Basicsofsummarizing 171212094434 PDF
Basicsofsummarizing 171212094434 PDF
Basicsofsummarizing 171212094434 PDF
Determine the purpose of
Discuss the features of
Apply effective strategies in
Usually Sometimes Seldom Never
Usually- 3 points
Sometimes- 2 points
Seldom-1 point
Never- 0
Level of Proficiency
28-30 Advanced
Let’s learn…..
Suppose you told your friend that
you just watched a great film
and your friend asks what the
story is. What would you do?
Would you tell the whole story?
Or just simply give the gist of the
What is summarizing?
As an important skill in critical reading, summarizing is often used to
determine the essential ideas in a book chapter, an article. These essential
ideas include the gist or main idea, useful information, or key words or
phrases that help you meet your reading purpose. Summarizing is generally
done after reading. However, it can be done as well while reading a text.
Summarizing is an important skill because it helps you…….
deepen your understanding of the text;
Learn to identify relevant information or key ideas;
Combine details or examples that support the main ideas/s;
Concentrate on the gist or main idea and key words presented in the text;
Capture the key ideas in the text and put them together clearly and
What is not summarizing
You are summarizing when you……
write down everything;
write down ideas from the text word-for-word;
write down incoherent and irrelevant ideas;
write down ideas that are not stated in the text; or
write down a summary that has the same length
or is longer than the original text.
Guidelines in summarizing
1. Clarify your purpose before you read.
2. Read the text and understand the meaning. Do not stop reading until you
understand the message conveyed by the author. Locate the gist or main idea of
the text, which can usually be found either at the beginning, in the middle, or in
the end.
3. Select and underline or circle the key ideas and phrases while reading; another
strategy is to annotate the text.
4. Write all the key ideas and phrases you identified on the margins or on your
notebook in a bullet or an outline form.
5. Without looking at the text, identify the connections of these key ideas and
phrases using a concept maps, graphic organizers or thinking maps.
6. List your ideas in sentences into a paragraph. Use appropriate transitional devices
to improve cohesion.
7. Combine the sentences into a paragraph. Use appropriate transitional devices to
improve cohesion.
8. Ensure that do not copy a single sentence from
the original text.
9.Refrain from adding comments about the text.
Stick to the ideas it presents.
10.Edit the draft of your summary by eliminating
redundant ideas.
11.Compare your output with the original text to
ensure accuracy.
12.Record the details of the original source
(author’s name/s, date of publication, title,
publisher, place of publishing, and URL [if online]). It
Formats in summarizing
There are three (3) formats that you may use in writing summaries
are idea heading, author heading, and date heading.
1. Idea Heading Format
In this format, the summarized idea comes before the citation.
Benchmarking is a useful strategy that has the potential to help
public officials improve the performance of local services
(Folz,2004; Ammons,2001). Once the practice of a particular city is
benchmarked, it can be a guidepost and the basis for the other
counterparts to improve its own.
2.Author heading format
In this format, the summarized idea comes after the citation. The author’s name/s
is/are connected by an appropriate reporting verb.
The considerable number of users of FB has led educators to utilize FB for
communicating with their students(Grant, 2008; as cited in Donmus, 2010).
The study of Kabilan and Abidin (2010) shows that the students perceived FB
as an online environment to expedite language learning specifically English.
Donmus (2010) asserts that educational games on FB fecundate learning
process and make students’ learning environment more engaging. As
regards literacy, this notion reveals that FB could be used s a tool to aid
individuals execute a range of social acts through social literacy
implementation (ibid). Blackstone and Hardwood (2012) suggest the
facilitative strength of FB as it elicits greater achievement on collaboration
among students.
3. Date Heading Format
In this format, the summarized idea comes after the date when the
material was published.
On the other hand, active participation of the citizens in
development contributes to a sound and reasonable government
decisions. In their 2004 study on the impact of participatory
development approach, Irvin and Stansbury argue that
participation can be valuable to the participants and the
government in terms of the process and outcomes of decision
Using reporting verbs when summarizing
A reporting verb is a word used to discuss another person’s writings or
assertions. They are generally used to incorporate the source to the discussion
in the text. To illustrate, see the sample text below. The reporting verbs are
In summarizing, you are highly encouraged to vary the verbs you use to make
your writing more interesting and to show importance to each of your sources.
You can use either the past or the present tense depending on your meaning.
Using the past tense usually indicates that view the idea to be outdated and
therefore want to negate it. On the other hand, using the present tense
generally indicates that you view the idea to be relevant or agreeable.
Hyland (1999) lists a frequency of reporting verbs
used according to discipline.
Discipline Reporting Verbs from left to right, most common to least common
Please see the given tasks assigned to you.
Look and go to this link: Select
one technical report, and answer the questions in the table below.
Questions Answers
Criteria VGE GE SE LE N
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
The summary accurately reflects the message of the original text.
The summary reworded the key ideas in the original text without
Rubric for Evaluating a Summary
compromising the accuracy or content.
The summary incorporates only the key ideas.
The summary does not contain any personal comments or opinions.
The summary cites sources properly.
The summary is shorter than the original text.
The summary uses appropriate reporting verbs.
The summary uses different heading formats.
The summary has smooth transitions.
The summary is free from grammatical errors.
Legend: VGE- To a very great extent; GE- To a great extent; SE- To some
Film showing
“ The Dirty Minds”
Write a summary of its plot about the movie. Make sure to follow the format
Times New Roman, 12
1.5 Spacing
1” margin on all sides
Short bond paper
Hone your skills in summarizing by checking the
following websites.
Place the following activities in a clear folder.
1.Summarizing Activities
2.Summarizing Exercises
3.Summarizing Exercises
4.Skills Practice: Summarizing
Let’s reflect
Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking
up this lesson by completing the given chart below.
What were your misconceptions about the topic What new or additional learning have you had
prior to taking up this lesson? after taking up this lesson in terms of skills, content,
ad attitude?
I thought……. I learned that….