The document discusses Hoysala architecture and art from the 12th-13th centuries in South India. Key features included star-shaped temples built on high star-shaped platforms, with intricately carved pillars, walls, and ceilings depicting figures from Hindu epics. Some of the finest examples are the Hoysaleswara Temple in Halebid and the Chennakesava Temple in Belur. Nayaka period paintings from the 16th-17th centuries in Madurai and Thanjavur depicting Hindu religious scenes are also summarized.
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The document discusses Hoysala architecture and art from the 12th-13th centuries in South India. Key features included star-shaped temples built on high star-shaped platforms, with intricately carved pillars, walls, and ceilings depicting figures from Hindu epics. Some of the finest examples are the Hoysaleswara Temple in Halebid and the Chennakesava Temple in Belur. Nayaka period paintings from the 16th-17th centuries in Madurai and Thanjavur depicting Hindu religious scenes are also summarized.
The document discusses Hoysala architecture and art from the 12th-13th centuries in South India. Key features included star-shaped temples built on high star-shaped platforms, with intricately carved pillars, walls, and ceilings depicting figures from Hindu epics. Some of the finest examples are the Hoysaleswara Temple in Halebid and the Chennakesava Temple in Belur. Nayaka period paintings from the 16th-17th centuries in Madurai and Thanjavur depicting Hindu religious scenes are also summarized.
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The document discusses Hoysala architecture and art from the 12th-13th centuries in South India. Key features included star-shaped temples built on high star-shaped platforms, with intricately carved pillars, walls, and ceilings depicting figures from Hindu epics. Some of the finest examples are the Hoysaleswara Temple in Halebid and the Chennakesava Temple in Belur. Nayaka period paintings from the 16th-17th centuries in Madurai and Thanjavur depicting Hindu religious scenes are also summarized.
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Tho HoysaIa RuIois vho succoodod lho Ialoi
ChaIukyas and iuIod ovoi lho Mysoio IIaloau
in lho 12lh and 13lh conluiios A.D. voio aIso Iovois of ail. Thoy ovoIvod a nov slyIo of aichilocluio. Tho nosl nolalIo lonpIos of lhis poiiod aio lhoso consliuclod in oIui, HaIolid and Sonnalhpui. Thoso lonpIos aio slai- shapod. Thoy aio luiIl on a high slai-shapod laso vhich is iichIy caivod. Tho shikhaias lhough pyianidaI aio Iov unIiko lhoso of olhoi lonpIos. Tho Sonnalhpui lonpIo vas luiIl ly Vinadilya aIIaI in aloul 1O43 A.D. and is lho oaiIiosl of lhis lypo. Tho lonpIo lhough snaII vas oxquisiloIy caivod vilh lhioo pyianidaI vinanas suinounling lho lhioo shiinos. Tho losl spocinon of HoysaIa ail is lho HoysaIosvaia lonpIo al HaIolid and lho Chonna Kosava lonpIo al oIui.. Tho HoysaIosvaia lonpIo is conposod of lvo siniIai lonpIos sido ly sido on a singIo fivo fool high slai shapod loiiaco. uiIl of gioy soap-slono, losl suilod foi fino caiving, oach of lho lonpIos has slai shapod vinanas vilh piojoclions on lhioo sidos. Tho innoi ains connocl lho lvo lonpIos Tho nandapa coiIings and lho piIIais in lho haII aio inliicaloIy caivod. Tho onliio laso is covoiod vilh iunning Ionglhs of caivod fiiozos of ligois, oIophanls, hoisos, liids and coIosliaI loings-oach fiiozo noio loaulifuI lhan lho olhoi. Tho coiIings, inloiioi and oxloiioi vaIIs of lho lonpIo havo loaulifuI scuIpluios caivod on lhon. Tho HoysaIosvaia lonpIo is conposod of lvo siniIai lonpIos sido ly sido on a singIo fivo fool high slai shapod loiiaco. uiIl of gioy soap-slono, losl suilod foi fino caiving, oach of lho lonpIos has slai shapod vinanas vilh piojoclions on lhioo sidos. Tho innoi ains connocl lho lvo lonpIos Tho nandapa coiIings and lho piIIais in lho haII aio inliicaloIy caivod. Tho onliio laso is covoiod vilh iunning Ionglhs of caivod fiiozos of ligois, oIophanls, hoisos, liids