COMP Guide

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Principal Frazer’s

study skills guide.
Helping you develop revision and study
Collaborate with others
 DO × DON’T
• Be open to feedback • Use it as an opportunity to
• Set clear objectives • Get distracted with social
• Define clear roles media / messaging

• Be willing to share • Lose focus on what you are

meant to be doing
• Get upset if someone
disagrees with you
• Think revision only happens
in Prep time!
Organise yourself
Collaboration activity:

In groups of 3, discuss what

information should be in a
weekly study planner.

You have 5 minutes to write

the key elements you feel
should be included.
Make M eaningful notes /
revision aids
Activity: Examples of useful revision
Select one of the examples listed to  Flashcards
 Rhymes, stories or mnemonics
the right and create a ‘Worked
 Sticky notes
example’ of it in action.  Practice questions
 Study groups
 Mind maps
You have 5 minutes to create an  Making your own revision
example of one revision tool. You will guides
then pair up with another student  Paraphrase highlighted notes

and explain why you chose that tool.

Mind Maps
What should a
Mind Map contain:
A central theme
Relationships /
Flashcards and Sticky
Steps for success:
Keep them simple, focus
For both of these on single elements for each
revision methods card / note
the key is to read Using a question and
what you want to answer format helps you
learn first. brain retain the information
(for Stick Notes) place
them around your room, so
Make notes relevant
to you!
The following methods
How to make your own
are useful for retaining learning aids:
key details: Highlight key points of a
• Rhymes, stories or text
mnemonics Organise your notes into
• i.e. BIDMAS
key topics or sections
• Making your own
revision guides Write an explanation of
• Paraphrase the topic using the
highlighted notes highlighted terms
*This is very useful for
Applying your revision
Completing practice questions Steps for success:
is a very effective way to make
sure you have a secure Agree on a place a time (and stick to
knowledge of a topic.
Various strategies can be used Agree on the aim of the group (you
when completing questions:
may be in different groups for different
 Independently
 Small group / Study groups
 Complete a question with a Agree on how you will work before you
partner start each session. For example,
 Complete a question and
peer assess answers collaborating to answer an exam
 Complete independently question
and compare answers with *Note it is all about working together (agreeing)!
Be Prepared for studying

Whether it is for Prep, a Flexi Session, or

Independent revision, the key is to have all
the materials you need to complete the task.
List the different things you think are essential for
any revision activity:
Final reflections:
On a Sticky Note answer the following:

oOne thing you have learnt today…

oHow you will apply that to your future work…

oOne word that describe how you feel after this


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