Child Abuse
Child Abuse
Child Abuse
Unexplained (or poorly explained) injuries. Bruises in the shape of objects, cigarette
burns or bite marks should raise particular concerns.
• Wary of adults
• Uncomfortable when other children cry, and generally controls own crying
Normal vs. Not Normal Injuries
• Neglect:
• Leaving a child alone for an excessive period of time (given the child's
age and cognitive abilities)
• The person responsible for the child's care displays erratic or impaired
• Recognizing the child's need but failing to provide the child with
emotional nurturance
Child Sexual Abuse: Facts you need to know!
• 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way.
• Exhibits promiscuity
Child Sexual Abuse: The Predator
• Immediately tell the child you believe • Panic or show that you are shocked.
• Tell them they were right to tell you, and • Never give the impression that you might
were brave to do so. blame the child. Don’t ask: “Why did you
• Acknowledge that it is difficult talk about let him?”, “what were you doing there
this anyways?” or “why didn’t you tell me
• Tell the child that they are not responsible before?”.
and did not deserve it • Don’t promise that you won’t tell anyone if
• Ensure that the child feels safe following the child asks you to keep it a secret
disclosure • Don’t ask intrusive questions. Listen but
don’t push for more answers.
How to Report
• Never pat, brush against or touch a child anywhere near a private area.