The Rise of Extremism - Nazism, Facism and Communism
The Rise of Extremism - Nazism, Facism and Communism
The Rise of Extremism - Nazism, Facism and Communism
The Rise of
Extremism 3.Communist
The SpreadExpansionism
of Communism
The Weimar government was forced to sign the ‘war guilt clause’, accepting all
blame for the devastation of World War One
German national pride had been dealt a blow as a result of all of the conditions
Gaining Support
▪ Hitler originally sought to build up the Nazi party through democratic
▪ 1924 elections Nazi Party won 32 seats.
▪ Communist left-wing parties posed a threat to Nazi gaining further support.
▪ Hitler appoints Joseph Goebbels as head of Propaganda. They decide to
appeal to people's emotions rather (demagoguery) than rational argument to
gain support.
▪ By the 1928 elections Nazi has gained only 12 seats and remained a fringe
party with only 3% of the populations support.
The Great
Depression & 1933
▪ The Great Depression of 1929 highlights the
failures of the Weimar Government.
▪ The Nazi take this opportunity to appeal to
the masses by blaming Weimar, Jew and
Communist for Germany's Economic woes.
Hitler presents himself as the only man who
can save Germany.
▪ 1930 elections, 107 seats gained. 1932
elections, 200 seats gained.
▪ Turmoil in the Reichstag. Hitler demands that
Hindenburg appoint him Chancellor but
Hindenburg refuses, fearing Nazi extreme views.
▪ After significant pressure, in January 1933
Hindenburg declares Hitler Chancellor in an
attempt to appease the Nazi party and place a
check on Hitler influence.
In a nutshell
woes due to
and Great
The Weimar’s
for the Massive
of the Treaty
Rise in and inflation
Fear of
2. The Rise of Fascism
The rise of Fascism in Europe
They did not receive the land promised in the London Treaty
Industrialists, landowners
They broke up strikes and
and the Catholic Church
banned trade unions. Any
supported their campaign
suspected socialist /
and employed the
communist groups were
Blackshirts to protect their
violently suppressed
The March on
● In 1922 Mussolini issued an ultimatum to
the Italian government. Sort out Italy’s
problem or move aside and allow the
Fascist Party to do so
● The government, under PM Luigi Facta
(Liberal Party), did not respond
● Mussolini and 30,000 Fascists began a
march on Rome. Mussolini took the train!
● King Victor Emmanuel feared a civil war
and panicked and refused the PM
permission to use the army against the
● After a meeting in the royal palace
Mussolini was appointed PM of Italy.
Mussolini becomes a dictator
Once in power Mussolini (he became known as Il Duce) began immediate
steps to establish a dictatorship. He did this by:
Poor law for the Unhappy
with Treaty
and order
Rise in of
Fear of
3. The Spread of
Russia was named the Soviet Union after the fall of its royal family the
Romanovs. The Romanovs had ruled for 300 years.
• It also inspired fear and hatred among people who dreaded any
kind of working-class revolt. Fundamentally, anti-communism
was an integrated policy of Fascist regimes. As hatred of
communism was a apart of the middle class/upper class
They were not allowed to attend the negotiation table for the Treaty of Versailles
The idea of
In pairs, create a 1 x A4 document which analyses the rise of
extremism post-WWI. Include the following:
Germany Italy Russia
A political / Satirical
cartoon from the period