2 Governor 2020

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,V Semester/

B.E.-II Year

Mech. Engg. Department

Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi
Email:[email protected]
James Watt

James Watt
Born in 1736 in Greenock Scotland

James Sr. and Agnes

One of five children to survive past the

age 24

James was a very serious minded child

He was very interested with his aunt’s

steam kettle

Developed his mechanical traits at a very

young age
Over the years

Spent a great amount of time in his workroom

James liked to watch others at work

He liked to make models

James was very curious about the way things

Astime went on James wanted to be a
manufacturer of scientific instruments

He left Greenock for Glasgow in 1754

Where he met Professor Robert Dick

Professor Dick sent James to london

In London
James was to enter an
apprenticeship that would take 7

He finished in one year

Working 10 hour days

A change of luck

At the age of 21 James returned to

Glasgow University
James was hired by the university in 1757
to repair broken astronomical instruments
Students and Staff regarded him as a
friend of the University not as an
He was known to be able to repair instruments
that he had never seen before

Itemssuch guitars, violins, flutes and even


He also went on to build such instruments

Youcan still see a wind organ Watt made for St.

Andrews Church
Ayear that will be remembered for James

James was invited by the University to

repair a non-working model of the
Newcomen engine

Thiswas the start of the Industrial

The New Watt Engine

The final version was shown

in 1778

This engine consumed 1/3

Of the steam of the Newcomen

Used to pump water from the

Double-Acting Engine
Watt’s fly ball governor
Watt’s Flyball Governor
Intro to Governors
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A Governor ;

Controls, maintains, and regulates mean speed of an

engine w.r.t varying loads

Increases supply of working fluid if speed of the engine

decreases and vice versa

Keeps the mean speed within certain limits

Used mainly in engines of generators not in ordinary

Controls mean speed Controls cyclic fluctuations in speed

Adjusts supply energy to demand energy No influence on supply energy

Mathematically, controls δN Mathematically, controls δN/δt

(rate of change of speed)

Its action is repeating (intermittent) Its action is uniform and

It is provided on prime movers It is provided on engines and
such as engines and turbines fabricating machines
Speed Governor

It is a device for automatically controlling the

speed of an engine by regulating energy
medium driving the engine.

Majorities of diesel engines are fitted with a

speed governor.

Governors serve three basic purposes:

Maintain a speed selected by the
operator which is within the range of the

Prevent over-speed which may cause

engine damage.

Limit both high and low speeds.


Generally governors are used to maintain

a fixed speed not readily adjustable by
the operator or to maintain a speed
selected by means of a throttle control

Ineither case, the governor protects

against over speeding.
How does it work?

Ifthe load is removed on an operating

engine, the governor immediately closes
the throttle.

Ifthe engine load is increased, the

throttle will be opened to prevent engine
speed from being reduced.

There are two main types of Governors :

1. Inertia Controlled Governors
◦ Not being used frequently
◦ These governors are more sensitive than the centrifugal governors
but it becomes difficult to completely balance the revolving parts
o The position of balls are affected by the forces setup by an angular
acceleration or deceleration of the given spindle in addition to
centrifugal forces on the balls

2. Centrifugal Governors
Centrifugal Governors
A Typical
Centrifugal Governor
Centrifugal Governor
It Uses Pivoted Flyweights That Are Attached To
A Revolving Shaft Gear Driven By The Engine.
• Governor Rpm Is Always Directly Proportional To
Engine Rpm.
• If the engine is subjected to a sudden load that
reduces rpm, the reduction in speed lessens
centrifugal force on the flyweights.
• The weights move inward and lower the spool and
governor lever, thus opening the throttle to maintain
engine speed.
Centrifugal Governors- Principle

The centrifugal governors are based on

the balancing of centrifugal force on the
rotating balls by an equal and opposite
radial force, known as the controlling
centrifugal governors- construction
Centrifugal Governors- Working

Governor balls or fly balls revolve with a spindle,

which is driven by the engine through bevel gears.

