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BY: Id. No.

Demeke Tadesse………………..0007/12
Genet Belay……………………. 0040/12
Shikuria Muhajir………………..0022/12
Alemetsehay Ayele……………..0002/12
Ebnezer Masresha………………0011/12
Birtukan Tamiru…………………0006/12
Advisor: Mr. Zerihun
The internal control process is a
mechanism for reducing instance for
fraud, misappropriation and errors. It
has recently become more extensive
in addressing all the various
activities face by the organizations
and it is now well recognize that
internal control process is critical for
organization’s ability to meet is
goals and objectives and to maintain
its financial viability.
Background of the
 According to Brehan Bank’s annual report
(2014), Behan Bank was established in
accordance with Article 304 of the
Commercial Code of Ethiopia with the
objective of operating in the banking
industry. This objective has been ensured in
Article 3 of the Memorandum of Association
of the Company. The Bank was registered and
licensed by the National Bank of Ethiopia on
27 June 2009 with an authorized capital of
300,000,000 and subscribed capital of Birr
154,736,000 divided into shares of 1000 Birr
par value each. The bank is also one of the
youngest banks currently reached the
Statement of the problem

This study support in identifying and

reducing the gap between actual
practice of the bank and the general
procedure that are stated theoretically.
Thus, the study assessed the auditing
practice of Berhan Bank in case of
three Branches and came up with
some solution for potential problem
which resulted in lack of continuous
services assurance and the degree of
independence of internal auditor.
Research Questions
 This study was supposed to answer the
following research questions.
 Is their well-organized internal auditing practice
in case of three Branches of Berhan Bank?
 Does the principle of internal auditing apply in
three the three branches Behan Bank S.C?
 What factors affecting internal auditing practice
of Berhan Bank in internal audit in the three
 What are the major drawbacks of auditing
practice of Berhan Bank in internal audit in the
three Branches ?
Objective of the study

General Objective
 The general objective of this study was to assess internal
auditing practice in case of three Branches of Berhan
Bank S.C.
Specific objective
 To investigate the internal auditing practices in case of
three branches of Brehan Bank S.C.
 To identify the principle of auditing that applied in the
case of three branches of Berhan bank.
 To assess factors that affect internal audit practice of the
Bank in internal audit in the case of three branches of
Berhan bank.
 To identify the major drawback of internal auditing in the
Bank in internal audit in the case of three branches of
Berhan bank.
Significance of the
 The major benefits of this study were to provide
valuable information on Berhan Bank internal
audit practice and performance of the Bank’s top
management, employees, outsiders,
shareholders, and other stakeholders and to show
the strength and weakness of the current internal
auditing systems, This study was also used as an
additional reference to the existing literatures
and was used as reference material for other
researchers who wish to conduct further
researches in the same area.
Scope of the study

The scope of this research will be

limited to assessing internal auditing
practice of Berhan Bank’s Jemo, Furi,
and Lebu Branches. This study mainly
focus on the manual reports mainly on
factors that affect the internal auditing
practice, the challenges, and the
strategies uses to alleviate the
problems in the bank and we used the
data of four consecutive years report,
Limitation of internal Control

Shortage of time
Financial problems and
somewhat reference materials
Some staff members are not
willing to give information
Research Design

◦ The study was applied descriptive research design to

describe the data that was collected through various
Research approach
In this study both qualitative and quantitative (mixed)
research approach was applied.
Type and Source of data
We have used both primary and secondary data
Primary data source
 To collect primary data the we was used structured
interview and questionnaires.
Secondary data source
 to get secondary data different documents from
different sources was gathered from published
materials, magazine, journals and reports.
Sampling size

 The internal audit Practice in case of three

branches , according to human resource, has
the total population (employees) of 16.
 And from those director and team leaders
are 3 in number, the number of senior
auditors is 2 and the number of auditors in
different teams and AA City branches are 3.
 From total population of 15 employees, we
have taken 10 employees, including
manager, based on Yamane Sample size
formula (n=N/ (1+N (e) 2)). The Sample
respondents are selected on the basis of the
distribution of population
Sampling techniques

The sampling technique that we

used to obtain data from
respondents is non-probability
and judgmental i.e. convenience
sampling to find the target group
of the study who has direct job
related. This is because of their
convenience, accessibility and
proximity to the researchers.
Data Analysis

The data that was collected from

primary and secondary source
was analyzed using descriptive
statistics. The analytical tool was
also supported using cross
tabulation and percentage.
Data Presentation and
Response rate
A total of 15 questionnaires were
distributed to selected employees of
Berhan Bank Audit internal Department at
the end of which 12 questionnaires,
representing 80% were returned, the
entire analysis given in this study was
based on the actual returned

Descriptive Analysis
Under this section the research discussed
the respondent background profile,
Conclusion and Recommendation

 Research Findings
 The findings of our assessment on Berhan Bank
internal auditor’s activities are summarized as follows.

 There is ignorance of an experts including Auditors on

unusual activities and varying procedures of internal
control rather than updating self with timely financial
system advancements
 Sometimes the controlling system of internal auditors
disrupts the daily activities of a Bank
 We have evaluated irresponsibility of some experts on
their duties during an occurrence of some misbehave.
 An independence of Auditors is not maintained
. Conclusion
 From this study, our team has concludes that the overall
internal audit practice of the Behan Bank S.C in three
Branches was more or less adequate even though there
were some issues that are not addressed to practice internal
auditing service effectively and efficiently.
 The Bank uses (applies) internal auditing practice and its (Internal
Audit) performance is relatively good. .
 The bank has been applying principles of internal auditing for
some extent and we recommend it to be implemented in an
advanced way for the future.
 Internal auditors of the Bank has made an assessment of risk, plan
in terms of comprehensiveness, audit in terms of clarity, coverage
of priority areas and the timeliness of improvements needed.
 Even though the Bank’s performance on internal control system
(internal auditing practice) is better, there is some week sides
encountered and these will be resolved if the management of the
bank givens due attention and priority.
 The internal audit department has been organized in such a way
that it has been put in the account section. It controls the
 The main purpose of our research team is to evaluate the internal
audit practice of Berhan Bank’s Internal Audit practice Based on the
above findings we suggests the following recommendations to
improve the internal auditing activities of the company.
 The plan of the internal audit of the company should be consistent
with established goals and objectives within the timeline the plan.
 It is recommendable that the bank should periodically evaluate its
internal control system.
 Even though the bank uses principle of internal auditing practice,
the management shall create safe conditions for the auditor to do
their job in freely without any influence them.
 It is recommendable that the banks have to facilitate trainings for
the auditors to be competent and properly implement the rule and
 Internal auditors should perform their duties with responsibility and
due care to become more efficient and effective and prepare
themselves for career improvement.
 The overall internal auditing practice of the Berhan Bank is
relatively better and for future the bank gives attention for

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