DTR Pneumonia

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Generic Name: This medicine Carbocisteine + zinc If the client is allergic to CNS: Dizziness, Before:
Carbocisteine contains carbocisteine and zinc. (Solmux Advance) is any ingredient in the insomnia, Verify any medication order and make
Carbocisteine causes phlegm to used to provide relief product. Avoid headache, sure it is complete.
Brand Name: be less thick and sticky and thus of cough associated carbocisteine in clients palpitations. Check the client's medical record for an
Solmux Advance easier to cough up and expel. with respiratory tract with active stomach or allergy or contraindication to the
Carbocisteine, in an in disorders such as intestinal ulcers. GI: Nausea, prescribed medication.
Classification: vitro study, was shown to have acute bronchitis. diarrhea, Prepare medication for one client at a
Carbocisteine belongs significantly reduced the ability of Carbocisteine also stomach time.
to a group of bacteria and viruses to adhere to reduces the number of discomfort. Educate the client about the medication
medications human respiratory cells. Zinc exacerbations and side effects of the medication.
called mucolytic agents, helps regulate the growth, associated with Hypersensitivity: Follow the 10 rights of medication
which includes maturation, and activity of cells chronic obstructive Skin rashes administration.
Acetylcysteine. involved in immune function, and pulmonary disease
has been shown to help the body (COPD) and inhibits During:
Dosage: fight viruses and bacteria. It also the adherence of Ensure that the client will take the
Child: 2-5 years Usual functions as an antioxidant by bacteria and viruses to medication given.
dose: 62.5-125 mg 4 being a cofactor of the enzyme human respiratory Give drug with food if GI upset occurs.
times daily or 200 mg superoxide dismutase, which is cells. Carbocisteine is Do not exceed the recommended
daily in 2 divided doses; involved in the removal of also used in the dosage.
6-12 years Usual dose: harmful free radicals. The treatment of otitis Discontinue drug if hypersensitivity
100 mg or 250 mg tid. combination of carbocisteine and media with effusion reactions occur and report for any
Dosage zinc provides complementary (glue ear). Zinc helps adverse reaction
recommendations may actions against acute respiratory boost the immune
vary among individual infection addressing both altered function. After:
products and between mucus viscosity and low zinc Evaluate therapeutic response.
countries (refer to concentrations in respiratory Document the procedure.
detailed product infections.

Route: Oral

Frequency: Q8h or as
recommended by a

Generic Name: Acetaminophen, also Fever and pain due to Do not use this drug if CNS: Headache Before:
Acetaminophen called N-acetyl para- colds, headache, the client:1) Had an Verify any medication order and make sure
aminophenol or muscular pain, sprain allergic reaction to CV: Chest pain, dyspnea it is complete.
Brand Name: paracetamol, is one pain, toothache, joint paracetamol.2) Had Check the client's medical record for an
Tylenol of the most widely pain, and menstrual suffered asthma after GI: Hepatic toxicity and allergy or contraindication to the prescribed
used over-the- pain. Acetaminophenen using this drug, its failure, jaundice medication.
Classification: counter analgesic is considered a non- components, or any other Prepare medication for one client at a time.
Acetaminophen is in a and antipyretic opioid analgesic and antipyretic GU: Acute kidney failure, Educate the client about the medication
agents. Although its antipyretic agent used analgesics. Contraindicatio
class of medications renal tubular necrosis and side effects of the medication
exact mechanism of to treat pain and fever. nns to the use of
called analgesics action remains Clinicians can use it for acetaminophen include
Follow the 10 rights of medication
(pain relievers) and unclear, it is their clients as a single hypersensitivity to Hematologic: Methemoglo administration.
antipyretics (fever historically agent for mild to acetaminophen or its binemia—cyanosis;
reducers). categorized along moderate pain and in components, severe hemolytic anemia— During:
with NSAIDs combination with an hepatic impairment, or hematuria, anuria; Ensure that the client will take the
Dosage: because it inhibits opioid analgesic for severe active hepatic neutropenia, leukopenia, medication given.
dose acetaminophen the cyclooxygenase severe pain. disease. pancytopenia, Give drug with food if GI upset occurs.
based on a child’s (COX) pathways. thrombocytopenia, Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
weight, using 10-15 hypoglycemia Discontinue drug if hypersensitivity
mg/kg/dose. [1, 2, 3, reactions occur and report for any adverse
4] Give PO every 4-6 Hypersensitivity: Rash, reaction
hours and do not hives, fever, blister
exceed more than 5 After:
doses (2.6 g) in 24 - Evaluate therapeutic response.
hours. - Document the procedure.


