April 17
April 17
April 17
3. It discusses how the situation came about and what outcome it may have.
A. etymology C. cause-and-effect
B. history D. description
4. It discusses how the topic in question functions, including any special materials or conditions
A. principles of operation C. contrast/negation
B. classification D. comparison
6. It shows how the topic differs from others in the same class.
A. principles of operation C. contrast/negation
B. classification D. comparison
8. It explains by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the second is familiar to the audience.
A. principles of operation C. examples
B. analogy D. illustrations
9. It refers to short, phrase-length definitions.
A. Single C. simplified
B. Double D. extended
glassy Non-example:
clear colored coal
brightly colored
evenly shaped
patterned lava
glimmers sparkle
Definition: metals
A solid made of rocks
atoms in an
ordered pattern
Processing questions:
One of the first things to do when you write an extended definition is to compose
the formal sentence definition of the term you are writing about. It establishes
the focus for the rest of the discussion. It is "formal" because it uses a certain
form. Here are several examples:
Formal sentence definitions: their components are the term being defined, the
class it belongs to, and its distinguishing characteristics.
Note: Term defined (in bold) Class to which the term belongs (in italic)