Pce 1003 Handbook
Pce 1003 Handbook
Pce 1003 Handbook
How to use this Handbook
This Handbook is used to complement the rest of the course materials. For your easy
reference and use, this Handbook is downloadable.
This Handbook provides some basic information about the IPA system for English
pronunciation in order to help you master phonetic transcription.
The IPA symbols used in this Handbook are taken from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary and there will be variation in the symbols used in other dictionaries.
This Handbook is to be used as a key to open the door for your own improvement in
English pronunciation and help you to become a more confident speaker of English.
The basic Understanding of English Pronunciation / 1
English is a polysyllabic language in that each English word is usually made up of more than one syllable.
Syllable is the beat of a word; for example, there are three syllables in the word ‘beautiful’ – beau-ti-ful.
However, Chinese is a monosyllabic language and for each Chinese character there is only one syllable.
Therefore, it is important for Chinese learners to know the difference between these two language systems.
Each syllable in an English word is usually composed of a vowel and consonant(s). Take the word
‘beautiful’, it is made up of three syllables and each syllable is made up of a vowel and consonant(s).
beau·ti·ful / »bju:tIf´l /
Vowels and consonants are sounds represented by IPA symbols. IPA stands for International Phonetic
Alphabet and the IPA symbols are the representation of the sounds system that the International Phonetics
Association has standardized for English pronunciation. You may refer to the key to IPA symbols in the
section Using IPA for English Phonetic Transcription for an overview of all the English vowels and
We normally understand the vowel sound in the pronunciation system as the sound that could be heard
distinctly. Generally when we make a vowel sound, there is no constriction nor blockage of air in the
process of the sound production, for example, there is no barrier like the tongue, teeth or other oral parts to
obstruct the flow of air. In this way, the sound produced could be heard clearly. It is easier to master and
monitor the quality of the vowel sounds as these sounds are audible. The English vowels are represented by
the IPA symbols as shown in the beginning of the section Using IPA for English Phonetic Transcription.
Consonant sounds as defined by the Advanced Oxford Learner’s Dictionary are speech sounds “ produced
by completely or partly stopping the air being breathed out through the mouth”.
In producing a consonant sound, it is necessary to note the difference between a voiced consonant and a
voiceless consonant. Voiced consonants are sounds produced when the vocal cords are vibrating whereas
voiceless consonants are those in which the vocal cords are apart. Voiced and voiceless consonants are
shown in the diagram below:
Voiceless p t k f T S tS s h
Voiced b d g v D Z dZ z m n N l r j w
In producing or articulating a consonant, we would normally use in connection with a vowel sound in order
to make the consonant sound audible. In this way it is easier for us to monitor our articulation and the
quality of the sound produced. The chart key to IPA symbols in the section Using IPA for English Phonetic
Transcription lists out all the vowels and consonants for English pronunciation.
As mentioned before, English is a polysyllabic language, there are often more than one syllable in each
word. It would be most unpleasant to the ear and difficult to pronounce if there is equal length for each
syllable in a word. A stress mark indicates which syllable should be clear and loud in sound, and relatively
PCE / Handbook
The basic Understanding of English Pronunciation / 2
longer in length. This could normally be observed by the pitch of the voice. For details, refer to the section
of Using IPA for English Phonetic Transcription on stress.
PCE / Handbook
Key to IPA symbols for English
Vowels Diphthongs
♠ The sounds written /i:/ and /I/ must always be different, as in heat /hi˘t/
compared with hit /hIt/. But /i/ represents a vowel that can be sounded in
either way, or as a sound which is a compromise between them. In a word
such as happy /»hQpi/, younger speakers use a quality more like /i˘/ but short
in duration. When /i/ is followed by /´/ the sequence can also be pronounced
»dju˘bj´s /.
In the same way, the two vowels represented by /u˘/ and /U/ must be distinct
but /u/ represents a vowel that varies between them. If /u/ is followed
directly by a consonant sound, it can also be pronounced in a third way, as /´/.
So stimulate, shown as /:stImjuleIt/, can be pronounced as any of /:stImju˘leIt,
:stImjUleIt, or :stImj´leIt/.
P. 2
☛ Key to using the IPA symbols in a dictionary
Certain common words like at, and, for, can, have two pronunciations. The Oxford
Advanced Learner’s (OAL)Dictionary and some other dictionaries give the usual
(weak) pronunciation first. The second pronunciation (strong) must be used if the
word is stressed, and also generally when the word is at the end of a sentence. For
Most kinds of American English do not have a vowel like British /Å/. For an American pronunciation,
/Å/ generally pronounces in the same way as /A˘/. For instance hot, shown as /hÅt/, in American
pronunciation is pronounced /hA˘t/. A large number of such words are not marked in this way in the
dictionary. In a smaller number of words, British /Å/ corresponds to American /ç˘/ instead. These
are indicated separately, for instance soft /sÅft/; US /sç˘ft/.
