Summary Writing

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What is a Summary?

■ No explanation or examples
■ Do not express agreement or disagreement
■ A set of sentences mentioning the main ideas of the text
■ One third of the main passage
■ Own words, no copy pasting
■ Use transitional words
■ Coherence and cohesion
What is a
A summary:

■ focuses on the major


■ skips unnecessary details

■ is concise in nature

■ First we have to find out the main ideas from the title and the first
■ Follow the reading strategies
■ Find the central idea of the text
■ We have to separate the general ideas and the details
■ It will help us to get the gist of the text
■ Find the proper nouns, to know the place or person the text is about
■ Identify the keywords
■ Look for words that were in the title
Summarizing Written
Summary of a written text is a condensed or
shortened version of an article or a text which
contains a collection of sentences that state
only the major points or ideas skipping all
sorts of details.
Strategies of Summarizing a
Written Text (Contd.)
Write only the main ideas.

⮚ Every paragraph contains

one main idea.
⮚ Exclude all the details.
Strategies of Summarizing a
Written Text (Contd.)
Use own words and
sentence structures.

⮚ Do not copy directly

from the text!
There are many important reasons behind the change in policies
regarding the primary education.

Significant factors can be detected behind the modification of policies of

the primary level education.
Strategies of Summarizing a
Written Text (Contd.)
Use attributive tags.

For example:

The author further explained…

S/he stated that…
S/he further illustrated…
Strategies of Summarizing a
Written Text (Contd.)
Use transitional words and
maintain the sequence.

For example:

Furthermore, …
On the other hand, …
Strategies of Summarizing a
Written Text (Contd.)
Avoid including personal opinion.

⮚ The summary should only

include the author’s ideas.
Strategies of Summarizing a
Written Text (Contd.)
Maintain the same verb

⮚ Use either simple past or

simple present tense.
⮚ Refrain from shifting
between tenses.

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