Physical contact and advances;
• Demand or request for sexual favours;
• Showing pornography against the will of a woman;
• Making sexually coloured remarks.
Punishable with a punishment of an rigorous imprisonment for a
term of three years and shall also be liable for fine.
Indian Penal Code
Stalking [354D]:
• Following a woman and contacting or attempting to contact
such woman despite a clear indication of disinterest, or
• Monitors the use by a woman of internet, email or any other
form of electronic communication.
• Such actions or behaviour shall be punishable with an
imprisonment for a term upto three years and shall also be
liable for fine.
• Her relative or friend;
• Her co-worker;
• An office of the National Commission for Women or State
Women’s Commissions;
• Any person who has knowledge of the incident, with the
written consent of the aggrieved woman;
In case the aggrieved woman is not able to make the complaint herself due
to mental incapacity, any of following may file a complaint:
• Her relative or friend;
• A special educator;
• A qualified psychiatrist or psychologist;
• The guardian or authority under whose care she is receiving treatment
or care;
• Any person who has knowledge of the incident jointly with any of the
In case the aggrieved woman is not able to make the complaint herself due
to any other reasons, a complaint may be filed by any person who has
knowledge of the incident, with her written consent.
Situation- 4
• During the training, Mr A, Ms. B and Ms. C started talking and Mr.
A helped Ms. B and Ms. C in getting a job in his office.
• Mr. A asked Ms. B out for dinner a few times and she agreed.
However, due to increase in work load, Ms. B refused to go to
dinner with Mr. A.
• At this Mr. A insisted that Ms. B go out for dinner with him as she
‘owed it to him’. Ms. B then told Mr. A that from then on their
relationship was to be strictly professional.
• However, Mr. A kept calling her and sending her emails. Therefore,
she started taking time off from work to avoid him.
• On seeing this, Ms. C filed a complaint of sexual harassment
against Mr. A stating that Mr. A is creating a hostile environment
for Ms. B.
Question 1: Is Ms. C allowed to file a
complaint on behalf of Ms. B who is the
aggrieved woman in the case?
including the presiding officer are to be present for
conducting the inquiry.
Not less than two members- committed to cause of women,
involved in social work and have legal knowledge.
One member- from NGO or committed to cause of women or
familiar with the sexual harassment issues.
The Procedure
Incident of Sexual
Internal Committee/
Local Committee
Report of
Appeal to
4 The Policy
The Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy
10 ways to know your office is
safe: -
• Has anti sexual harassment policy.
• The policy is easily accessible and periodically updated.
• Sexual harassment is a misconduct under service rules.
• A functional redressal committee for redressal of complaint is
in place.
• The Presiding Officer of the Internal Complaint Committee is
a senior female employee.
• At least half the committee members are women. Men and
other genders are also represented on the committee.
10 ways to know your office is
safe: -