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Laboratory Cultivation of Selected Seagrass Species in Sagñay, Camarines Sur, Philippines Space for

Poster No.
Janeth A. Cledera1,2 and Arni E. Gambe-Gilbuena2 (1Partido State University, 2Ateneo de Manila University) 3cmW x 2cmH

Background Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion

The study was conducted in Atulayan Bay Seagrass Halodule uninervis from Atulayan The decline in the survival during
Seagrass is a marine
in two sites, Site 1 was in front of a public Bay could be grown in an indoor laboratory. acclimation was an initial response of
monocotyledonous angiosperm.
resort beside MPA, while Site 2 was in H. uninervis probably due to the stress
Seagrass beds provide a lot of
front of a residential area. The activities caused by the change in a new habitat.
ecosystem services. In spite of
leading towards the laboratory cultivation The non-significantly different mean
these benefits, seagrass bed
of seagrass can be divided into the percent change in shoot count in both
ecosystems remain overlooked.
preparation and cultivation phase. fertilized and non-fertilized tanks
Seagrasses are threatened and
during N-loading experiment suggests
disappearing globally at an
that the laboratory conditions were
accelerating rate. These losses
supportive for species growth. Over-
have been attributed to both Figure 2. The laboratory set-up for seagrass cultivation
N+P enrichment (> 20,000 µM N +
anthropogenic and natural causes. Ten-day acclimation resulted to a decline in 226.14 µM P) resulted to mortality in
The natural hazards (e.g., the number of shoots. The survivors were Tank 5 and this deleterious effect may
typhoons), economic pressures able to promote new shoots in the be worsened by the salinity and other
and increasing population in succeeding days and sustained the growth confounders like lower density,
Atulayan Island also pose a for more than a month. During N-loading, suggesting protection and extra-careful
serious threat to the seagrass beds the shoot counts increased in all tanks.
Figure 1. Overview of methods .
management of seagrass in both
in Atulayan Bay which has However, the N+P enrichment resulted to
During cultivation phase, H. uninervis reduced growth of plants relative to control. laboratory and wild habitat.
declined substantially from 73%
seagrass cover in 2003 to 57.61% plants were allowed first to acclimate to the
cover in 2017. Other than the laboratory conditions for ten days. Conclusion
reduction of habitat intervention, Nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the The most prevalent seagrass species
stock protection must also be acclimated plants using urea solutions with H. uninervis in Atulayan Bay was
considered. There is a need to varying N concentrations. Control set-ups successfully grown in an indoor
safekeep the seagrass species by remained unfertilized. After N fertilization, Figure 3. Growth patterns of H. uninervis in terms of the number laboratory settling simulating field
cultivating them in a laboratory. the remaining viable plants were observed of shoots from acclimation to N+P fertilization. conditions, albeit with some
The lab-grown seagrass stocks can under stabilization conditions. Then N+P The number of shoots, number of leaf blades difficulties as the number of shoots
be used as planting units for fertilizers of varying concentrations were per shoot, leaf length, and leaf area were declined in the first ten days after
transplanting in seabed restoration prepared and applied to the water columns strongly negatively correlated with N+P planting; the growth of surviving
efforts and for research or in Tanks 3 to 5; Tanks 1 and 2 remained enrichment. plants, however, could be sustained
educational purposes. The primary unfertilized. Seagrass growth parameters for more than a month. Seagrass
objective of this research was to were observed. The physical properties of growth can be supported within the
develop a seagrass culture method the tank waters were regularly monitored. first few days after N+P enrichment
that could promote the growth of Various statistical methods were performed but the benefits wane at longer time
native species from Atulayan Bay on the data obtained using the Analysis periods and at higher nutrient
Figure 4. Correlation of seagrass growth performance to
in the laboratory. Toolpak in MS Excel. laboratory environmental parameters.

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