Child Safeguarding General Concepts
Child Safeguarding General Concepts
Child Safeguarding General Concepts
Long term Toler
Effects ance
all forms of violence
against children.
Will I know child abuse when I see it?
1. Physical Abuse. Hitting, Shaking,Throwing. Poisoning. Burning or
Drowning. Suffocating… Fabricating symptoms of or deliberately causing ill
2. health of a child…causing physical harm
Emotional Abuse. Making children feel they are worthless, unloved,
inadequate or valued only if they meet needs of another person. Causing children to
frequently feel frightened. Exploitation or corruption of children. Imposing
3. expectations that are age or developmentally inappropriate.
Sexual Abuse.. Rape or buggery or non-penetrative acts. Involving children
in looking at or in the production of pornographic material, encouraging children to
behave in sexually inappropriate ways. Forcing or enticing a child or young
person to take part in sexual activities whether or not the child is aware of what is
Neglect. Failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing or neglect of or
unresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs. Persistent failure to meet a
child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs that may likely result in serious
impairment of the children’s health or development.
Will I know child physical abuse when I see it?
Hitting, Shaking.Throwing. Poisoning. Burning or scalding. Drowning. Suffocating…
Fabricating symptoms of or deliberately causing ill health of a child…causing physical
Physical Indicators Behavioral / Emotional Indicators
• Particularly bruises to certain • Fear of parents or careers being contacted
parts are unlikely to be accidentally • Aggressive behavior or severe temper
injured. outburst
• Unexplained bruising marks or • Running away from home
injuries on any part of the body • Fear of going home
• Bruises which reflect hand marks or • Flinching when approached or touched
finger tips from slapping grabbing or • Reluctance to get changed e.g. sports, games
pinching • Arms and legs covered in hot weather
• Bruising around wrists, ankles, neck • Depression
or trunk from use of restraint • Withdrawal or watchful behavior
• Cigarette burns • Refusal to discuss injuries
• Bite marks • Fear of medical help
• Scalds • Self destructive tendencies
• Bald patched • Admission of punishment
• Untreated injuries • Changes in behavior
Will I know child emotional abuse when I see it?
Making children feel they are worthless, unloved, inadequate or valued only if they
meet needs of another person. Causing children to frequently feel frightened.
Exploitation or corruption of children. Imposing expectations that are age or
developmentally inappropriate.
Will NOT
Child Protection Protocol
… I will …
RESPECT all children regardless of BCDE LP
RESPECT all Birth, Color, Disability, Ethnic origin,
Language, Political opinion, Race, Religion,
Sex, Social origin Status
WISE. - welcoming inclusive and safe
Be W.I.S.E. W.I.S.E. environment
Child Protection Protocol
… I will …
Child Protection Protocol
… what I will NOT …
Speak – A.D.D.O.S.
Talk no harm
Abusive. Demeaning. Discriminatory. Offensive.
Discriminate +/- Discriminate against OR in favor of
children to exclusion of others.
8. RECORD events on the Incident Report
Form within 48 hrs for the
Focal Point to store securely and
9. Be available for any further meetings on
the situation internally or
externally if required.
10. Maintain confidentiality.
…salamat po!