2023 TVET Regestration Format - Copy-1
2023 TVET Regestration Format - Copy-1
2023 TVET Regestration Format - Copy-1
NB:-The payment per credit hours will revise every semester, or every year, if necessary
Classification of admission
a. Admission Type:
Regular Extension -1 Extension-2
b. Enrollment Type:TVET Level IV program
Full Name (In English) Name Father G. father
(In Amharic):
Sex Male Female
Date of Birth (in Eth.Cal): Day____ Month ______ Year_______
(in G.C)Day____ Month ______ Year___________Nationality _______
Place of Birth: ___________________ ____________________
Country Region Zone Town Kebele [Woreda]
You’re current Address: city __________________ Sub city __________Kebele________
. Home Tel. Mobile No.
Person to be conducted in case of emergency:
Full Name: _____________________________Relationship _______________________
Address: Region Sub-city Woreda Village
House No. Home Tel Mobile No. Office Tel. P.O.Box
Your Father’s Full Name: ___________________________________ Tel. No. _________
Your mother’s Full Name: ___________________________________ Tel. No. _________
Educational Background
Senior secondary/preparatory school attended (Grade 11 & 12)& (Grade 9 & 10)
Name of school Town Zone Region
Examination Records
Select the exam category that is applicable to you and fill the results you scored.
ESLCE/EGSEC/Mark scored
Choose any seven courses for which you scored
High grade (including Maths and English)
Subject Grade Exam year
1) English __________________ __________________
2) Mathematics __________________ __________________
3) ___________ __________________ __________________
4) ___________ __________________ __________________
5) ___________ __________________ __________________
6) ___________ __________________ __________________
7) ___________ __________________ __________________
Average Result ___________________
The field you are enrolled to study
Comprehensive Nurse Accounting and Budget Service
Midwifery Customer Contact & Secretarial Operations
Pharmacy Technology Marketing
Medical Laboratory Service
Hardware and Network Servicing
Statement by applicant
I here by certify that all information given in this application form is complete, correct and accurate.
I fully realized that the college is entitled to take any action on me, including dismissal if the
information given by me here is found to be incorrect or misleading at any time. I also realized that I
will not be entitled to any reimbursement of whatever fee I might have paid in case when the college
takes any action on me as a result of any incorrect or misleading information given by me. I shall
also take full responsibility, for reading and abiding by the rules and regulations of the college
student Handbook deposited in the college Library system.
Student Name ____________________________ Date _____________Signature ______________
Office use only: I conformed all document attached here are legal and according to the
Registered by:__________________Signature:______________________Date: ____________