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The Muscular System

Dr. Shumaila Naz

Learning Outcomes

 identify the main characteristics of skeletal muscle

 the structure of skeletal muscle fibers
 name the main muscles of the body regions and their functions
Functions of Muscular Tissue

 Muscle cells are specialized contractile cells, also called fibers

 Like nervous tissue, muscles are excitable or "irritable”

they have the ability to respond to a stimulus

 Unlike nerves, however, muscles are also:

Contractible (they can shorten in length)
Extensible (they can extend or stretch)
Elastic (they can return to their original shape)
Three Types of Muscular Tissue
Location Function Appearance Control

Skeletal striated, multi-

skeleton nucleated (eccentric), voluntary
heat, posture
fibers parallel

pump blood striated, one central
heart involuntary
continuously nucleus

Visceral Peristalsis,
(smooth muscle) G.I. tract,
blood pressure, no striations, one
uterus, eye, involuntary
pupil size, central nucleus
blood vessels
erects hairs
Organization of skeletal muscle

 Skeletal muscle is composed of skeletal muscle tissue and also contains

nervous tissue, blood vessels and connective tissue

 Half of the body’s weight is muscle tissue

 Skeletal muscle = 40% in males, 32% in females
 Cardiac muscle = 10%
Skeletal muscle fibers (cells) are arranged into
bundles called fascicles
Fascicles are bound by connective tissue

Four different connective tissue coverings

Deep fascia Epimysium
Surrounds entire skeletal The entire muscle is covered in a
muscle and extends beyond connective tissue sheath called the
its length
Within the fascicles, the individual
Perimysium muscle cells are each wrapped in a fine
connective tissue layer called the
Surrounds each endomysium. Each of these connective
fascicle tissue layers runs the length of the
Organization of skeletal muscle

 Connective tissue bind the fibers into a highly

organized structure, and blend together at each end of
the muscle to form the tendon, which secures the
muscle to bone.

 Often the tendon is rope-like, but sometimes it forms a

broad sheet called an aponeurosis


A tendon is a fibrous connective tissue which

attaches muscle to bone
Principal skeletal muscles

Muscles of the face and neck

Muscles of the face
Many muscles are involved in changing facial expression
and with movement of the lower jaw during chewing and

Occipitofrontalis (unpaired).
This consists of a posterior muscular part over the
occipital bone (occipitalis), an anterior part over the
frontal bone (frontalis) and an extensive flat tendon or
aponeurosis that stretches over the dome of the skull and
joins the two muscular parts. It raises the eyebrows.
Muscles of the face and neck

Levator palpebrae superioris. This muscle extends

from the posterior part of the orbital cavity to the upper
eyelid. It raises the eyelid.
Orbicularis oculi. This muscle surrounds the eye, eyelid
and orbital cavity. It closes the eye and when strongly
contracted ‘screws up’ the eyes.
Buccinator. This flat muscle of the cheek draws the
cheeks in towards the teeth in chewing and in forcible
expulsion of air from the mouth (‘the trumpeter’s
Orbicularis oris (unpaired). This muscle surrounds the
mouth and blends with the muscles of the cheeks. It
closes the lips and, when strongly contracted, shapes
the mouth for whistling
Muscles of the face and neck

Masseter. This broad muscle extends from the

zygomatic arch to the angle of the jaw. In
chewing it draws the mandible up to the
maxilla, closing the jaw, exerting considerable
pressure on the food.

Temporalis. This muscle covers the squamous

part of the temporal bone. It passes behind the
zygomatic arch to be inserted into the coronoid
process of the mandible. It closes the mouth
and assists with chewing.

Pterygoid. This muscle extends from the

sphenoid bone to the mandible. It closes the
mouth and pulls the lower jaw forward
Muscles of the face and neck
 Muscles of the neck
Sternocleidomastoid. This muscle arises from the
manubrium of the sternum and the clavicle and
extends upwards to the mastoid process of the
temporal bone. It assists in turning the head from
side to side and is also an accessory muscle in
When the muscle on one side contracts it draws the
head towards the shoulder. When both contract at
the same time they flex the cervical vertebrae or
draw the sternum and clavicles upwards when the
head is maintained in a fixed position, e.g. in forced
Muscles of the face and neck

 Trapezius. This muscle covers the shoulder and

the back of the neck.
The upper attachment is to the occipital
protuberance, the medial attachment is to the
transverse processes of the cervical and thoracic
vertebrae and the lateral attachment is to the
clavicle and to the spinous and acromion processes
of the scapula.
It pulls the head backwards, squares the shoulders
and controls the movements of the scapula when
the shoulder joint is in use.
Organization of skeletal muscle

 Muscles of the back

There are six pairs of large muscles in the back, in addition to
those forming the posterior abdominal wall. The arrangement
of these muscles is the same on each side of the vertebral
 They are:
• trapezius
• latissimus dorsi
• teres major
• psoas
• quadratus lumborum
• Sacro spinalis.

