Hiroyuki Hirano: Amar Raveendran

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-Hiroyuki Hirano

What is 5S?

5S is a workplace organization
methodology that uses a list of
five Japanese words which are seiri,
seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke.
Translated into English, they stand

Sorting (seiri)
Straightening (seiton)
Systematic cleaning (seiso)
Standardizing (seiketsu)
Sustaining (shitsuke)
Sorting (Seiri)

Eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts, and

Keep only essential items and eliminate
what is not required
Prioritizing things per requirements and
keeping them in easily-accessible places.
Everything else is stored or discarded.
Straightening or setting in
order / stabilize (Seiton)
There should be a place for everything
and everything should be in its place.
The place for each item should be clearly
labelled or demarcated.
Items should be arranged in a manner
that promotes efficient work flow, with
equipment used most often being the
most easily accessible.
shining or systematic cleaning
Clean the workspace and all equipment,
and keep it clean, tidy and organized.
At the end of each shift, clean the work
area and be sure everything is restored to
its place.
Maintaining cleanliness should be part of
the daily work not an occasional activity
initiated when things get too messy.
Standardizing (Seiketsu)

All work stations for a particular job

should be identical.
All employees doing the same job should
be able to work in any station with the
same tools that are in the same location
in every station.
Everyone should know exactly what his
or her responsibilities are for adhering to
the first 3 S's.
Sustaining the discipline or self-
discipline (Shitsuke)

Maintain and review standards.

Maintain focus on this new way and do
not allow a gradual decline back to the
old ways.
While thinking about the new way, also be
thinking about yet better ways.
improves organizational efficiency
reduces waste in all forms
cuts down employee frustration when
"the system doesnt work"
improves speed and quality of work
improves safety
creates a visually attractive environment
Reduced Waste
Worker Commitment
The 5-S practice is a well-recognised
methodology used by the Japanese for
improving the work environment.
It was found to be key to quality and
The 5-S practice helps everyone in the
organisation to live a better life.

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