P 2
P 2
P 2
In the case of a switched-mode power supply, a boost converter is inserted between the
bridge rectifier and the main input capacitors. The boost converter attempts to maintain a
constant DC bus voltage on its output while drawing a current that is always in phase
with and at the same frequency as the line voltage. Boost converter has become one of
the best choices for power factor correction as the input current is continuous and the
output voltage is always greater than input peak voltage.
Interleaving PFC pre-regulators is the next step in increasing the circuits’ power densities
and the other advantages of Interleaving Boost Converters include-
A Boost converter is a switch mode DC to DC converter in which the output
voltage is greater than the input voltage. It is also called as step up converter. By
law of conservation of energy the input power has to be equal to output power
(assuming no losses in the circuit).
It is known as a Boost convertor because its output voltage is greater than the input
voltage, i.e. , ܸ < ܸ௨௧ .Hence, it follows that the input current is higher than the
output current.
The main working principle of boost converter is that the inductor in the input
circuit resists sudden variations in input current. When switch is OFF the inductor
stores energy in the form of magnetic energy and discharges it when switch is
closed. The capacitor in the output circuit is assumed large enough that the time
constant of RC circuit in the output stage is high. The large time constant
compared to switching period ensures a constant output voltage
Vo(t) = Vo(constant)
2.2. Circuit diagram of an ideal Boost Converter:
(Fig. 1)
We assume that the current across the inductor and the voltage across the capacitor
vary linearly, for the purpose of ease of analysis.
Continuous conduction mode:
IL = (1/L) × V×dt
Assume that prior to the opening of switch the inductor current is I,୭ . Since the
input voltage is constant
IL,off = (1/L) × ሺVinሻ×dt + Iᇱ L,off
Assume the switch is open for ton seconds which is given by D*Ts where D is duty
cycle and Ts is switching time period. The current through the inductor at the end
of switch on state is given as
IL,on = (1/L) × Vin × D × TS + Iᇱ L,on (equation 1)
inductor is given as
ᇱᇱᇱ ᇱᇱᇱ
I,୭ = - (1/L) × ሺVin − Voutሻ × dt + I,୭
Note the negative sign signifies that the inductor is discharging. Assume the switch
is open for toff seconds which is given by (1-D)*Ts where D is duty cycle and Ts is
switching time period. The current through the inductor at the end of switch off
state is given as
ᇱᇱᇱ ᇱᇱ
I,୭ = – (1/L) *(Vin-Vout)*(1-D)*Ts + I,୭ (equation 2)
In steady state condition as the current through the inductor does not change
abruptly, the current at the end of switch on state and the current at the end of
switch off state should be equal. Also the currents at the start of switch off state
should be equal to current at the end of switch on state. Hence
ᇱᇱᇱ ᇱᇱ ᇱᇱ
I,୭ =IL, on also I,୭ =I,୭
Using the equations 1 and 2 we get
V out/Vin = 1/ (1-D)
When D < 1,Vout > Vin.
Assuming no losses in the circuit and applying the law of conservation of energy
Vout*Iout = Vin*Iin
This implies I out/Iin = (1-D), Thus Iout < Iin. As the duty cycle increases the output
voltage increases and output current decreases. But due to parasitic elements in the
lumped elements resistor, inductor, capacitor the step up ratio Vout/Vin decreases at
higher duty cycles and approaches zero at unit duty cycle.
Discontinuous conduction mode
and the ratio of output to input current from law of conservation of energy is
Iout/Iin =δ/ (D+ δ)
2.4. Applications of Boost converters:
3.1.Principle of operation-
An Interleaved Boost Convertor (IBC) consists of boost convertors connected in
parallel and these are controlled by the interleaved method wherein there is a phase
shift of 180° and all the convertors have same switching frequency.
In a two-phase converter, there are two output stages that are driven 180 degrees out of phase.
When the current from the source splits into two power paths, conduction losses i.e. the I2R
losses can be reduced, increasing overall efficiency of the design. Then, as the two phases are
combined at the output capacitor, effective ripple frequency is doubled, making ripple voltage
reduction much easier. It also results in ripple current cancellation since the power pulses drawn
from the input capacitor are staggered.
The two inductor currents add up to form the input current. Since, these two inductor ripple
currents are out of phase, they tend to cancel each other ;thereby reducing the ripple current
caused by the boost inductors.
Design Aspects of the IBC:
The selection of duty cycle, number of phases, coupling coefficient, design of inductors
capacitors are very important for reduction of both input current and output voltage
the ripple is the least at a duty ratio of 0.45 to 0.5. Hence, the design value of the duty
ratio is
chosen as 0.5. The duty cycle D can be calculated by the following formula
where V0 is the output voltage and Vin is the input voltage.
Where is Vdc in the output voltage, Vin is the input voltage and D is the duty ratio.
Input current:
The input current can be calcuulated by the input power and the input voltag
Iin =
Where Vin the switching frequency , D is the duty cycle, is the input voltage and L is the
Relationship between input current ripple peak-to-peak amplitude and
inductor current ripple peak-to-peak amplitude:
Mostly in IBC the minimum input ripple occurs at a duty ratio of 0.5,this is due to
the 180 degrees phase difference between the two devices. There are two operating
modes which can be defined by the inductor:
Where Vs represents the source voltage and ∆iL represents the inductor current ripple, D
represents the duty ratio.
The value of the capacitor is given by the formulae
Where Vo represents the output voltage (V), D represents the duty ratio, F represents the
frequency, R represents the resistance and ∆Vo represents the change in the output
voltage (V).
In this project the implementation of a boost converter using interleaving is proposed. The
schematic diagram of the converter and each mode of operation are discussed thoroughly. Each
mode of operation are analysed by simulation using MATLAB-Simulink software. Then
interleaving model implementation is represented. The two parallel diodes are operated 180
degree out of phase which reduces voltage ripple and current ripple. MATLAB-Simulink models
and outputs are used to analyse the circuit and its working and monitor the voltage and current.
The proposed interleaving boost converter uses hard switching for its implementation. For better
results and efficiency soft switching can be used instead of hard switching on the model. Soft
switching can be implemented using zero current switching (zcs) and zero voltage
switching(zvs).Implementation of soft switching will provide with lesser power loss and lesser
ripple content in output current and voltage. The stability and efficiency can be further improved.
The response of the boost converter can also be improved.
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