Latissimus dorsi. This arises from the posterior part of the iliac
crest and the spinous processes of the lumbar and lower thoracic
vertebrae. It passes upwards across the back then under the arm
to be inserted into the bicipital groove of the humerus. It
adducts, medially rotates and extends the arm.
Muscles of the back
 Teres major. This originates from the inferior
angle of the scapula and is inserted into the
humerus just below the shoulder joint. It
extends, adducts and medially rotates the arm.
 Quadratus lumborum. This muscle originates
from the iliac crest, then it passes upwards,
parallel and close to the vertebral column and it
is inserted into the 12th rib. Together the two
muscles fix the lower rib during respiration and
cause extension of the vertebral column (bending
backwards). If one muscle contracts it causes
lateral flexion of the lumbar region of the
vertebral column.
 Sacro spinalis (erector spinae). This is a group of
muscles lying between the spinous and
transverse processes of the vertebrae. They
originate from the sacrum and are finally
inserted into the occipital bone. Their contraction
causes extension of the vertebral column.
Organization of skeletal muscle
 Muscles of the shoulder and upper limb
These muscles stabilize the association between the appendicular and
axial skeletons at the pectoral girdle and stabilize and allow movement of
the shoulders and upper arms.

Deltoid. These muscle fibers originate from the clavicle, acromion process
and spine of scapula and radiate over the shoulder joint to be inserted into
the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. It forms the fleshy and rounded
contour of the shoulder, and its main function is movement of the arm.
The anterior part causes flexion, the middle or main part abduction and
the posterior part extends and laterally rotates the shoulder joint.

Pectoralis major. This lies on the anterior thoracic wall. The fibers originate
from the middle third of the clavicle and from the sternum and are
inserted into the lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus. It draws
the arm forward and towards the body, i.e. flexes and adducts.
Coracobrachialis. This lies on the upper medial aspect of the arm. It arises
from the coracoid process of the scapula, stretches across in front of the
shoulder joint and is inserted into the middle third of the humerus. It
flexes the shoulder joint
Muscles of the shoulder and upper limb

Biceps. This lies on the anterior aspect of the upper arm.

At its proximal end it is divided into two parts (heads),
each of which has its own tendon.
 The short head rises from the coracoid process of the
scapula and passes in front of the shoulder joint to
the arm.
 The long head originates from the rim of the glenoid
cavity and its tendon passes through the joint cavity
and the bicipital groove of the humerus to the arm. It
is retained in the bicipital groove by a transverse
humeral ligament that stretches across the groove.
 The distal tendon crosses the elbow joint and is
inserted into the radial tuberosity. It helps to stabilize
and flex the shoulder joint and at the elbow joint it
assists with flexion and supination
Muscles of the shoulder and upper limb

Brachialis. This lies on the anterior aspect of the upper

arm deep to the biceps. It originates from the shaft of the
humerus, extends across the elbow joint and is inserted
into the ulna just distal to the joint capsule. It is the main
flexor of the elbow joint.

Triceps. This lies on the posterior aspect of the humerus.

It arises from three heads, one from the scapula and two
from the posterior surface of the humerus. The insertion
is by a common tendon to the olecranon process of the
ulna. It helps to stabilise the shoulder joint, assists in
adduction of the arm and extends the elbow joint.

Brachioradialis. The brachioradialis spans the elbow

joint, originating on the distal end of the humerus and
inserts on the lateral epicondyle of the radius. Contraction
flexes the elbow joint.

Pronator quadratus. This square-shaped muscle is the

main muscle causing pronation of the hand and has
attachments on the lower sections of both the radius and
the ulna.
Muscles of the shoulder and upper limb
 Pronator teres. This lies obliquely across the upper third
of the front of the forearm. It arises from the medial
epicondyle of the humerus and the coronoid process of
the ulna and passes obliquely across the forearm to be
inserted into the lateral surface of the shaft of the radius.
It rotates the radioulnar joints, changing the hand from
the anatomical to the writing position, i.e. pronation.
 Supinator. This lies obliquely across the posterior and
lateral aspects of the forearm. Its fibres arise from the
lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the upper part of
the ulna and are inserted into the lateral surface of the
upper third of the radius. It rotates the radioulnar joints,
often with help from the biceps, changing the hand from
the writing to the anatomical position, i.e. supination
 Flexor carpi radialis. This lies on the anterior surface of
the forearm. It originates from the medial epicondyle of
the humerus and is inserted into the second and third
metacarpal bones. It flexes the wrist joint, and when
acting with the extensor carpi radialis, abducts the joint.
Muscles of the shoulder and upper limb

