This document outlines an advanced object oriented programming course covering topics like AWT, Swing, streams, multithreading, networking, JDBC, RMI, and servlets. The course goals are for students to design complex user interfaces, write client-server apps using sockets, use JDBC for database queries, and call methods remotely. The course involves lectures, demos, labs, readings, and discussions across 16 weeks on these topics.
This document outlines an advanced object oriented programming course covering topics like AWT, Swing, streams, multithreading, networking, JDBC, RMI, and servlets. The course goals are for students to design complex user interfaces, write client-server apps using sockets, use JDBC for database queries, and call methods remotely. The course involves lectures, demos, labs, readings, and discussions across 16 weeks on these topics.
This document outlines an advanced object oriented programming course covering topics like AWT, Swing, streams, multithreading, networking, JDBC, RMI, and servlets. The course goals are for students to design complex user interfaces, write client-server apps using sockets, use JDBC for database queries, and call methods remotely. The course involves lectures, demos, labs, readings, and discussions across 16 weeks on these topics.
This document outlines an advanced object oriented programming course covering topics like AWT, Swing, streams, multithreading, networking, JDBC, RMI, and servlets. The course goals are for students to design complex user interfaces, write client-server apps using sockets, use JDBC for database queries, and call methods remotely. The course involves lectures, demos, labs, readings, and discussions across 16 weeks on these topics.
1. Course Description: This course covers topics on Java which includes: AWT and Swing, I/O Streams, Multithreading, Network Programming, Java database connectivity (JDBC), RMI, and Introduction to Servlets. 2. Course Goals or Learning Outcome: At the end of this course, students should be able to: - Carry out design and development of complex elements, such as user interfaces, multiprocessing, and fault-tolerant components; - Write TCP/IP Client Server applications using Sockets; - Write Java applications using the JDBC to make database independent queries; and - Call methods remotely. 3. Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming 4. Required Texts: 1. S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Core Java 2 – Volume II- Advanced Features, Sun Microsystems Press 2. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, Java How to Program, Deitel & Associates Inc. 3.
5. Summary of Teaching Learning Methods:
The learning–teaching methodology will be student-centered with appropriate guidance of instructor/s during the students’ activities. There will be Lecture, Demonstrations, Lab work Tutorials, Reading assignments and Group Discussions. The course will follow a rigorous schedule of assignments. Each assignment corresponds to a section of the course content and textbook. Failure to keep up with the assignments will result in your failing the course. Each session builds on the prior session and is a required building block for the following section. It is very difficult for you to be successful in the course if you miss any class sessions. 6. Schedule: The following is an outline of the order in which syllabus contents will be covered. The exact dates and due dates for assignments and exams can be found on the class calendar and are subject to change with notice. Week Topics Reading Assignment Week 1 -3 Chapter 1 - AWT and Swing 1.1. Concepts of AWT and Swing Frame, label, Button, TextField, ComboBox,… JFrame, JLabel, JButton, JtextField, JComboBox,… 1.2. Event Handling Sources Listeners Week 4 & 5 Chapter 2 – Streams and File I/O 2.1. Streams 2.2. Various Stream classes 2.3. Using Streams 2.4. Object Streams 2.5. File Management Week 6 & 7 Chapter 3 – Multi threading Concept 3.1. Threads Vs process 3.2. Multiple threads 3.3. Thread priorities 3.4. Synchronization Week 8 & 9 Chapter 4 – Networking in Java 4.1. Connecting to a server 4.2. Implementing Servers in Java 4.3. Sockets, ports, URIs Week 10 &11 Chapter 5 – Remote Method Invocation 5.1. Overview of RMI 5.2. The RMI Registry 5.3. The Remote Interface 5.4. Implementing RMI Week 12 &13 Chapter 6 – Java Database Connectivity 6.1. Database Systems – an Introduction 6.2. Structured Query Language 6.3. Installing and setting up JDBC 6.4. Basic JDBC Programming concepts 6.5. Populating a database 6.6. Executing Queries 6.7. Scrollable and Updateable Result Sets
Week 14 & 15 Chapter 7 – Servlets
7.1. Servlet Overview and Architecture 7.2. Handling HTTP get Request 7.3. Handling HTTP get Requests Containing Data 7.4.Handling HTTP post request 7.5. Redirecting Requests to Other Resources 7.6. Multi-Tier Applications: Using JDBC from a Servlet Week 16 Final Exam
Summary of Assessment Methods:
Assessment % of Final Grade Lab assignments 15 Project 15 Tests 20 Final Exam 50