Grade-8 Reproduction in Animals
Grade-8 Reproduction in Animals
Grade-8 Reproduction in Animals
n in animals
Modes of Reproduction in Animals
External Fertilization
Embryo Development
Sexual Asexual
Reproductio Reproductio
n n
Sexual reproduction is the
result of male and female
gametes fusing together to
create a new organism.
n in Animals
Sexual Reproduction- A mode of
reproduction in which
Involves the
Two parents are Leads to genetic
fusion of male
involved: a male variation in
and female
and a female offspring
• Testis: Male reproductive organ that produces sperm and the hormone
• Vas deferens (sperm duct) : A tube that carries sperm from the testes
to the urethra.
• Penis: The external male organ that delivers sperm during reproduction
and also functions in urination.
Ovary creates ova, which are female
Reproductiv gametes.
e Organs
Per month, one of the ovaries releases
a single matured egg into the oviduct
in humans.
Functions of
Cervix: The opening of the uterus; allows flow out and can
widen for childbirth.
•Zygote: The first cell formed right after fertilization. It has all the information needed to grow
into a new organism.
•Chromosome: Thread-like structures in cells that carry genetic information (DNA) from parents
to offspring.
•Embryo: The early stage of a developing baby, from fertilization up to about 8 weeks.
•Foetus: The later stage of a developing baby, from around 8 weeks until birth.
•Implantation: When the embryo attaches itself to the wall of the uterus to start growing.
Fertilization:The process of fusion
of male gamete with female
gamete to give rise to zygote.
•Calcareous Shell : A hard shell made mostly of calcium, like those found on snails and
clams, for protection.
•Metamorphosis: A process of transformation that some animals go through from one life
stage to another, like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.
•Larva: The young, often worm-like stage of an animal after it hatches, before it changes
into its adult form (e.g., caterpillar for butterflies).
•Pupa: The stage in an insect’s life where it is enclosed in a cocoon or chrysalis, undergoing
transformation into an adult.
•Adult: The final stage of an animal’s life cycle, when it is fully developed and able to
Differentiate picture A from Picture B
on the basis of the way they give rise to
young ones
Q. What can you infer from this picture?
Q. How is it different from Humans?
Offspring Common
Only one are methods:
parent is genetically Binary
involved identical to fission,
the parent Budding
• Budding is an asexual mode of
producing new organisms.
• In this process, a new organism is
developed from a small part of the
parent's body.
• A bud which is formed detaches to
develop into a new organism.
• The newly developed organism
remains attached as it grows