Chap5 - Work and Energy
Chap5 - Work and Energy
Chap5 - Work and Energy
October 5, 2020
Chapter III Work and Energy
III.1. Work
III.1.1. Work done by a constant force
III.1.2. Work done by a forces system
III.1.3. Graphical determination of work
III.1.4. Work Done by a Variable Force
III.1.5. Work Done By a Spring
III.1.6. Work done by Gravitational Force
October 5, 2020
Why Energy?
• Why do we need a concept of energy?
• The energy approach to describing motion is
particularly useful when Newton’s Laws are
difficult or impossible to use
• Energy is a scalar quantity. It does not have a
direction associated with it
October 5, 2020
What is Energy?
• Energy is a property of the state of a system, not a
property of individual objects: we have to
broaden our view.
• Some forms of energy:
– Mechanical:
• Kinetic energy (associated with motion, within system)
• Potential energy (associated with position, within system)
– Chemical
– Electromagnetic
– Nuclear
• Energy is conserved. It can be transferred from
one object to another or change in form, but
cannot be created or destroyed
October 5, 2020
III.1. Work
III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
W F .S .cos W F r
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III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
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III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
Figure 3.4
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III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
W ( F cos ) x
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III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
October 5, 2020
III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
October 5, 2020
III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
October 5, 2020
III.1.1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
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III.1.2. Work done by a forces system
i F .S 8.3 24( J )
i F(10N)
i F .S W ( F .S )
i i i
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III.1.3. Graphical determination of work
F (N)
5 15 x (m)
W515 20.(15 5) 40 J F (N)
5 15 x (m)
The work is the area under the curve.
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III.1.4. Work Done by a Variable Force
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III.1.4. Work Done by a Variable Force
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III.1.4. Work Done by a Variable Force
0 s1 s2 s
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III.1.4. Work Done by a Variable Force
* General
2 2
W12 F dr W12 ( Fx dx Fy dy Fz dz )
1 1
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III.1.4. Work Done by a Variable Force
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
III.1.6. Work done by Gravitational Force
* In limited space near the ground
• Spring force
Fx kx
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III.1.5. Work Done By a Spring
Spring at Equilibrium
• F=0
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III.1.5. Work Done By a Spring
Spring Compressed
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III.1.5. Work Done By a Spring
Spring undeformed
F kx
W12 kxdx ( 21 kx22 21 kx12 )
F 12 k ( x2 x1 )( x2 x1 )
x1 x2 x
F kx
III.1.5. Work Done By a Spring
Measuring k for a spring
The spring is hung vertically and an object of mass m is attached to its
lower end. Under the action of the “load” mg, the spring stretches a
distance d from its equilibrium position.
a. If a spring is stretched 2.0 cm by a suspended object having a mass of
0.55 kg, what is the force constant of the spring?
b. How much work is done by the spring on the object as it stretches
through this distance?
mg 0.55kg 9.80m/s2
k 2
2.7 10 2
d 2.0 10 m
1 2 1
Ws 0 kd 2.7 10 N/m 2.0 10 m 5.4 102 J
2 2
2 2
* Work done by gravitational force
Wg F r mg d cos mgd
0.55 kg 9.80m/s 2 2.0 102 m=1.1 101 J
III.2. Power and efficiency
Instanstaneous Power P
dW F cos dx dx
P F cos Fv cos
dt dt dt
P Fv cos F v
III.2. Power and efficiency
dv dv dx dv
F ma m m mv
dt dx dt dx
f f f
Wi f Fdx mv dx mvdv
i i
dx i
Wi f mv mv
III.3. Kinetic Energy
Wi f mv mv
mv 2
s s
Wi f K f K i K i Wi f K f
III.4. Work – kinetic energy theorem
Wnet K f Ki K K f K i Wnet
“The work done on a particle by a “The final kinetic energy of an
net force acting on it equals the object is equal to its initial
change in kinetic energy of the kinetic energy plus the change
particle” due to the net work done on it”
m m K K f Ki Wnet
The work-kinetic energy theorem holds for both positive and negative values of Wnet
If Wnet 0 K f Ki 0 K f Ki
If Wnet 0 K f Ki 0 K f Ki
III.5. Applycations of work-energy theory
III.5.1. Work the pendulum problem in the text.
