UNIT - 4 Motivation
UNIT - 4 Motivation
UNIT - 4 Motivation
✔ Theories of Motivation
✔ Maslow – 5 Needs Based Hierarchy Theory
✔ Herzberg’s two factor theory
✔ ERG,
✔ McClelland Need Based Theory
✔ Equity and vroom’s expectancy theory
✔ By understanding the concept of Motivation we will apply what we know about motivation to solve
motivation problems in the workplace.
Definition of Motivation:
The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward
attaining a goal.
✔ Intensity – refers to how hard a person tries. However, high intensity is unlikely to lead to favourable job
performance outcomes unless the effort is channelled in a direction that benefits the organization.
✔ Effort directed toward and consistent with the organization’s goals is the kind of effort organizations
should be seeking to improve.
✔ Persistence - This measures how long a person can maintain effort. Motivated individuals work
intensely on an appropriate task long enough to achieve their goals.
✔ Motivation is a complex psychological concept that plays a crucial role in driving human behaviour
and achieving goals.
✔ Understanding the fundamentals of motivation can help individuals and organizations harness this
force to enhance productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.
Hierarchical: Situational:
Need-based theories often propose a hierarchical Process-based theories do not rely on a strict
structure of needs, where lower-level needs must hierarchy of needs but instead consider the
be satisfied before higher-level needs become situational and individual factors that influence
motivating. For example, according to Maslow's motivation. These theories acknowledge that
Hierarchy of Needs, physiological needs take people can be motivated by various goals
precedence over safety needs, and so on. simultaneously, and the relevance of different
goals may change depending on the context.
Practical Application:
Applied in various fields, including psychology, Practical Application
education, and marketing. They are often used to Process-based theories are particularly useful in
understand consumer behaviour, employee organizational and educational settings. They
motivation, and personal development. provide insights into how to set effective goals,
provide autonomy and support to individuals,
and design incentive systems that align with
an individual's goals and beliefs.
Final Remarks
In summary, need-based theories focus on innate or acquired needs as the primary
drivers of motivation, while process-based theories concentrate on the cognitive and
psychological processes underlying motivation. Both types of theories offer valuable
insights into understanding and promoting motivation in different contexts.
Need/Content Based and Process Based Motivational
Classic Theories of Motivation
✔ Three theories of employee motivation formulated during the 1950s are considered to be classics in
the study of motivation.
✔ Hypothesizes that within every human being there is a hierarchy of five needs humans are
motivated to meet.
✔ A sixth need has been proposed for a highest level—intrinsic values—which is said to have
originated from Maslow, but it has not gained widespread acceptance.
Critical Analysis of Your Needs
Define yourself on Maslow's need Hierarchy theory and find out your specific goal where
you lie. And then try to related it with David-Mcclelland’s theory of needs that why it is
possible that a person can fulfil two levels of need simultaneously at same time
The original five needs are:
According to many interpretations of Maslow’s work, as each need becomes well satisfied, the next
one becomes dominant.
✔ Douglas McGregor was a management theorist who proposed two contrasting views of how managers
✔ Douglas McGregor proposed two distinct views of human beings: one basically negative, labelled Theory X,
✔ After studying managers’ dealings with employees, McGregor concluded that the managers’ views of the nature
Theory Y
of human beings areTheory
based onXcertain assumptions that mold the managers’ behaviour toward the employees.
✔ Managers assume employees are not
ASSUMPTIONS: inherently lazy but are capable of self-
✔ Managers believe employees inherently lazy, direction, creativity, and taking
dislike work, and will avoid it if possible. responsibility for their work. It suggests
✔ Management Approach: Managers who that work can be enjoyable and that people
adhere to Theory X tend to use strict can find satisfaction in their jobs.
control mechanisms, micromanagement, ✔ Management Approach: Managers who
and punitive measures to motivate subscribe to Theory Y adopt a more
employees. They believe that extrinsic participative and collaborative management
rewards and punishments are the primary style. They believe in providing employees
motivators. with autonomy, opportunities for personal
growth, and a supportive work
Concluding Remarks
Unfortunately, no evidence confirms that either
set of assumptions is valid or that acting on
Theory Y assumptions will lead to more
motivated workers. OB theories need
empirical support before we can accept them.
Theory X and Theory Y lack such support as
much as does the hierarchy of needs theory.
✔ McGregor himself believed Theory Y
assumptions were more valid than Theory X.