The upper ends of the arms are pivoted to the

spindle, so that the balls may rise up or fall down
as they revolve about the Spring steel vertical
Centrifugal Governors- Working

The sleeve revolves with the

spindle but can slide up and


The balls and the sleeve rises

when the spindle speed

increases, and falls when the

speed decreases.
Centrifugal Governors- Working
The supply of the working fluid decreases when the
sleeve rises and increases when it falls. When the
load on the engine increases, the engine and the
governor speed decreases.
This results in Rotating the decrease of centrifugal
force on the balls. Hence weight the balls move
inwards and the sleeve moves down- wards.
Centrifugal Governors- Working

 The downward movement

of the sleeve operates a
throttle to increase the
supply of working fluid and
thus the engine speed is
Terms Used in Governors

 Height of a Governor

It is the vertical distance

from the centre of the ball
to a point where the axes of
the arms (or arms
produced) intersect on the
spindle axis. It is usually
denoted by h.
Terms Used in Governors

Equilibrium Speed

It is the speed at which the governor balls, arms etc. are

in complete equilibrium and the sleeve does not tend to
move upwards or downwards.

Mean Equilibrium Speed

It is the speed at the mean position of the balls or the

Terms Used in Governors

 Maximum And Minimum Equilibrium Speeds

The speeds at the maximum and minimum radius of rotation of

the balls, without tending to move either way are known as

maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds respectively.

 Note :

There can be many equilibrium speeds between the mean and

the maximum and the mean and the minimum equilibrium

Terms Used in Governors

Sleeve Lift

It is the vertical distance

which Centrifugal governor
the sleeve travels due to
change in equilibrium
Classifications of centrifugal governor
 Arms of the governor can be

connected in three ways as shown:

(a) The pivot P, may be on spindle axis

(b) The pivot p, may be offset from the

spindle axis and the arms when

produced intersect at O.

(c) The pivot p, may be offset, but the

arms cross the axis at O.


w = weight of each ball in N = m.g,
T = tension in arms in N
ω = angular velocity of arm about the
spindle axis in rad/s
r = Radius of the governor
 Fc= Centrifugal force acting on the
ball in N= m.ω².r
h = Height of the governor in metres

These balls are in equilibrium

under the action of three forces:

(1)Centrifugal force on the fly


(2)The tension in the arm (T)

(3)The weight of the balls (w)

Taking moment at point O we have:

• Where ‘g’ is expressed in m/s² , ω in rad/sec and h in meters.

• This governor may only work at relatively low speeds i.e. from 60 to 80 rpms
Porter Governor

• It is the modification of Watt’s

governor with a dead weight (load)
attached to the sleeve as shown:

• The additional downward force

increases the rpms required to enable
the balls to rise to any pre-
determined level.
 Consider the force acting on one half of the governor :
Relation between ‘h‘ and ‘ω’ of Porter Governor

There are several methods to

find this relationship.

Here Instantaneous Centre

Method is discussed.
In this method, equilibrium of the forces acting on the link BD are considered.
Friction is neglected

• The instantaneous centre lies at I

• Taking moments about I:

The Proell Governor has

the balls fixed at B and C
to the extension of the links
DF and EG, as shown:
Hartnell governor
Hartnell Governor
 A hartnell governor is a spring
loaded governor.

 It consist of two bell crank

lever pivoted at point to the

 The frame is attached to the

governor spindleand therefore
rotates with it
w=weight of flyball
W=weight on sleeve(Dead weight)
S=force exerted on the sleeve by the
spring that surrounds the spindle axis.
K=stiffness of spring
a,b=vertical & horizontal arm of bell

Sum of moment about axis=o;

F x a=W+S/2 x b
W+S=2F x a/b
There are two cases,

a) Maximum speed
b) Minimum speed

For Maximum speed,

W+S1=2F1 x a/b ……….(1)

For minimum speed

W+S₂=2F₂ x a/b ………..(2)

Subtracting equation (2) from (1)

S1-S2=2(a/b) x (F1-F2)
We know that,

F=K x
By Hock’s Law
S1-S2=K x

2(a/b)(F1-F2)=K x………….(3)
We also know that,

r 1>r 2

angle=r1-r2/a……….. (4)


comparing equation (4) & (5)

x=(r1-r2) x b/a
putting values in equation (3)
2(a/b) x (F1-F2)=K x

2(a/b) x (F1-F2)=K(r1-r2/a) x a

K=2(a/b)2 (F1-F2/r1-r2)

Where K is the stiffness of the spring.


