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Quarter: 4 Worksheet Sheet No. 2,

Learner’s Name : ____________________________________________
Grade Level/Section : ____________________________________________
Date :_ : __________________________


A. Most Essential Learning Competency
EN10V-IIa-13.9 :9: Give technical and operational definitions
B. Objectives
Differentiate technical from operational definition
Identify whether a word is technically or operationally defined
Construct technical and operational definitions


Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data and

documentation of critical information. One of the keys to successful research, in
addition to careful planning, is the use of definition. Proper definition of terms
ensures that your readers will understand the components of your study.
OSpeech is one of the communication methods that has been endowed
strictly upon the human race. With words, we’re able to communicate our thoughts,
visions, and emotions to other humans. Each word corresponds to something and
almost everything has a corresponding word. However, the relationship of words to
“things” is not one-to-one. One word may have several definitions and one definition
may correspond to several words (synonyms). The point is that even though we use
the same words, those words can (and often do) have quite distinctly different
meanings which causes disputes and misunderstanding. In this Activity Sheet, let’s
try to avoid confusion by defining the terms technically and operationally. Let’s now
learn how these things work!

TECHNICAL DEFINITION is a very detailed description of a term, processprocess,

or phenomenon. When preparing a document many times the writer has tomust use
some terms that might be unknown to the audience but is essential to understand
the author’s idea. Technical definitions are used in specialized field, and for which
there are no adequate terms in ordinary language. Technical definitions are used to
introduce the vocabulary which makes communication in a particular field succinct
and unambiguous.

We associate technical definition to Jargon, it is the specialized words and

forms of language used within a particular profession or field of activity.


Word General Definition Technical Definition

like is an expression of favor or is a reaction button on Facebook or in

preference YouTube.
bug is a small insect. is an error or flaw in a computer
system or program that results to an
incorrect result.

How do we write technical definitions?

1. Parenthetical Definitions – Defining a term by using a more familiar synonym in

Example: As the horse came around the corner, it started to trot (jog).
The viscosity (thickness) of the syrup made it difficult to pour.

2. Sentence Definitions – More complex terms may need a sentence definition

(which may be more than one sentence). Sentence definitions follow a set pattern
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Mercury Metal liquid
at room temperature
 Mercury is a metal that becomes liquid at room temperature.
 Carbohydrates are food group including sugars and starches.
 An algorithm is a finite description of aris
finite number of steps required
to accomplish some well-defined tasktasks.tic

Tips for Writing Sentence Definitions

 Take particular care when you write the reference to the class to which the
term belongs; it sets up a larger frame of reference or context.
 Give the readers something familiar to associate the term with. 
 Avoid vague references to the class the term belongs to:to for example,
instead of calling a concussion an "injury", be more accurate and use specific
termspecific like "a serious head injury".
 Provide plenty of specific details in the characteristics component to allow the
readers to form their own understanding of the term you are defining.
 Be aware that formal sentence definition will likely contain additional
potentially unfamiliar terms and you need to explain them as well, possibly by
using parenthetical definition.
Carbohydrates are food group including sugars, starchesstarches, and
cellulose (fiber).

3. Extended Definitions – These are long, paragraph definitions that consider all
ofall the various sources of information (e.g.e.g., description, process narration,
causal discussion, and classification) that can help define the term adequately;
preferably used in academic and scientific paper
Example: Measles is an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a virus. The
illness is characterized by a cough, fever, and maculopapular (raised red)
rash. It has worldwide endemicity - that is, people throughout the world are
vulnerable to the disease.

OPERATIONAL DEFINITION is a statement that describes how a particular variable
is to be measured, or how an object or condition is to be recognized. Operational
definitions tell you what to do or what to observe. (The word “operational” means
“describing what to do.”) Operational definition is the definition of a variable in terms
of the actual procedures used by the researcher to measure and or manipulate it. It
needs to be clear and precise so that a reader knows exactly what to observe or

For example: The operational definition of anxiety could be in terms of a test

score, withdrawal from a situation, or activation of the sympathetic nervous system.
The process of creating an operational definition is known as operationalization.