3. Stress
The mark / : / shows the main stress in a word. Compare able /:eIbl/, stressed on the
first syllable, with ability /´:bIl´ti/, stressed on the second. A stressed syllable is
relatively loud, long in duration, said clearly and distinctly, and made noticeable by
the pitch of the voice.
P. 3
Longer words may have one or more secondary stresses coming before the main
stress. The main stress is normally called the primary stress and the other
secondary stress(es). These are marked with / » / and / « / as in abbreviation /
´«bri˘vi:eISn /, agricultural /«QgrI:k√ ltS´r´l /. These secondary stresses feel like beats
in a rhythm leading up to the main stress.
Weak stresses coming after the main stress in a word can sometimes be heard, but they are not marked
in this dictionary.
When two words are put together in a phrase, the main stress in the first word may
shift to the place of secondary stress to avoid a clash between two stressed syllables
next to each other. For instance “ «well-:known ” has the main stress on known,
but in the phrase ”«well-known :author” the stress on known is missing. This kind of
‘stress-shift’ is shown by stress marks on many of the examples in this dictionary.
4. Stress in idioms
Most idioms are shown in the dictionary with at least one main stress. The learner
should not change the position of this stress when speaking, or the special meaning of
the idiom may be lost.
P. 4
Self-learning Resources on CUHK campus / 1
The self-learning resources are available in the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) which is located
on the 4 th Floor of Ting Ka Ping Building.
The following is a list of materials for improving pronunciation in the Independent Learning Centre
Baker, A. 1993 Tree or Three?: An Elementary Pronunciation Course. Cambridge University Press.
Baker, A. 1992 Ship or Sheep?: An Intermediate Pronunciation Course. Cambridge University Press.
Bowler, B. & Parminter, S. 1992 Headway Pre-intermediate Pronunciation. Oxford University Press.
Cunningham, S. & Bowler, B. 1990 Headway Intermediate Pronunciation. Oxford University Press.
Cunningham, S. & Moor, P. 1996 Headway Elementary Pronunciation. Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, J. B. 1994 Clear Speech: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American
English Cambridge University Press.
O'Connor, J.D. & Fletcher, C. Fletcher, C. 1989 Sounds English: A Pronunciation Practice Book.
Ponsonby, M. 1995 How Now, Brown Cow? : A Course in the Pronunciation of English, with
Exercises and Dialogues. Phoenix ELT.
Rogerson, P. & Gilbert, J. B. 1990 Speaking Clearly: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension for
Learners of English. Cambridge University Press.
PCE / Handbook
Self-learning Resources on CUHK campus / 2
Muller, E.A. & Samson, E Pronunciation & Speech Tutor (used on either Mac or PC) The English
Centre, The University of Hong Kong, 1998.
Lai, E. & Cheung, Y.L. , 1997 Exercises of IPA Symbols (available at the PCs in the Writing Lab)
http://www/cuhk.edu. hk.cgi-custom/ilc/ipa/index.cgi
Boozer, B. & Johnson, P., 1997. An Introduction to the International Phonetic Symbols for the
Pronunciation of English (available at the PCs in the Writing Lab and Mac stations, better effect on
Tape 1
Tape 2
Tape 3
PCE / Handbook
Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 1
Oesophagus /i::sÅf´g´s/
Duodenum /«dju:´:di:n´m/
Diaphragm /:daI´frQm/
Forehead /:fÅrId / /:fç:hed/
Vocal chord /v´Vkl/ / kç:d/
Tongue /t√N/
Jaw /dZç:/
Temples /:templz/
Skull /sk√l/
Ventricles /:ventrIklz/
Sternum /:stŒ:n´m/
Stomach /:st√m´k/
Intestines /In:testInz/
Kidney /:kIdnI/
Liver /:lIv´/
Groin /grçIn/
Thigh /TaI/
Ankles /:QNklz/
Elbows /:elb´Uz/