and coIosliaI loings-oach fiiozo noio loaulifuI lhan lho olhoi. Tho coiIings, inloiioi and oxloiioi vaIIs of lho lonpIo havo loaulifuI scuIpluios caivod on lhon. saIa fighling lho ligoi, and olhoi suljocls. CIoso up of lho HoysaIosvaia lonpIo.HaIolid (Mysoio).TypicaI of HoysaIa ail, 12lh conluiy AD Tho Chonna Kosava lonpIo al oIui vas luiIl ly Vishnuvaidhana of lho HoysaIa Dynasly in 1117 A.D. lo connonoialo a vicloiy von ovoi lho ChoIas al TaIkad in 1116 A.D. Il is dodicalod lo lho doily Chonna Kosava. Tho lonpIo slands in a spacious couilyaid suiioundod ly a covoiod passago and conpound vilh a gopuia onlianco. Laloi, olhoi snaII lonpIos voio luiIl in lho couilyaid aiound lho nain lonpIo. Tho vhoIo conpIox slands on a vido, iaisod slai-shapod loiiaco vilh spaco onough foi ciicunanluIalion. Tho slai-shapod laso has oIophanls in diffoionl posos adoining il Tho lasononl of lho vinana is piofusoIy caivod vilh naiialivo fiiozos fion lho Ranayana, Mahalhaiala and hagaval Iuiana. Tho vaIIs aio covoiod vilh scuIpluios of ninialuio shiinos, aninalod fonaIo figuios and aninaIs. Tho nain onliancos havo a fIighl of slops fion lho couilyaid and aio fIankod ly lvo snaII vinanas. Tho coiIing and lho piIIais insido aio oIoganlIy caivod. iackol figuios suppoil lho laso of lho coiIing: Tho supoisliucluio on lho nain vinana is Iosl. Insido lho sanclun sancloiun is lho loaulifuI 2 noloi high idoI of Chonna Kosava. Tho Canga iuIois vhoso kingdon incIudod Mysoio havo Iofl lohind a gioup of slono }ain lonpIos on lho hiIIs of Chandiigiii and Vindyagiii al SiavanaloIgoIa in Hassan disliicl of Kainalaka. Tho nosl inpiossivo of lho nonunonls is lho slaluo of ahulaIi oi Conalosvaia, a }ain piinco vho afloi a vicloiy in lallIo ionouncod voiIdIy Iifo foi a Iifo of nodilalion. Caivod oul of nassivo gianilo, lho slaluo slands on lho ciosl of lho Vindyagiii hiII. Slanding noaiIy 2O noios high fion hoad lo fool, is of poifocl piopoilions. Il vas oioclod ly Chanundaiaya, a ninisloi of lho Canga iuIoi, RachanaIIa in 974-984 A.D. Tho cioopois onlvining lho Iinls of lho shov hin conpIoloIy olIivious of Iifo aiound. Tho slaluo is suiioundod ly a gianilo piIIaiod cIoisloi luiIl ly Cangaiaja, a ninisloi of lho HoysaIa iuIoi Vishnuvaidhana. y lho 16lh conluiy aInosl aII of soulhoin India vas pail of lho Vijayanagai Lnpiio. Tho Vijayanagai iuIois voio gioal palions of ail and aichilocluio. SchoIais on lho Vijayanagai slyIo of ail havo olsoivod lhal lhis ail inhoiilod aspocls fion lhioo nain iogionaI slyIos of lho ail of Soulh India, viz., lho Diavidian slyIo of lho ChoIas and Iandyas, lho slyIo of lho ChaIukya-HoysaIa liadilion and lho Indo- IsIanic ail of lho ijapui iogion. Tho Vijaynagai iuIois luiIl sliong foiliossos, goigoous paIacos and loaulifuI lonpIos. Tho Vijayanagai lonpIo aichilocluio has sono spociaI foaluios. Tho chaiacloiislic foaluio of lhis poiiod is lho dovoIopnonl of lho lonpIo conpIox: conconliic soiios of ioclanguIai oncIosuio vaIIs vilh lho gcpuras (lovoiod galovays) in lho niddIo of oach sido. Tho consliuclion of sovoiaI nandapas, lho Ka|qana nandapa loing lho nosl conspicuous anong lhon, vas a nolalIo foaluio of lho poiiod. Tho lonpIos aIso had lho Dovi Shiino lo koop lho iopIicas of lho consoil of lho doily. Anolhoi nolovoilhy foaluio of lho lonpIos is lho alsonco of noilai in lhoii consliuclion. Tho Vijayanagai liadilion shovs a dislincl schono of docoialion in loins of aichilocluiaI spaco. Docoialivo fiiozos aio uliIisod hoiizonlaIIy on lho pIinlh nouIding, cavos and piIIais of lho lonpIo inloiiois. Thoy appoai voilicaIIy on lho conposilo piIIais, pIaslois of lho vaIIs and dooivays of lho gcpuras as voII as lho innoi pail of lonpIos. Tho piIIais in lho nandapas consisl of figuiaI nolifs in Iov ioIiof on lhoii culicaI nonlois. Tho cily of Vijayanagai vas sluddod vilh so nany lonpIos lhal il vas caIIod Kcti|apura. Of lho nunoious Vijayanagai conpIoxos in soulhoin India, lho nosl nagnificonl aio lhoso al Kanchipuian, ThiiuvannanaIai and VoIIoio. Tho