• Wish to determine velocity of
pendulum bob at A2. Consider work
& kinetic energy.
K1 W12 K 2
1 mg 2
0 mgl v2
2 g
v2 2 gl
• Velocity found without determining expression for acceleration
and integrating.
III.5.2. A car is moving on the incline
• Evaluate the change in kinetic
v1 88 m s
4000 / 9.8188
K1 12 mv12 1
2 1578797 N m
v2 0 K2 0
III.5.3. Example 3
• Apply the principle of work and
energy separately to blocks A and
• Apply the principle of work and energy
separately to blocks A and B.
WA 200 kg 9.81m s 2 1962 N
FA k N A kWA 0.25 1962 N 490 N
K1 W12 K 2 :
0 FC 2 m FA 2 m 12 mAv 2
FC 2 m 490 N 2 m 1
2 200 kg v 2
WB 300 kg 9.81m s 2 2940 N
K1 W12 K 2 :
0 Fc 2 m WB 2 m 12 mB v 2
Fc 2 m 2940 N 2 m 1
2 300 kg v 2
III.5.3. Example 3
v 4.43 m s
III.5.4. Example 4
• Apply the principle of work and energy
between the initial position and the
point at which the spring is fully
compressed and the velocity is zero.
A spring is used to stop a 60 kg package The only unknown in the relation is the
which is sliding on a horizontal surface. friction coefficient.
The spring has a constant k = 20 kN/m
and is held by cables so that it is initially • Apply the principle of work and energy
compressed 120 mm. The package has a for the rebound of the package. The
velocity of 2.5 m/s in the position shown only unknown in the relation is the
and the maximum deflection of the spring velocity at the final position.
is 40 mm.
Determine (a) the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the package and surface
and (b) the velocity of the package as it
passes again through the position shown.
III.5.4. Example 4
W12 f k mg x
k 60 kg 9.81m s 2 0.640 m 377 J k
K1 W12 K 2 :
k 0.20
187.5J- 377 J k 112 J 0
III.5.4. Example 4
III.5.5. Example 5
• Apply principle of work and energy to
determine velocity at point 2.
• Apply Newton’s second law to find
normal force by the track at point 2.
A 2000 N car starts from rest at
point 1 and moves without friction • Apply principle of work and energy to
down the track shown. determine velocity at point 3.
• Apply Newton’s second law to find
minimum radius of curvature at point
a) the force exerted by the track 3 such that a positive normal force is
on the car at point 2, and exerted by the track.
b) the minimum safe value of the
radius of curvature at point 3.
III.5.5. Example 5
• Apply principle of work and energy to
determine velocity at point 2.
1 mg 2
K1 0 K 2 12 mv22 v2
2 g
W12 mg 40 m
1 mg 2
K1 W12 K 2 : 0 mg 40 m v2
2 g
v22 2 40 m g 2 40 m 9.81m s 2 v2 28.01m s
Force exerted by the motor
cable has same direction as
the dumbwaiter velocity.
Power delivered by motor is
equal to FvD, vD = 8 m/s.
The dumbwaiter D and its load have a • In the first case, bodies are in
combined weight of 600 N, while the uniform motion. Determine force
counterweight C weighs 800 N. exerted by motor cable from
conditions for static equilibrium.
Determine the power delivered by the
electric motor M when the dumbwaiter • In the second case, both bodies are
(a) is moving up at a constant speed of accelerating. Apply Newton’s
8 m/s and (b) has an instantaneous second law to each body to
velocity of 8 m/s and an acceleration of determine the required motor
2.5 m/s2, both directed upwards. cable force.
Sample Problem
• In the first case, bodies are in uniform motion (a = 0).
Determine force exerted by motor cable from
conditions for static equilibrium.
Free-body C:
Fy 0 : 2T 800 N 0 T 400 N
Free-body D:
Fy 0 : F T 600 N 0
F 600 N T 600 N 400 N 200 N
Power 1600 N m s
Sample Problem
• In the second case, both bodies are accelerating. Apply
Newton’s second law to each body to determine the
required motor cable force.
a D 2.5 m s 2 aC 12 a D 1.25 m s 2
Fy mC aC : 800 2T 1.25 T 100 N
Fy m D a D : F T 600 2.5
F 100 600 150 F 650 N
Power Fv D 650 N 8 m s 5200 N m s
Power 5200 N m s