Cells Longman 4
Cells Longman 4
Cells Longman 4
What is a cell?
In 1665 Robert Hooke used a microscope to examine cork from an oak tree.
He saw tiny boxes similar to a monk’s cell (which is a small room) so he
named the structures ‘cells’.
All living things are made up of these cells but what is inside them?
• An organism is made up of cells.
• It is really like a house made of different components such as bricks ,wood and glass.
• Each small component is arranged in a special way ,and carries out a particular job,so
that the house becomes a complete functioning unit.
• All the cells have the same overall structure that allows them to carry out the basic
life processes but some are changed to carry out special functions .
• All cells have the following structures.
Cell membrane
• Surrounds the cell.
• It is very thin and cannot be seen using a light microscope.
• It holds the substances in the cell and acts as a gatekeeper to control
the chemicals that can enter or leave.
• The membrane is flexible and will fold or bend but if too much strain
is put onto it the membrane will break and the cell dies.
• Inside the cell membrane is a soup of chemicals and complex
structures which carry out all of the activities of the cell.
• It is called the cytoplasm and is usually seen under the light
microscope to have granules in it.
• These are organelles ,specialised areas of the cell where particular jobs
are carried out.
• The granules can also be small vesicles which store food reserves or
break down unwanted substances.
• The cytoplasm is colourless but the consistency can vary from a thick
gel to runny.
• In some cells, like the pond organism Amoeba ,different region s of the
cytoplasm have different consistencies.
Who discovered the cell?
Anton Leeuwenhoek
Robert Hooke
Robert Brown
• Each cell have a nucleus, to control the activities of the cell.
• It stores all the information in coded form in molecules of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
found in the chromosomes.
• Relevant parts of the code are copied and then sent to the cytoplasm.
• There it is decoded so that the required action is carried out.
• For e.g , milk must made in the mammary gland cell so the codes for milk production
are sent to the cytoplasm to make it.
Animal and Plant Cell
• The permanent vacuole is a big like structure containing a dilute solution.
• It is seen in the middle of the cytoplasm.
• Its functions include the storage of waste substances ,or giving colour to
the cells e.g the red of beetroot.
• It will also take in water from the surroundings of the cell to create a
pressure against the cell wall.
• This is like a football when it is blown up or fizzy drink bottle when it is
• The cell becomes very firm and is able to support the plant without a hard
The permanent vacuole is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane similar
to the one surrounding the cell.
• chloroplast are the structures that contain the green pigment
• They are not found in every plant cell but there are many in leaf cells.
• They are seen as small green dots in the cytoplasm of the cells.
• They trap light energy to make food for the plant..
• They are separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane but chemicals can
move between the two very easily.
Similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
• A plant needs only to stay still and have a large surface area to trap sunlight
energy .
• It has cells that are supported by the cell wall so a skeleton is not needed.
• As long as there is enough water in the cells the plant stands upright.
• The chloroplasts trap the light energy and the cells can use the stored energy
carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen ,and oxygen.
Carbohydrates are classified into four major groups.
(1)Monosaccharides e.g glucose ,fructose
(2)Oligosaccharides 2 to 10 monosaccharides
(3)Disaccharides –two molecules of monosaccharides
(4)polysaccharides- more than 10 molecules of monosaccharides e.g starch, glycogen,
cellulose ,etc.
Eukaryotic cytoplasm
Cytoplasm +nucleoplasm=protoplasm
Cell membrane +cytoplasm +nucleus=protoplast
Nucleoplasm=distance between nuclear membrane and nucleolus
Unicellular organisms
• Animals and plants are made up of many cells.
• They are multicellular.
• However they are not the only types of organisms.
• Others are single celled (unicellular).
• Some unicellular organisms have a nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane
(like the nucleus in an animal or plant cell).
• There are also organisms with a very simple structure.
• These include bacteria.
• They are different because the DNA is in the cytoplasm and not in separate
• Scientists think that they were the first types of cells to evolve.
• They are very small (less than 0.002 mm long).
• They do not have a nucleus but there is a single circular chromosome which
controls the activities of the cell.
• Some of them have fine hairs sticking out called flagella which help the cells to
• They divide into two to reproduce.
• This can be done as often every 20 minutes so the numbers increase very quickly.
Bacterial cells Animal and plant cells
No separate nucleus Have a distinct nucleus
surrounded by a nuclear
Single chromosome made only Several chromosomes made of
of DNA DNA and other chemicals
No organelles bound by Separate organelles in the
membranes cytoplasm
Usually smaller than 0.002mm Usually larger than 0.010 mm
Cell wall present which is made up Cell wall present in plant and fungi only
of murein, a peptidoglycan In plants, it is made up of cellulose or lignin
while in fungi, it is made up of chitin.
Cell wall absent in animal cell.