✔ Therefore, he proposed such ideas as
participative decision making, responsible
and challenging jobs, and good group
relations to maximize an employee’s job
3. David-Mcclelland’s theory of needs
A theory that states achievement, power, and Need for power (nPow) is the need to make others
affiliation are three important needs that help behave in a way they would not have otherwise
explain motivation.
✔ Need for achievement (nAch) is the drive
to excel, to achieve in relationship to a set
of standards.
✔ It suggests that people can be motivated by needs from more than one level at the same
time. There is not necessarily a strict progression from one level to the next.
✔ It acknowledges that the importance of the needs varies for each person and as
circumstances change. Some people might put a higher value on growth than
relationships at certain stages of their lives,
✔ A theory that relates Intrinsic factors to job satisfaction and associates extrinsic factors with
dissatisfaction. Also called motivation-hygiene theory.
✔ Psychologist Frederick Herzberg wondered,
“What do people want from their jobs?”
Herzberg asked people to describe, in detail, situations in which they felt exceptionally good
or bad about their jobs.
The responses differed significantly and led Hertzberg to his two-factor theory—also called motivation-
hygiene theory.
This theory suggests that there are two categories of factors that influence job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace:
✔ In summary, Herzberg's theory suggests that improving hygiene factors can prevent
job dissatisfaction but won't necessarily lead to job satisfaction. To achieve true job
satisfaction and motivation, organizations should focus on providing opportunities for
employees to experience motivator factors.
✔ Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory highlights the importance of addressing both hygiene and
motivator factors in the workplace to create a more motivated and satisfied workforce.
Hygiene factors prevent dissatisfaction, while motivators promote job satisfaction and
higher performance.
Traits of High Achievers
Strength Weakness
A theory that suggests that the strength of a tendency (Propensity) to act in a certain way
depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome
and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.
1. Expectancy: the effort–performance relationship. The degree to which the individual
believes exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance.
2. Instrumentality: the performance–reward relationship. The degree to which the
individual believes performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired
3. Valence: the rewards–personal goals relationship. The degree to which organizational
rewards satisfy an individual’s personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those
potential rewards for the individual.
1. Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
This motivational theory explains that an employee's motivation is driven by how likely they
think their effort will lead to the expected performance, their belief that this performance
will lead to an outcome or reward, and that the outcome is something they want and value.
✔ Expectancy theory helps explain why a lot of workers are not motivated on their jobs and do
only the minimum necessary to get by. It can also explain employees’ efforts toward goal
For example: Sarah's motivation to study for her psychology final exam can be explained
using expectancy theory:
Expectancy (E1): Sarah believes that by putting in effort and studying hard, she will better
understand the material and perform well on the exam. She has confidence in her ability to
improve her performance through effort.
Instrumentality (E2): Sarah also believes that performing well on the final exam will lead to a
good grade in the course. She knows that her professor values exam performance in determining
the final grade.
Valence (V): Sarah highly values getting a good grade in the course because it's essential for her
academic goals and maintaining a high GPA.
2. Social Learning Theory
The view that we can learn
through both observation and
Moreover, we are more likely to
repeat behaviours in the future if
they are also reinforced by the
model (e.g., positive feedback
from a coach or trainer).
Organizational Justice
Equity theory describes the forms organizations justice, including distributive justice,
procedural justice, informational justice, and interactional justice.
3. Equity Theory
✔ Change outcomes (individuals paid on a piece-rate basis can increase their pay by producing a
higher quantity of units of lower quality).
✔ Distort perceptions of self (“I used to think I worked at a moderate pace, but now I realize I
work a lot harder than everyone else”).
✔ Choose a different referent (“I may not make as much as my sibling, but I am doing a lot better
than they did at my age”).
✔ Research over the past several decades consistently shows that justice is
critically important for maintaining the employee–organization relationship,
especially during times of crisis and uncertainty. For the most part, employees
evaluate how fairly they are treated, as shown in the Model of Organizational
4. Goal Setting Theory
✔ In the late 1960s, Edwin Locke proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major
source of work motivation.
✔ That is, goals tell an employee what needs to be done and how much effort is needed.
✔ Evidence strongly suggests that specific goals increase performance;
✔ Difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals; and
that feedback leads to higher performance than does nonfeed back.
✔ Specific goals produce a higher level of output than the generalized goal
“Do your best.” Why?
Specificity itself seems to act as an internal stimulus.