Buying of shares in the New York stock exchange of Wall Street had
slowed down in September, 1929.
This led to rumours that the boom might be over and people rushed
to sell their shares.
Poorly armed “Blackshirts” (the Prime Minister Luis Facta was also However, the King Victor Emmanuel
paramilitary wing of the Fascist Party) prepared to counter the III invited Mussolini to form a new
joined the March. demonstration. government.
• The King gave Mussolini special powers to deal with the crisis.
• Accerbo Law, 1923 gave the party with most seats a 2/3rd majority
• The Fascists finally won a majority due to the Accerbo Law in 1924.
• Persistent opponents were now imprisoned or murdered.
• Mussolini made new changes to the constitution. The Prime Minister was now
only responsible to the King. The Prime Minister could now rule by decree, i.e.
laws could be discussed in Parliament.
• Electorate was reduced to 1/3rd of its size.
• In May 1945, he proclaimed himself the “Duce” of Italian Social Republic with
autocratic powers.
Deutschlandn= “The people's land" Germany
It established a
The first German
Parliamentary system
Republic was proclaimed
with dual executive in the Rise of Nazism
with the democratic
form of the President and
Weimar Constitution
a Chancellor.
Treaty of Versailles
• Germany was forced to sign a humiliating treaty
in 1919.
• Thus, the government came to be permanently Weaknesses of the Parliamentary
associated with defeat and dishonour. system
• Proportional representation
• The nationalist parties made great use of this in
fragmented polity, leading to
their propaganda.
coalition governments and no
policy continuity.
Traditional lack of respect for democracy in • Political parties had no
Germany experience with democracy and
• The people and leaders had great admiration refused to compromise.
for the army and officer class. • Communist and nationalist
• The democrats were accused of having “stabbed parties had no faith in
in the back” the army during the World War I. democracy.
• This legend decreased respect and belief in
Kapp Putsch (March 1920)- The
Spartacist Uprising (January
right-wing parties tried to seize
1919) -Communists tried to seize
power when government tried to Ultimately, the workers called a
power, inspired by the Russian
ban private armies. Kapp was the general strike and government
Revolution. Government had to
leader of the group → occupied was able to regain control.
accept the help of Freikorps or
the Parliament (Reichstag) Army
the private armies.
did not do anything.
Nazi private army (the SA) was Striking contrast between the Fear of a communist revolution
an attractive employment for charismatic Nazi leadership
the youth and the Weimar leaders
Hitler’s own charismatic Use of latest means of
personality propaganda
• The more the economic situation deteriorated in Germany, the larger number of
seats the Nazis won.
• Elections of July 1932: Nazis became the single largest party in the Reichstag
• Elections of November 1932: As economic situation improved, Nazis lost 34
• However, the President Hindenburg invited the Nazis to form government and
Hitler to become the Chancellor.
Der Fuhrer= The Leader
Road to Capturing Power
Lebastraum = Living Space
Reichstag Fire of March 1933
• A huge fire engulfed the Reichstag building in March 1933.
• Hitler accused the enemies of the nation, the communists and the Jews of
having started the fire. Linked Judaism with Boshevikism
• Polarized election took place in 1933 but Hitler could not win a majority.
• Alongside, the SA purged the opponents and state apparatus was used to
consolidate power.
• The Reichstag Fire was used to pass an emergency legislation.
• The Nazi armies surrounded the Kroll Opera House where the Reichstag was
• The Parliament passed the Enabling Law which gave Hitler dictatorial powers.
Hitler and Czechoslovakia
Prelude to the War
● Hitler demanded return of Danzig and a rail-
and-road link to East Prussia.