Tips for Writing Operational Definitions

 Look over the written plan for carrying out an investigation, or write up a plan.
 Identify and list any variables or terms that do not have a single, clear,
obvious meaning.
If there are several reasonable ways to make an observation or to perform an
action, choose one that suits the purpose of the investigation.
Write a clear, complete definition of what the researcher should do or
 Check your definition by asking yourself, will this definition tell another person
what to observe or how to measure? If necessary, revise your definition
before starting your investigation.

Example 1: Operational definition: The fastest ball is the one that crosses the
finish line before all the other balls.
When you read or write an operational definition, ask yourself, “Does this
definition describe what to do or what to observe?” In the example just given, the
student teams would be able to use the procedure and the definition to compare their
results. Here are some other examples of operational definitions.

Example 2: Lemon juice, vinegar, and certain other substances are acids. To find
out whether a substance is an acid, place a drop of the substance on blue litmus
Operational definition: Substances that cause the litmus paper to turn pink are

Example 3: To measure a person’s pulse, place your index and middle fingers lightly
on the inside of the person’s wrist and find the beating artery.
Operational definition: The pulse is the number of beats counted in 1 minute.

Tips for Writing Operational Definitions

 Look over the written plan for carrying out an investigation or write up a plan.
 Identify and list any variables or terms that do not have a single, clear,
obvious meaning.
 For example, the variable is social media overuse
We need to operationalize the variable. (1) Spending more than two hours a
day in social media app can be measured by a tracking software. (2) Make a
questionnaire asking, “Do you feel that your social media use interferes with
your school or sleep?

 If there are several reasonable ways to observe or to perform an action,
choose one that suits the purpose of the investigation.
 Write a clear, complete definition of what the researcher should do or
For example, social media overuse is considered when you spend more than
two hours a day which can be measured by a tracking software.
 Check your definition by asking yourself, will this definition tell another person
what to observe or how to measure? If necessary, revise your definition
before starting your investigation.

A. Practice Tasks
Practice Task 1. Emerging Distinction
Read the statements below and write TD if the statement refers to Technical
Definition, or OD if the statement refers to Operational Definition. Write your answers on
your answer sheet.
OD 1. used by the researcher to measure and or manipulate a variable in terms of
the actual procedures
OD 2. describes the observable characteristics of a variable; things the researcher
can observe or measure directlyused to introduce the vocabulary which makes
communication in a particular field succinct and unambiguous
OD 3. used in specialized field for which there are no adequate terms in ordinary
languagea statement that describes how a particular variable is to be measured, or
how an object or condition is to be recognized
TD 4. a very detailed description of a term, processprocess, or phenomenon
TD 5. a statement tells us what to do or what to observe

Practice Task 2. Perfect Fit

Choose the most appropriate definition of the underlined word as it is used in
each of the following sentences. Write the letter of your answer on your answer
1. Family harmony provides a sense of belonging and a feeling of security.
a. Pleasing combination or arrangement of different things
b. Good relations of members
2. When conflict arises, it threatens that security.
a. To announce an intended harm to a person
b. To cause to feel insecure
3. Unresolved conflict may damage a marriage and the entire family.
a. Not decided
b. Not settled
4. One major source of family conflict is within the area of finances –
specifically the lack of enough money to pay bills, buy foods and other
a. Money available to the government
b. To provide money to cover expenses
5. Another cause of family conflict is the rivalry that occurs within siblings.
a. Competition
b. Jealousy

Practice Task 3. Tune it Up

Write an operational definition for each underlined idea. Write your answer on
your answer sheet. Complete the table below with an operational/technical definition
of the underlined idea.
Example: You have to classify vertebrates as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or
Answer: A bird is an animal that has two feet, a pair of wings, and feathers.

Sentence Technical Definition Operational Definition

Example: College Academically inclined Academically inclined are
athletes are not as means concerned in the students who are
academically inclined studying, learning, and focused on learning, with
as regular students. intellectual matters. few to zero participation in
extra-curricular activities.
1. On a cold day, let the A cold day is when the A cold day gives a feeling
water in the pan freeze temperature of the day is an uncomfortable lack of
outdoors. lower than 10 Celsius. warmth.
2. As temperature Violent crime is a violation Violent crime is the
increases, so will violent of criminal law that involves number of people
crime. the intentional use arrested in each day for
of violence by one person murder, forcible, robbery,
against another person. and aggravated assault
as recorded by the local
3. A microwave can be a A microwave is a device A microwave oven is an
real lifesaver. that heats food using electric oven that heats
electromagnetic energy. and cooks food by
exposing it to
electromagnetic radiation
in the microwave
frequency range.
4. You can receive and Twitter is a social media Twitter is a
send tweets on Twitter. platform that limits 'microblogging' system
messages to 140 that allows you to send
characters. and receive short posts
called tweets.
5. A psychologist wants to Depressed is an adjective Depressed people
know if his new form of that means in a state of experience hopelessness,
psychotherapy will make general unhappiness or loss of interest, sleeping
people less depressed. despondency. problems and others
diagnosed by a