TonpIo of Ianpapali, lho Hazaiaiana lonpIo and lho VillaIasvani lonpIo aio lho losl oxanpIos of lho Vijayanagai aichilocluio. Tho iuins of uggaIa RanaIingosvaia al Tadpalii aIso dopicl lho Vijayanagai aichilocluio al ils losl. This poiiod aIso vilnossod lho consliuclion of sovoiaI socuIai sliucluios Iiko lho Lolus MahaI and LIophanl slalIos, vhich shov sliong IsIanic infIuonco. Tho painlings of lho Nayak phaso of Maduiai and Tanjavui vas as inpoilanl as lho Vijayanagaia phaso. Tho liacos of Nayaka painlings can lo soon al lho Tiiupaiulhikundianapail fion lho Vijayanagaia painlings. Mosl of lhoso painlings of Nayaka poiiod aio of lho 16lh conluiy and fov aio fion lho 17lh conluiy. Thoso Nayaka painlings dopicl lho sconos fion lho Iifo of Rishalhadova, lho fiisl Thiilhankaia of Vaidhanana, of Kiishna, lho cousin of lho Thiilhankaia, Noninalha as voII as lho Iifo of Noninalha hinsoIf. Thoso aio aII giaphicaIIy poiliayod in a Iong soiios vilh oIaloialo IaloIs in TaniI Ianguago giving dolaiIs of oach painling vhich locano lho usuaI foaluio as such IaloIs aio soon in Chidanlaian painlings and TiiuvaIui olc. In lho Tanjavui lonpIo, lhoio is a Iong panoI facing vosl, in lho ciicunanluIaloiy passago. This shovs Loid India on an oIophanl, Agni (lho Loid of Iiio) on a ian, Yana (Cod of Doalh) on a luffaIo, Niiilli on a hunan nounl, Vaiuna (Rain Cod) on a nakaia and Maiul (Wind Cod) on a dooi. Thoso Nayaka painlings dopicl lho gIoiy of India ly iopoaling hin on an oIophanl al ono ond. Thoso painlings dopicl lho `sanudia nanlhana` scono, shoving lho iising of lho oljocls fion lho ocoan as il vas chuinod. Tho lhings ioso shovn hoio incIudo lho KaIpaviiksha (vish-fuIfiIIing lioo), Uchchaisiavas (coIosliaI hoiso), Aiiavala (hoavonIy oIophanl), Kanadhonu (lho cov of pIonly), Ranlha, Uivasi (coIosliaI nynphs) and olhois. Il aIso dopicls Coddoss Lakshni is lovaids ono ond on a Iolus, vilh hoi hands in a posluio of assuianco of pioloclion and piospoiily and is appioachod ly lho dovalas. Many olhoi such vaIualIo and nolovoilhy Nayaka painlings can lo soon in vaiious lonpIos of Kunlakonan and olhoi pIacos in Tanjavui disliicl. Tho TiiuvaiuilonpIo is anong lho nosl fanous Saivilo shiinos of Soulh India. Ono of such painlings of lho Ialo 17lh and oaiIy 18lh conluiios can lo soon on lho coiIing, lolvoon lho iovs of piIIais in lho lhousand piIIaiod nandapa. In lhis painling, lho gioal dovoloo of Siva, Muchukunda ChoIa is poiliayod as a gioal fiiond of India and as his gioal aIIy in ovoiconing lho asuias. Ho is shovn najoslicaIIy iiding on an oIophanl in a piocossion. Ho is iocoivod vilh gioal honoui ly India al lho onlianco of lho cily and loaulifuI coIosliaI dansoIs aio shovn honouiing hin fion lhoii laIconios, vhich is nosl loaulifuIIy iopiosonlod. On lho coiIing of lho Iaigo nandapa of Chidanlaian lonpIo, lhoio is a nico Nayaka painling dopicling lho sloiy of lho gonosis of lho ikshalana foin of Siva and Mohini foin of Vishnu. Tho pIan of Siva and Vishnu vas lo piocood lo Daiukavana lo piolocl lho iishis and iishipalnis (vivos of lho iishis) ly assuning lho guiso of lho nakod loggai and lho lovilching onchanlioss. In ono of lho painlings Canosa (lho oIophanl facod god) and Unasahila aio shovn vilh iishis, Skanda (Muiuga) vilh VaIIi and Dovasona. This painling can lo soon lovaids lho olhoi ond of lho nandapa. Hoio, ono can aIso soo Nandi convoising vilh Siva and Iaivali in KaiIasa, Nalaiaja as Salhapali vilh Sivakanasundaii (Iaivali) suiioundod ly Canas dancing and pIaying nusicaI insliunonls. Thoso Nayaka painlings hoio aIso dopicl sovoiaI olhoi sloiios fion Sivapuiana, iIIuslialing lho Iivos of sainls. Tho lonpIo of TiiuvaIanjuIi has vigoiousIy painlod panoIs dopicling Vishnuanugiaha Muilhi (lIossing Vishnu). Tho sloiy of Muiuga loaching Iianava lo iahna and lhal of Siva vilh chinnudia is insciilod hoio. Tho painlings of lho Nayaka poiiod conlinuo lho liadilions of lho Vijayanagai ciaflsnon and lhoy infIuoncod lho ail of Mysoio, VoIIoio, Ionukonda and Siiiangapallinan.