Postdoctoral Researcher
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
• The wave nature of electron is used in TEM
• Accelerated electron beam in vacuum (~10-5 mm of Hg) from electron gun (generally
tungsten/LaB6/CeB6 wire) is the light source as compared to visible light in the optical microscope
• The resolution achieved is much higher than visible light due to much higher energy of electron wave
• Useful to get 2D images and information of objects at nano level which is beyond resolution limit of
visible light (~200 nm). This includes morphology, internal structure and lattice structure.
• This wavelength of the electron beam can be calculated from de Broglie’s equation. The wavelength
is dependent on the accelerating voltage and the resolution on wavelength and geometry.
At 100 kV of accelerating
voltage, the resolution will be 2
around 0.004 nm
Electron beam interaction with the sample
Sample holder and carbon coated copper grid
TEM Images (bright field images)
Other modes of imaging
Chromatic aberration
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
• Basic principle is same as that of TEM
• Topography of the sample can be measured in 3-D appearance along elemental composition
• It generally has lower accelerating voltage and lower resolution (~1-2 nm) than TEM. It’s less costly
• It scans through the entire sample to generate signals unlike TEM where it illuminates a certain part of the
sample at a time
• Don’t need elaborate sample preparation and thickness does not matter
• It is smaller in size than TEM and provide image faster than TEM
• The information of sample that SEM gives is different from that of TEM
Backscattered electrons
Secondary electrons
They are the electrons emitted from the surface of the sample when
irradiated by electron beam and is a result of inelastic scattering. They
provide topographical information. They have lower energy than
backscattered electron
SEM sample holders and preparation
• The two -sided carbon adhesive are put on the sample holder and then then sample is pasted on that
• If the sample is non-conductive (say insulator) like cellulose materials, gold coating on the sample is
done by sputtering
to prevent buildup of electrostatic charge
SEM Images
High flux novel polymeric membrane for renal applications. Sci Rep 13, 11703 (2023)
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
• It is a microanalytical technique used for identification and quantification of elements in a sample
• It works by measuring the energy of X-Ray emitted by the sample when hit by an electron beam
• When microscope's high-energy electron beam interacts with the atoms of the sample there is ejection of
an atom's inner-shell electron (generally K shell for Z<35) creating an electron vacancy, which is quickly
occupied by a higher-energy, outer-shell electron.
• As the outer-shell electron drops to a lower-level shell it loses energy, and this excess energy is emitted as
X-rays. This characteristic X-Ray energy is used to identify element which is directly proportional to atomic
Elemental Mapping and detection in EDS
• This technique is used to visualize and characterize the spatial distribution of elements within a sample
• Here the intensity and color is directly related to the concentration of an element
• Higher intensity or brighter color represents higher concentration and vice versa
• Silicon drift detector (SDD) is generally used as detector. Here the X-Ray photon is converted to electron hole
pair. The no. of electron is proportional to X ray energy
• It has higher resolution (~10 times) and lower detection limit than EDS.
Hence can be useful to detect trace elements
• This technology converts mechanical or maybe the thermal energy as produced by small scale
physical change into electricity
Piezoelectric Triboelectric Pyroelectric Thermoelectric
Pyroelectric nanogenerator
• It’s an energy harvesting device converting the external thermal energy (temporal temperature
change) into electrical energy by using nanostructured pyroelectric materials. Useful for
harvesting waste heat energy.
• For having pyroelectric effect, the material must have spontaneous polarization (dipole moment
per unit volume in absence of electric field), which occurs due to non symmetric crystal
• When heated, the crystal structure changes, and a reduction in spontaneous polarization takes
place and they exhibit potential difference at both ends of materials
• When cooled the reverse effect takes place which again results in potential difference
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2312245
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