Compensação de Ausencia 3° Anos

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Atividade de compensação de

ausência de língua Inglesa.

3°ano do Ensino Médio
Etapa Ensino Médio Língua

Present perfect
Aula 9 e 10 – 3º
Conteúdo Objetivos
● Léxico: jogos digitais; ● Analisar o funcionamento e os
● Gramática: present perfect usos do present perfect
continuous (affirmative, negative, continuous em sua forma
interrogative form). afirmativa e negativa para
utilizá-lo na produção de textos
Habilidade: escritos;
EM13LGG604 Relacionar as práticas artísticas
às diferentes dimensões da vida social, cultural,
política e econômica e identificar o processo de
construção histórica dessas práticas.
Foco no conteúdo
Present perfect continuous
O present perfect continuous é um tempo verbal que pode ser
usado para indicar atividades em um passado recente, atividades que
não foram finalizadas ainda, ou outras que se repetem
continuamente. Veja alguns exemplos:
“I have just been playing this game.”
“They have been trying to beat this game for 3 hours.”
“We have been playing that game since 2021.”
Foco no conteúdo
Para expressar esse tempo verbal em sua forma afirmativa é
necessário utilizar o verbo “have” em sua forma base e o verbo “be”
no particípio passado (been), seguidos do verbo principal da oração
no presente contínuo (-ing). Veja:
“I have been playing video games.”
“You have been playing video games.”
“They have been playing video games.”
“She/He has been playing video games.”
Perceba que será necessário utilizar o auxiliar “have” quando o
sujeito estiver na primeira ou segunda pessoa do singular (I, you),
além dos plurais (we, they), e o verbo “has” quando o sujeito estiver
na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it).
Foco no conteúdo
Present perfect continuous (negative and
Em sua forma negativa, acrescenta-se a palavra “not”
posteriormente ao verbo auxiliar “have” ou “has”. Vamos rever os
exemplos da atividade anterior:
“I have not been playing any video game lately”.
“He has not been playing any video game lately”.
Também é possível contrair as duas palavras das seguintes formas:
haven’t, hasn’t.
Na prática

Reescreva as frases a seguir nas formas negativa e na interrogativa.

1. Daniela has been customizing her character for hours.
2. Carlos and Daniel have been playing frequently.
Na prática 5 min.
Analise as falas a seguir e responda às perguntas.

— Jennifer, do you know a game called Monument Valley? I

have been playing it for a week, it is so cool and beautiful!

— Brendon, can you give me a hand? I have been struggling to

beat the fifth stage of this game for days.

1. What are they doing?

2. How long are they doing these activities?
Na prática 5 min.
Analise as frases a seguir e responda às perguntas.

Have you been competing in online battles?

I have not been playing any video game lately.

He has not been playing any video game lately.
1. In the first sentence, which word is being used as an auxiliary
verb to indicate a question?
2. In the second case, why one of the sentences uses the
combination of words “have not” to indicate a negative and the
other uses “has not”?
Foco no conteúdo
Assinale alternativa correta:
How is the present perfect continuous formed in its affirmative
A) Verb "has" in its base form + main verb in present
continuous (-ing);
B) Verb "had" in its base form + main verb in present
continuous (-ing);
C) Verb "have" in its base form + main verb in past participle
(been) + main verb in present continuous (-ing);
D) Verb "have" in its base form + main verb in the simple
E) Verb "has" in its base form + main verb in past participle
(been) + main verb in present continuous (-ing);
Foco no conteúdo

Assinale alternativa correta:

Which auxiliary verb is used to indicate a
question in the present perfect continuous?
A) Have/Has.
B) Must
C) Had
D) Do/Does
Foco no conteúdo

Assinale alternativa correta:

What is the present perfect continuous used for?
A)To talk about past actions that were completed.
B) To talk about present actions that are still on going.
C)To talk about past actions that happened a long time
D)To talk about past actions that happened a long time
E)To talk about hypothetical situations.
Foco no conteúdo
Assinale alternativa correta:
How is the present perfect continuous used in English?
A) To express activities completed in the past.
B) B) To describe actions that happened in the distant past.
C)To indicate activities in the recent past, activities that have not yet
been completed or others that are repeated over and over again.
D)To express actions that will happen in the future.
E) To indicate actions that happened in the near past.
Na prática 5 min.

Complete as lacunas das orações a seguir com os verbos do quadro

abaixo fazendo a flexão para o present perfect continuous. Siga o

Play – Customize – Plan - Compete

1. Ana has been customizing her character for 30 minutes.
2. Roberto _____ this MMORPG since 2015.
3. Elena and Marta _____ for the first place.
4. I _____ a strategy to beat this boss.
Na prática 5 min.

Leia o diálogo a seguir e complete as lacunas com as palavras


puzzles – design – builds – playing

Carlos: Do you know a game called Monument Valley?

Bruno: Yes! I have been _____ this game for a week. I am loving the
Carlos: Some of them are really tricky. I got stuck several times. But
what I like the most is the way it _____ the puzzles with some
perspective optical illusions.
Bruno: I agree, that’s very interesting and different from other
games I have been playing. Also, the art _____ is amazing.
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