Searching Good

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COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 2

 The process used to find the location of a target
among a list of objects
 Searching an array finds the index of first
element in an array containing that value

Copyright © 2000 by Broks/Cole Publishing Company

A division of International Thomson Publishing Inc.
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 3

Copyright © 2000 by Brooks/Cole Publishing Company

A division of International Thomson Publishing Inc.
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 4
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 5

Unordered Linear Search

 Search an unordered array of integers for a value
and return its index if the value is found. Otherwise,
return -1.
A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]

14 2 10 5 1 3 17 2
 Algorithm:
Start with the first array element (index 0)
while(more elements in array){
if value found at current index, return index;
Try next element (increment index);
Value not found, return -1;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 6

Unordered Linear Search

// Searches an unordered array of integers
int search(int data[], //input: array
int size, //input: array size
int value){ //input: search value
// output: if found, return index;
// otherwise, return –1.
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++){
if(data[index] == value)
return index;
return -1;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 7

Unordered Linear Search

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() {
int list[]={14,2,10,5,1,3,17,2};
int search_value,index;
printf(“ Enter search value: “);
scanf(“%d”, &search_value);
printf(“Search Value=%d found in index=
return 0;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 8

Ordered Linear Search

 Search an ordered array of integers for a value
and return its index if the value is found;
Otherwise, return -1.
A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]

1 2 3 5 7 10 14 17

 Linear search can stop immediately when it has

passed the possible position of the search value.
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 9

Ordered Linear Search

 Algorithm:

Start with the first array element (index 0)

while(more elements in the array){
if value at current index is greater than
value, value not found, return –1;
if value found at current index, return index;
Try next element (increment index);
value not found, return –1;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 10

Ordered Linear Search

// Searches an ordered array of integers
int lsearch(int data[],// input: array
int size, // input: array size
int value // input: value to find
) { // output: index if found
for(int index=0; index<size; index++){
if(data[index] > value)
return -1;
else if(data[index] == value)
return index;
return -1;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 11

Ordered Linear Search

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int array_size = 8;
int list[array_size]={1,2,3,5,7,10,14,17};
int search_value;

cout << "Enter search value: ";

cin >> search_value;
cout << lsearch(list,array_size,search_value)
<< endl;

return 0;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 12

Binary Search
 Search an ordered array of integers for a value and return
its index if the value is found. Otherwise, return -1.

A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]

1 2 3 5 7 10 14 17

 Binary search skips over parts of the array if the search

value cannot possibly be there.
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 13

Copyright © 2000 by Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
A division of International Thomson Publishing Inc.
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 14
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 15

Binary Search
 Binary search is based on the “divide-and-
conquer” strategy which works as follows:
 Start by looking at the middle element of the
– 1. If the value it holds is lower than the search
element, eliminate the first half of the array from
further consideration.
– 2. If the value it holds is higher than the search
element, eliminate the second half of the array from
further consideration.
 Repeat this process until the element is found,
or until the entire array has been eliminated.
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 16

Binary Search
 Algorithm:
Set first and last boundary of array to be searched
Repeat the following:
Find middle element between first and last boundaries;
if (middle element contains the search value)
return middle_element position;
else if (first >= last )
return –1;
else if (value < the value of middle_element)
set last to middle_element position – 1;
set first to middle_element position + 1;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 17

Binary Search
// Searches an ordered array of integers
int bsearch(int data[], // input: array
int size, // input: array size
int value // input: value to find
) // output: if found,return index
{ // otherwise, return -1
int first, middle, last;
first = 0;
last = size - 1;
while (true) {
middle = (first + last) / 2;
if (data[middle] == value)
return middle;
else if (first >= last)
return -1;
else if (value < data[middle])
last = middle - 1;
first = middle + 1;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 18

Binary Search
int main() {
const int array_size = 8;
int list[array_size]={1,2,3,5,7,10,14,17};
int search_value;

cout << "Enter search value: ";

cin >> search_value;
cout << bsearch(list,array_size,search_value)
<< endl;

return 0;
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 19

Example: binary search

A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]
 14 ? 1 2 3 5 7 10 14 17
first mid last
A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]
7 10 14 17
first mid last
A[6] A[7]
In this case,
(data[middle] == value) 14 17
return middle;
f mid last
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 20

Example: binary search

A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]
 8? 1 2 3 5 7 10 14 17
first mid last
A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]
7 10 14 17
first mid last

In this case, A[4]

(first == last)
return -1; 7
COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals: Searching Arrays/ Slide 21

Example: binary search

 4? A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7]

1 2 3 5 7 10 14 17
first mid last
A[0] A[1] A[2]

1 2 3
first mid last
In this case,
(first == last)
return -1; 3

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