Thumb /T√m/
Shoulder /:S´Uld´/
Knuckles /:n√klz/
Waist /weIst/
Wrist /rIst/
Nostrils /:nÅstr´lz/
Earlobe /:I´l´Ub/
Pupils /:pju:plz/
Brain /breIn/
Heel /hi:l/
Nape /neIp/
Navel /:neIvl/
Calf /kA:f/
Kneecap /:ni:kQp/
Pancreas /:pQNkrI´s/
Appendix /e:pendIks/
Rectum /:rekt´m/
Tonsils /:tÅnslz/
Aorta /eI:ç:t´/
PCE / Handbook
Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 2
Palm /pA:m/
Sole /s´Ul/
film / fIlm /
radio /»reIdI ´U /
music /»mju:zIk /
shopping /»SÅpIN /
travel /»trQvl /
theatre /»TI´t´ /
funfair /»f√nfe´ /
drama /»drA:m´ /
photography / f´»tÅgr´fI /
comedy /»kÅm´d´I /
tragedy /»trQdZdI /
thriller /»TrIl´ /
basketball /»bA:sk´tbç:1/
badminton /»bQdmInt´n /
swimming /»swImIN /
jogging /»dZÅgIN /
tennis /»tenIs /
leisure /»leZ´ /
reading /»ri:dIN /
ballet /»bQleI /
opera /»Åp´r´/
circus /»sŒ:k´s/
farce / fA:s/
actress /»Qktr´s /
chess / tSes /
wrestling /»res´lIN /
snooker /»snu:k´ /
skiing /»ski:IN /
surfing /»sŒ:fIN /
orchestra /»ç:k´str´ /
hiking / »haIkIN /
canoe / k´»nu: /
piano / pI»Qn´U /
flute / flu:t /
arcade / A:»keId /
trail / treIl /
camping / »kQmpIN /
PCE / Handbook
Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 3
parachuting / »pQr´Su:tIN /
explore / Ik»splç: (r) /
picnic / »pIknIk /
yacht / jÅt /
clown / klaUn /
cinema /»sIn´m´/
PCE / Handbook
Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 4
Oyster /'çIst´/
Basil /'bQzl/
Tandoori /tQn'dU´rI/
Pasta /'pQst´/
Brownie /'braUnI/
Vanilla /v´'nIl´/
Relish /'relIS/
Quiche /ki:S/
Mustard /'m√st´d/
Tart /tA:t/
Samosa /s´'m´Us´/
Bagel /'beIgl/
Prawn /prç:n/
Crumble /'kr√mbl/
Grapefruit /'greIpfru:t/
Mayonnaise /meI´'neIz/
Raisin /'reIzn/
Aaron /e´»r´n/
Abby /»QbI/
Adrian /»eIdrI´n/
Alan, Allan, Allen /»æl´n/
Alana /´»læn´/
Albany /»ç˘lb´nI/
Albert /»Qlb´t/
Alec /»QlIk/
Alex /»QlIks/
Alexander /QlIg»zA˘nd´/
Alexis /´»leksIs/
Alfred /»QlfrId/
Alfreda /»Ql»frId´/
Alvis /»QlvIs/
Annette /´»net/
Anthea /»QnTI´/
Arthur /»A:T´(r)/
Audrey /»ç˘drI/
Beatrice /»bI´trIs/
Bernadette /bŒ˘n´»det/
Bernard /»bŒ˘n´d/
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Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 5
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Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 6
allergy /»Ql´dZi/
Alzheimer’s disease /Qlts haIm ´ z dIzi:z/
anaemia/anemia / ´»ni:mI´ /
appendicitis / ´«pend´:s´ItIs /
arteriosclerosis / A:«tI´rI´UsklI´»r´UsIs /
arthritis / A:»TraItIs /
asthma / »Qsm´ /
benign tumor /bI'naIn//:tju:m´(r)/
bronchitis / brÅN»kaItIs /
cholera / »kÅl´r´ /
constipation /«kÅnstI »peISn/
cough / »kÅf /
diabetes / «daI´»bi:ti:z /
PCE / Handbook
Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 7
diarrhoea/diarrhea / «daI´»rI´ /
hepatitis / «hep´»taItIs /
influenza / «InflU»enz´ /
insomnia / In»sÅmnI´ /
jaundice / »dZç:ndIs /
malignant tumor /m´:éIgn´nt/ /:tju:m´(r)/
measles / »mi:z´lz /
meningitis / «menIn»dZaItIs /
migraine / »mi:greIn/ / »maIgreIn/
mumps / »m√mps /
pneumonia / nju:»m´UnI´ /
senile dementia /:si:naIé/ /dI:menS´/
tonsilitis /«tÅnsI»laItIs/
tuberculosis / tju:«bŒ:kU»l´UsIs /
ulcer / »√és´(r) /
Apartheid /´»pA˘theIt/
Buffet /bUfeI/
encore /ÅNkç(r)/
Endoscopy /en:dÅsk´pI/ /en:dA:sk´pI/
Fatigue /f´»ti:g/
Gauge Theory /geIdZ/ /TI´ri/
gauze /gç:z/
aromatherapy /´«r´Um´:Ter´pi/
indict /In:daIt/
indicate /:IndIkeIt/
The Thames /D´/ /temz/
tame /teIm/
time /taIm/
Manchester United /:mQntSIst´(r)/ /ju:naItId/
lounge /laUndZ/
quay /ki:/
rendezvous /:rÅndIvu:/
savoir-faire /«sQvwA: :fe´(r) /
tentative /:tent´tIv/
rumbustious /r√m:b√ stS´s/
- The End -
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Lists of commonly used words for IPA transcription / 8
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PCE / Handbook