Fire Hazard
Fire Hazard
Fire Hazard
It is required to elevate the temperature of a
material to its ignition point.
Elements Necessary for a Fire
It may be solid or liquid ,the type and quantity
of the fuel will determine which method should
be used to extinguish the fire.
Elements Necessary for a Fire
Most fires will burn vigorously in any
of at least 20% oxygen.
Fire Triangle is a
diagram which
represents the three
components that
creates a fire such as
Oxygen or Air, Fuel
and Heat (source of
ignition). Absence of
Classes of fires
CLASS A Carbon based combustible materials
CLASS B Liquid
CLASS C Gasses
CLASS D Metals
• Convection
Heat is transferred by a circulating medium either a gas or
• Radiation
Heat is transferred from one body to another by heat rays a
medium in between.
How to Use a Fire
Extinguisher: A Rapid
Response to Early
Detection of Fire
Pull the pin
This will allow you to squeeze
the handle in order to
discharge the extinguisher.
The removal of fuel to the point so that nothing
remains to burn.
Cooling of fuel to the point so that combustion
vapours are no longer produced, and temperature is
dropped below ignition point.
What is fire extinguishing principle?
• Technological Hazards
• Environmental Hazards
• Socio-Economic, Political, Security Hazards
Commonly Experienced Fires
• Building fire
• Forest fire
• Arson
Top Causes of fire