Software Testing Training: Sreenivas
Software Testing Training: Sreenivas
Software Testing Training: Sreenivas
Testing Training
Manual Testing
1. Software Testing Introduction
2. Software Development Life Cycle
3. Software Testing Methodologies
4. Test Case Design Techniques
5. Levels of Testing
6. Types of Testing
7. Software Development Life Cycle
8. Software Testing Life Cycle
9. Bug Life Cycle
10. Defect creation and tracking
11. Test/ Defect Summary Reports
12. Functional Testing Types
13. Non-Functional Testing
14. Jira
15. Realtime Project
Software Development Models
1. Waterfall
2. V Model
3. Agile - Scrum
1. Introduction to Database
2. Working with databases
3. SQL Sublanguages
4. MySQL Operators
5. Types of Joins
6. Working with Aggregate functions
API Testing using Postman
1. Introduction of API and WebServices
2. SOAP vs Rest APIs
3. Postman Introduction
4. Preparing testcases using Postman
5. Collections in Postman
6. How to check APIs in the browser
7. Different HTTP Status Response Codes
Core Java/Programming
1. Data Types and Variables
2. String Class
3. Arithmetic Operators & Concatenation
4. Conditional & Decision Making
5. Single Dimensional Array
6. Loops (For, While)
7. Classes and Objects
8. Class Constructors
9. Functions in Java
10. Function Input Parameters
11. Function Return Types
12. Exception Handling
13. Inheritance
Core Java/Programming
14. Polymorphism
15. Encapsulation
16. Data Hiding
17. Method Overloading
18. Method Overriding
19. Abstract class
20. Interface
21. Super/This Keywords
22. Final/Finally/Finalize Keywords
23. Concept of Garbage Collector and System.gc
24. Wrapper Classes
25. String Manipulation
1. TestNG Framework
2. Develop Automation Framework
3. Using Maven
4. Overview of BDD Framework with Cucumber
5. Version Control Tool, GITHUB
6. Introduction of Jenkins
7. Introduction on CI/CD
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