Quarter 4 Melc 2 Las 2
Quarter 4 Melc 2 Las 2
Quarter 4 Melc 2 Las 2
A. Most Essential Learning Competency
EN10V-IIa-13.9 :9: Give technical and operational definitions
B. Objectives
Differentiate technical from operational definition
Identify whether a word is technically or operationally defined
Construct technical and operational definitions
preference YouTube.
bug is a small insect. is an error or flaw in a computer
system or program that results to an
incorrect result.
3. Extended Definitions – These are long, paragraph definitions that consider all
ofall the various sources of information (e.g.e.g., description, process narration,
causal discussion, and classification) that can help define the term adequately;
preferably used in academic and scientific paper
Example: Measles is an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a virus. The
illness is characterized by a cough, fever, and maculopapular (raised red)
rash. It has worldwide endemicity - that is, people throughout the world are
vulnerable to the disease.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION is a statement that describes how a particular variable
is to be measured, or how an object or condition is to be recognized. Operational
definitions tell you what to do or what to observe. (The word “operational” means
“describing what to do.”) Operational definition is the definition of a variable in terms
of the actual procedures used by the researcher to measure and or manipulate it. It
needs to be clear and precise so that a reader knows exactly what to observe or
Example 1: Operational definition: The fastest ball is the one that crosses the
finish line before all the other balls.
When you read or write an operational definition, ask yourself, “Does this
definition describe what to do or what to observe?” In the example just given, the
student teams would be able to use the procedure and the definition to compare their
results. Here are some other examples of operational definitions.
Example 2: Lemon juice, vinegar, and certain other substances are acids. To find
out whether a substance is an acid, place a drop of the substance on blue litmus
Operational definition: Substances that cause the litmus paper to turn pink are
Example 3: To measure a person’s pulse, place your index and middle fingers lightly
on the inside of the person’s wrist and find the beating artery.
Operational definition: The pulse is the number of beats counted in 1 minute.
If there are several reasonable ways to observe or to perform an action,
choose one that suits the purpose of the investigation.
Write a clear, complete definition of what the researcher should do or
For example, social media overuse is considered when you spend more than
two hours a day which can be measured by a tracking software.
Check your definition by asking yourself, will this definition tell another person
what to observe or how to measure? If necessary, revise your definition
before starting your investigation.
A. Practice Tasks
Practice Task 1. Emerging Distinction
Read the statements below and write TD if the statement refers to Technical
Definition, or OD if the statement refers to Operational Definition. Write your answers on
your answer sheet.
OD 1. used by the researcher to measure and or manipulate a variable in terms of
the actual procedures
OD 2. describes the observable characteristics of a variable; things the researcher
can observe or measure directlyused to introduce the vocabulary which makes
communication in a particular field succinct and unambiguous
OD 3. used in specialized field for which there are no adequate terms in ordinary
languagea statement that describes how a particular variable is to be measured, or
how an object or condition is to be recognized
TD 4. a very detailed description of a term, processprocess, or phenomenon
TD 5. a statement tells us what to do or what to observe
Write an operational definition for each underlined idea. Write your answer on
your answer sheet. Complete the table below with an operational/technical definition
of the underlined idea.
Example: You have to classify vertebrates as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or
Answer: A bird is an animal that has two feet, a pair of wings, and feathers.
B. Assessment
I. Read each item carefully regarding technical definition. Choose the best option to
answer the following questions. Write the letter of your answer on your answer
II. Give the technical and operational definition of each of the following terms and
concepts. Use the table below as your guide and write your answer on your answer
humans and other
Prepared by:
Teacher I,Vinzons Pilot High School
Member, School LAS Development Team
Irene A. Marquez
Teacher III
Master Teacher I
Vinzons Pilot High School