An Analysis of Financial Performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited
An Analysis of Financial Performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited
An Analysis of Financial Performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited
A Project Proposal
Submitted by
TU Registration No: 7-2-0927-0284-2015
Shwoyambhu International College
Submitted To
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University
Kathmandu, Nepal
1.1 Background of the Study
Financial sector is the backbone of economy of a country. It works as a facilitator for achieving
sustained economic growth through providing efficient monetary intermediation.
Financial Analysis is structural and logical way to present overall financial performance of
financial institution. It also helps to evaluate and decision making of business operation. In
financial analysis process, ratio analysis is the most dominant and logical structure to help
business related stakeholder. Financial analysis consists of comparison for the same company
over periods of time and comparison of different companies either in the same industry or in
different industries. It may be done for a variety of purpose, which may range from a simple
analysis of the short term liquidity position of the firm to a comprehensive assessment of the
strength and weakness of the firm in various areas. The financial analysis can be performed by
analysts who work for the firm or by outsiders like investors, creditors, lenders, suppliers,
environmental protection organization, government and other regulatory bodies and so on.
This study aims to analyze the financial performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited. This study
is done using recent data which will be helpful not only to the shareholder but also to the
customers as well as management. Both private as well as public sector play vital role for the
growth of the economy of any country. Therefore all the economic activities of each and every
country are greatly influenced by the banking business. Thus this study attempts to show the
clear picture of the profitability productivity, growth etc.
1.2 Statement of Problem
What are the factors affecting financial performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited?
What is solvency position of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited?
There is significant impact of solvency ratio on the performance of the Bhargav Bikas Bank
1.5 Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework of solvency ratio like Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Total Debt-to-Total Assets
Ratio, Interest-coverage Ratio on performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited is shown as
A key part of financial performance, Bhargav Bikas bank's solvency ratio determines whether it
has sufficient cash flow to manage it’s debts as they come due. It consist of :
Earlier different financial studies have been done by different people about Bhargav Bikas Bank
Limited but this is a totally different from others because it is simple and easy to understand. In
this study there is no use of vast language. The tools which are used are very clear and clarify the
financial position of bank. So it is very useful to everyone who are related with this bank. This
study is also significant to the researcher:
This study will help to get the depth knowledge of the bank.
This study will also help to get valuable findings of research.
This report has build up to gain information about financial performance (weakness and strength)
which needs to improvement. Furthermore, it gives insight about the current situations and
performance of bank to the regulatory body, shareholders, investors and manager. Besides, it will
be used as a reference to researchers that area of study.
Research design is blue print of research, road map of research, strategy of research which shows
the overall plan of actions of the research. The types of research design are:- Exploratory
Research Design, Causal comparative Research Design, Experimental Research Design and
Descriptive Research Design. Among them this research paper uses a descriptive financial ratio
analysis to measure, describe and analyze the performance of Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited
during the period 2013-2017.
The population refers to the industries of the same nature and its services and products in
general. Thus, the total number of development bank constitutes the population of data and the
bank under study constitutes the sample for the study. So from the population of 33 development
banks operating in the country, Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited has been selected as the sample
bank for the study.
1.8.3 Instrument
For data collection different instruments are used. Instruments are selected as according to nature
of data as well as subject matter. The major instruments that are used are financial tools and
statistical tools. The researchers have been used tools like mean, percentage, bar diagram and
1.8.4 Data Collection Strategy
For achieving the specific objective of the study data will be gathered entirely from secondary
Secondary sources
Using collected data as raw sample to make this research project. Bhargav Bikas Bank Limited
last five years financial history are used as per require of this study. Most of the data are used in
financial ratio analysis of bank. The data was obtained from bank scope and the banks financial
statements and websites.
For the performance analysis of the Bhargav Bikas Bank, I have used financial tools like ratio
analysis, trend analysis, horizontal analysis, vertical analysis.
The whole study is based on secondary data such as financial statement and financial
Time and resource constraint may limit the area cover by study.
This study has analyzed and evaluated the data of last few years only.
In this study, only selected financial tools and techniques were used.
1.9 Chapter Plan
This first chapter of this study includes general background, statement of the problem, objectives
of the study, statement of hypothesis, theoretical framework, definition of terminology,
significances of the study and limitations of the study, organizations of the study.
In this chapter the study has done data analysis and presentation about the collected data by using
statistical and financial analysis. It includes pictures, graphs, presentation, tables and hypothesis
This chapter comprises summary and major conclusion of prevailing issues to the organization.