 Flexor carpi ulnaris. This lies on the medial aspect of

the forearm. It originates from the medial epicondyle
of the humerus and the upper parts of the ulna and is
inserted into the pisiform, the hamate and the fifth
metacarpal bones. It flexes the wrist, and when acting
with the extensor carpi ulnaris, adducts the joint.
 Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis. These lie on
the posterior aspect of the forearm. The fibers originate
from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and are
inserted by a long tendon into the second and third
metacarpal bones. They extend and abduct the wrist.
 Extensor carpi ulnaris. This lies on the posterior surface
of the forearm. It originates from the lateral epicondyle
of the humerus and is inserted into the fifth metacarpal
bone. It extends and adducts the wrist.
Muscles of the shoulder and upper limb
 Palmaris longus. This muscle resists shearing forces that
might pull the skin and fascia of the palm away from
underlying structures and flexes the wrist. Its origin is
on the medial epicondyle of the humerus, and it inserts
on tendons on the palm of the hand.
 Extensor digitorum. This muscle originates on the
lateral epicondyle of the humerus and spans both the
elbow and wrist joints; in the wrist, it divides into four
tendons, one for each finger. Action of this muscle can
extend any of the joints across which it passes, i.e. the
elbow, wrist or finger joints.
 Muscles that control finger movements. Large muscles
in the forearm that extend to the hand give power to the
hand and fingers, but not the delicacy of movement
needed for fine and dexterous finger control. Smaller
muscles, which originate on the carpal and metacarpal
bones, control tiny and precise finger movements via
tendinous attachments on the phalanges; muscle fibres
do not extend into the fingers
Organization of skeletal muscle
Muscles of the hip and lower limb
The biggest muscles of the body, since their function is largely in
weight bearing. The lower parts of the body are designed to
transmit the force of body weight in walking, running, etc., evenly
throughout weight-bearing structures, and act as shock absorbers
Psoas. This arises from the transverse processes and bodies of the
lumbar vertebrae. It passes across the flat part of the ilium and
behind the inguinal ligament to be inserted into the femur.
Together with the iliacus it flexes the hip joint
Iliacus. This lies in the iliac fossa of the innominate bone. It
originates from the iliac crest, passes over the iliac fossa and joins
the tendon of the psoas muscle to be inserted into the lesser
trochanter of the femur. The combined action of the iliacus and
psoas flexes the hip joint.
Quadriceps femoris. This is a group of four muscles lying on the
front and sides of the thigh. They are the rectus femoris and three
vasti: lateralis, medialis and intermedius. The rectus femoris
originates from the ilium and the three vasti from the upper end
of the femur. Together they pass over the front of the knee joint to
be inserted into the tibia by the patellar tendon. Only the rectus
femoris flexes the hip joint. Together, the group acts as a very
strong extensor of the knee joint.
Muscles of the hip and lower limb
 Obturators. The obturators, deep muscles of the
have their origins in the rim of the obturator foramen
the pelvis and insert into the proximal femur. Their
function lies in lateral rotation at the hip joint.
 Gluteals. These consist of the gluteus maximus, medius
and minimus, which together form the fleshy part of the
buttock. They originate from the ilium and sacrum and
are inserted into the femur. They cause extension,
abduction and medial rotation at the hip joint.
 Sartorius. This is the longest muscle in the body and
crosses both the hip and knee joints. It originates from
anterior superior iliac spine and passes obliquely
the hip joint, thigh and knee joint to be inserted into the
medial surface of the upper part of the tibia. It is
Muscles of the hip and lower limb
 Adductor group. This lies on the medial aspect of the
thigh. They originate from the pubic bone and are
inserted into the linea aspera of the femur. They
adduct and medially rotate the thigh.
 Hamstrings. These lie on the posterior aspect of the
thigh. They originate from the ischium and are
into the upper end of the tibia. They are the biceps
femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.
They flex the knee joint.
 Gastrocnemius. This forms the bulk of the calf of the
It arises by two heads, one from each condyle of the
femur, and passes down behind the tibia to be
inserted into the calcaneus by the calcanean tendon
(Achilles tendon).
It crosses both knee and ankle joints, causing flexion
the knee and plantarflexion (rising onto the ball of
foot) at the ankle
Muscles of the hip and lower limb

Anterior tibialis. This originates from the upper end of

the tibia, lies on the anterior surface of the leg and is
inserted into the middle cuneiform bone by a long
It is associated with dorsiflexion of the foot.

Soleus. This is one of the main muscles of the calf of the

leg, lying immediately deep to the gastrocnemius. It
originates from the heads and upper parts of the fibula
and the tibia.
Its tendon joins that of the gastrocnemius so that
they have a common insertion into the calcaneus by the
calcanean (Achilles) tendon. It causes plantarflexion at
the ankle and helps to stabilize the joint when standing.

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