1. On a cold day, let the water in the pan freeze outdoors.

2. You will test these two fertilizers to determine which one helps plants grow faster.
3. People who take a driver’s education course are probably better drivers than
drivers who do not.
4. When you finish working on an experiment, wash your hands thoroughly.
5. A psychologist wants to know if his new form of psychotherapy will make people
less depressed.

B. Assessment

I. Read each item carefully regarding technical definition. Choose the best option to
answer the following questions. Write the letter of your answer on your answer

1. Which of the following is NOT a reason why it is important to define a term

or concept?
a. You are legally responsible for any document you prepare so clear and
precise definitions are essential
b. Terms and concepts may be unfamiliar to your audience
c. All users agree on one meaning for a term in all situations
d. Readers may have general understanding of a term but not on how it is
being used in a new context
2. Which of the following is NOT a way that a definition can be expanded?
a. Explaining what a term does not mean
b. Comparing an unfamiliar term with anything familiar
c. Giving the term’s origin and background
d. Listing only some of the parts
3. A sentence definition does all the following EXCEPT:
a. Include the name of the item to be defined
b. Always state the definition in a one-sentence format
c. Give the features that differentiate the item from all others in its class as
the final element of the definition
d. State the class to which the item belongs as the second element of the
4. Which of the following guidelines should you AVOID when writing a clear
and precise definition?
a. Consider the legal implications of your definition
b. Classify the item precisely
c. Reject characteristics
d. Consider the ethical implications of your definition

5. Questions to ask about definitions include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Does the definition obscure rather than clarify the meaning?
b. Does the level of technicality connect with the readers?
c. Are all information sources documented?
d. Does the definition provide specific details?

II. Give the technical and operational definition of each of the following terms and
concepts. Use the table below as your guide and write your answer on your answer

Word to Be Defined Technical Definition Operational Definition

Coronavirus Coronavirus is any of a A coronavirus is a
group of RNA viruses that common virus that causes
cause a variety of an infection in your nose,
respiratory, sinuses, or upper throat.
gastrointestinal, and
neurological diseases in

humans and other

Pandemic Pandemic is an adjective A pandemic is a type of

that means prevalent over epidemic that has spread
a whole country or the to at least three countries
world. within the WHO region.

Social Distancing Social distancing means Social distancing is a

keeping a safe space practice that prevents the
between yourself and spread of COVID-19,
other people who are not including wearing masks,
from your household. avoiding touching your
face with unwashed
hands, and frequently
washing your hands with
soap and water for at
least 20 seconds.
Quarantine A quarantine is a Quarantine is a general
restriction on the period of time in which
movement of people, people are not allowed to
animals and goods which leave their homes or
is intended to prevent the travel freely, so that they
spread of disease or do not catch or spread a
pests. disease.

Home-schooling Homeschooling means Homeschooling is an

learning outside of the educational process
public or private school where parents or tutors
environment. teach children at home,
instead of having them
formally educated in a
public or provided school


Forming Operational Definitions. https://bxscience.enschool.org/ourpages

McMurrey, David. Extended Definition: Just what does that mean?. https://www.
Nix, Luke. Importance of Defining Terms.
Operational definitions worksheet. https://www.germantownschools.org/faculty

Congratulations! You have completed your learning adventure!

Good luck on your next learning journey!

Prepared by:

Lyra B. Bedis, Teacher I

Vinisitahan National High School, Albay Division

Teacher I,Vinzons Pilot High School
Member, School LAS Development Team

Quality Assured by:

Jovito A. Briones , Jr.

Teacher II

Irene A. Marquez
Teacher III

Master Teacher I
Vinzons Pilot High School

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