Vipin Kumar

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What is 5S ?

 5S is a workplace organization methodology

that uses a list of five Japanese words which
are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke.
Translated into English, they
stand for:

 seiri - Sorting
 seiton - Set In order
 seiso - Systematic cleaning
 seiketsu - Standardizing
 shitsuke - Sustaining
Sorting (Seiri)

Take out unnecessary Items and dispose.

 Keep only essential items.
Prioritizing things as per requirements and
keeping them in easily-accessible places.
setting in order / stabilize (Seiton)

There should be a place for everything and

everything should be in its place.
The place for each item should be clearly
It is necessary at workplace that everyone
should know that what are kept at where, for
efficient use.
systematic cleaning

Clean your workplace daily, including

machines and equipment ,tools and furniture
regularly so that they don’t have the chance
to get dirty.
Regular cleaning and checking extends the
lives of machines and reduce breakdown.
Standardizing (Seiketsu)

Simplify the way of maintaining cleanliness.

Develop procedure, schedule, practices.
Everyone should know exactly what his or
her responsibilities are for adhering to the
first 3 S's.
Sustaining the discipline (Shitsuke)

Make 5 S a habit.
Maintain and review standards.
Maintain focus on this new way and do not
allow a gradual decline back to the old ways.
Benefits of 5s

Improves organizational efficiency.

Improves speed and quality of work
Improves safety.
creates a visually attractive environment.
The 5-S practice is a well- recognized
methodology used by the Japanese for
improving the work environment.
It was found to be key to quality and
The 5-S practice helps everyone in the
organization to live a better life.

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