In a spring loaded Hartnell type governor, the

extreme radii of rotation of the balls are 80mm
and 120mm.the ball arm and the sleeve arm
of the bell crank lever are equal in length.

The mass of each ball is 2kg.If the speed

at the two extreme position are 400 and 420
rpm. Find the initial compression of the central
spring, and the spring constant.
Given data

r 1=80mm=0.08m

r 2=120mm=0.12m

N1=400 rpm, N2=420 rpm

w 1=2 x 3.14 x 400/60=41.9 rad /s

w 2=2 x 3.14 x 420/60=44 rad/ s

Fc=m(w1)2 x r1=2(41.9) 2 x 0.08=281N

Maximum speed,

Fc2=m(w2)*2 * r2=2(44)2 x 0.12=465N

S1=spring force at the minimum speed

S2=spring force at maximum speed

We know that for minimum position,

M.g+S1=2Fc1 x (x/y)

S1=2Fc1=2 x 281=562N

Similiarly for maximum position,

M.g+S2=2Fc2 x (x/y)

S2=2FC2=2 x 465=930N
We know that lift of the sleeve,
h =(r2-r1)y/x=r2-r1=120-
stiffness of the spring
we know that initial compression of
the central spring
= S1/s=562/9.2=61mm Ans
Sensitiveness of Governors
Phenomenon in which governor
respond to the small change in
What we want in ideal
Case 1: Movement of sleeve
should be as large as possible

Case2: Corresponding change in

equilibrium speed as small as
What happened
 Case 1 ( the movement of sleeve has no
more importance)

 Case 2 ( we are concerned with the change

in equilibrium speed w.r.t mean equilibrium
The definition of sensitiveness

Ratio of the difference

between the maximum &
minimum equilibrium speed
to the mean equilibrium
Stability of governors:
• Ideal case-
Radius of
rotation of governor
constant, at every speed
What happened
Speed increases radius

Speed decreases radius

What actually we want a
governor to be stable!
Speed increases or decreases
Radius of rotation remain
constant or near to constant
Effort of governor;
 ‘‘Effortof the governor is the mean force
exerted at the seleeve for a given
percentage of speed (lift of the
 It may be noted that when the governor
is running steadily, there is no force at
the seleeve, it is assumed that this
resistance which is equal to effort varies
uniformly from maximum value to zero
while the governors moves into its new
position of equilibrium. It is denoted by
Muhammad Tayyab Tahir 2008-ep-
Power of governor
 ‘‘The power of governor
is the work done at the
seleeve for a given 
percentage change of
speed. It is the product of
mean value of effort and
the distance through
which seleeve moves.’’

Muhammad Tayyab Tahir 2008-ep-37

 ‘‘When a body rotates in a circular path,
there is an inward readiall force or
centripetal force acting on it. In case of
governor running at a steady speed, the
inward force acting on rotating balls is
known as Controlling Force.’’
 It is equal and opposite to the centrifugal
action. Controlling Force,

The controlling force is provided by the weight of the

seleeve and balls as in porter governor and by the
springs and weights as in Hartnell Governor (Or spring
controlled governor)
Muhammad Tayyab Tahir 2008-ep-
Controlling Force Diagram;

 ‘‘When the graph between the controlling force ()

as ordinate and radius of rotation of the ball (r) as
abscissa is drawn, then the graph obtained is
known as Controlling Force Diagram.’’
 This diagram enables the stability and sensitivity
of the governor to be examined and shows clearly
the effect of friction.

Muhammad Tayyab Tahir 2008-ep-

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