Frequency:Q6h or PRN

Generic Prednisone decrease Prednisone is Prednisone is contraindicated in CNS: immunosuppression Before

Name: Prednison s inflammation via indicated as an anti- patients with documented , hypertension, Identify reason for therapy, onset symptoms and
e suppression of the inflammatory or hypersensitivity to the drug or hyperglycemia, inhibition previous treatments.
migration of immunosuppressive components of the formulation.
polymorphonuclear drug for allergic, Contraindications to the
of wound repair, Monitor vital signs
Brand leukocytes and dermatologic, administration of prednisone osteoporosis, metabolic Assess for fluid retention or urinary hesitancy
Name: Prolix reversing increased gastrointestinal, include the presence of systemic disturbances, glaucoma. Educate the client about the medication including its
capillary hematologic, fungal infections adverse effect and proper administration.
Pharmacologic permeability. It also ophthalmologic, CV: atrial fibrillation (rapid, Encourage to establish an effective bedtime routine
Class: Glucocortic suppresses the nervous system, renal, erratic heartbeats), atrial to minimize insomnia.
oid immune system by respiratory, flutter (rapid rhythms in List drugs currently prescribed to prevent any
reducing the activity rheumatologic, the heart's upper interaction.
and the volume of infectious, endocrine,
Therapeutic the immune system. or neoplastic chambers), and Follow the 10 rights of medication administration
Class: Immunosu conditions as well as ventricular tachycardia
ppresant in organ transplant. During:
GI: changes in appetite, Check for the proper placement of medication.
Dosage: 5-60 mood, energy, and sleep. Do not discontinue or change regimen abruptly.
mg/day Withdrawal should be gradual to prevent rebound
SKIN: skin thinning, acne, hypertension-Instruct patient to immediately report
Route: PO excess hair growth allergic response.
(hirsutism), hair thinning, face
Frequency: single redness, stripe-like marks on
the skin (stria) and impaired
daily dose or divided Watch closely for sign and symptoms of dizziness,
q6-12hr wound healing.
blurred vission, fast or irregular heartbeat
Evaluate fluid intake and output
Report any increase in the sign or abnormal
Review all other significant reaction and
interactions, especially related to drugs, foods,
herbs and behaviors.
Evaluate therapeutic response.
Document the procedure.

Generic Like other β- This works by killing Ceftaroline is CNS: Dizziness, fever, Before
Name: Ceftaroline lactams, bacteria. Antibiotics contraindicated in patients headache, seizures Identify reason for therapy, onset symptoms and previous
Fosamil ceftaroline's such as ceftaroline with known serious CV: Bradycardia, treatments.
mechanism of injection will not hypersensitivity to palpitations, Monitor vital signs
action is mediated work for colds, flu, ceftaroline or other
Brand Name: phlebitis ENDO: Assess for fluid retention or urinary hesitancy
by binding to the or other viral cephalosporin
Zinforo penicillin-binding infections. To treat hypersensitivity. Hyperglycemia Educate the client about the medication including its
protein (PBP), the community-acquired Anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid GI: Abdominal pain, adverse effect and proper administration.
Pharmacologic enzyme mediating bacterial pneumonia reactions, and serious skin Clostridium difficile– Encourage to establish an effective bedtime routine to
Class: the cross-linking caused by E.coli, reactions have been associated diarrhea, minimize insomnia.
Fifth-generation transpeptidation Haemophilus reported with ceftaroline constipation, diarrhea, List drugs currently prescribed to prevent any interaction.
cephalosporin of the Influenzae, K. use. elevated liver enzymes, Follow the 10 rights of medication administration
peptidoglycan oxytoca, K. hepatitis, nausea, During
Therapeutic which are the pneumoniae, S. vomiting GU: Renal Check for the proper route of medication.
Class: Antibiotic terminal steps in aureus, or S. failure Do not discontinue or change regimen abruptly.
completing pneumoniae. HEME: Agranulocytosis, Withdrawal should be gradual to prevent rebound
formation of the
Dosage: 600 mg bacterial cell wall
anemia, hemolytic hypertension
anemia, eosinophilia, Instruct patient to immediately report allergic response.
Route: IV leukopenia, neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia After
Frequency: RESP: Eosinophilic Watch closely for sign and symptoms of plebitis,
Administered over 5 pneumonia headache and rash.
to 60 min every SKIN: Pruritus, rash, Evaluate fluid intake and output
12hrs for 14 days urticaria Report any increase in the sign or abnormal findings.
Other: Anaphylaxis, direct Review all other significant reaction and interactions,
Coombs’ test especially related to drugs, foods, herbs and behaviors.
seroconversion, Evaluate therapeutic response
hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, Document the procedure.
hypersensitivity reactions

Generic Name: Guaifenesin Guaifenesin is Hypersensitivity to CNS: dizzine Before:

Guaifenesin loosens and thins an expectorant guaifenesin, chronic ss, headache, Verify any medication order and make sure it is complete.
phlegm and that is indicated persistent cough drowsiness Check the client's medical record for an allergy or contraindication
Brand Name: bronchial for providing to the prescribed medication.
Mucinex secretions to ease temporary GI: nausea or Prepare medication for one client at a time.
expectoration. By symptomatic vomiting, anor Educate the client about the medication and side effects of the
Therapeutic Class: reducing the relief from exia, medication
Expectorant viscosity and congested diarrhea, stom Follow the 12 rights of medication administration.
adhesiveness of chests and ach pain. During:
Dosage: secretions, coughs which Check for the proper route of medication.
guaifenesin may be due to a SKIN: hives, Do not discontinue or change regimen abruptly.
Children 6 to 12 increases the cold, bronchitis, skin rash. Withdrawal should be gradual to prevent rebound hypertension
years of age—100 efficacy of the and/or other Instruct patient to immediately report allergic response.
to 200 mg every mucociliary breathing After:
four hours. mechanism in illnesses Watch closely for sign and symptoms of stomach pain, headache
Children 4 to 6 removing and rash.
years of age—50 to accumulated Evaluate fluid intake and output
100 mg every four secretions from Report any increase in the sign or abnormal findings.
hours. the upper and Review all other significant reaction and interactions, especially
lower airway. related to drugs, foods, herbs and behaviors.
Route: PO Evaluate positive therapeutic response
Document the procedure
Frequency: q4h

Generic Name: Salbutamol is a Salbutamol Salbutamol Nervous System Disorders: Before:

Salbutamol sulfate selective beta2- (Ventolin) is a (Ventolin) is Very Common: Tremor. Verify any medication order and make
adrenoceptor agonist. selective beta2- contraindicated Common: Headache. sure it is complete.
Brand Name: At therapeutic doses it adrenoceptor in clients with a Very Rare: Hyperactivity. Check the client's medical record for
Ventolin acts on the beta2- agonist indicated for history of an allergy or contraindication to the
adrenoceptors of the treatment or hypersensitivity Cardiac Disorders: prescribed medication.
Classification: Salbuta bronchial muscle prevention of to any of its Common: Tachycardia, palpitations. Prepare medication for one client at a
mol Sulfate belongs to providing short acting bronchospasm. It components. Rare: Cardiac arrhythmias including atrial time.
(4 to 6 hour) provides short acting
a class of medicines fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia and Educate the client about the
bronchodilation in (four hours)
called Beta2- reversible airways bronchodilation in
extrasystoles. medication and side effects of the
Adrenergic Agonists. obstruction. Beta2 reversible airways medication
adrenergic receptor obstruction due to Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Follow the 10 rights of medication
Dosage: agonists are primarily asthma, chronic Disorders: administration.
Children: 2.5mg used to treat asthma bronchitis and Common: Muscle cramps. During:
and other lung-related emphysema. Very Rare: Feeling of muscle tension. Ensure that the client will take the
Route: Oral disorders. It leads to medication given.
relaxation of smooth Vascular Disorders: Give drug with food if GI upset
Frequency: q4h or qh6 muscle in the lungs, Rare: Peripheral vasodilatation occurs.
or as recommended by dilation and opening Do not exceed the recommended
a doctor. of the airways. Metabolism and Nutrition Disorders: dosage.
Rare: Hypokalemia. Potentially serious Discontinue drug if hypersensitivity
hypokalemia may result from beta2-agonist reactions occur and report for any
therapy adverse reaction
Immune System Disorders: Evaluate therapeutic response.
Very Rare: Hypersensitivity reactions including Document the procedure.
angioedema, urticaria, bronchospasm,
hypotension, and collapse.
Generic Name: cefuroxime

Brand Names: Ceftin, Zinacef

Drug Class: Cephalosporins, 2nd Generation


Oral dosing: Typically, the recommended oral dose of cefuroxime in children

for pneumonia is based on body weight. A common dosing range is 20-30
mg/kg/day divided into two doses every 12 hours. The total daily dose should
not exceed 500 mg per day.
IV dosing: For more severe cases or when oral administration is not possible,
intravenous cefuroxime may be used. The dosing can vary, but a typical
regimen may be 50-100 mg/kg/day divided into 3-4 doses.

The duration of treatment for pneumonia typically ranges from 7 to 14 days, depending on
the severity of the infection and the patient's response to treatment.

Mechanism of Action:
Cefuroxime works by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to bacterial cell death.

Common Side Effects:

Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Allergic Reactions: Rash, pruritus, and in rare cases, anaphylaxis.
Others: Headache, dizziness, and elevated liver enzymes.

Renal function: In patients with impaired renal function, dose adjustment may be
Allergic Reactions: Monitor for signs of allergic reactions, especially in patients
with known allergies to cephalosporins or penicillins.
Treatment Response: Monitor the patient's response to treatment, including signs
of improvement in symptoms and resolution of pneumonia.


Allergy: Known hypersensitivity to cefuroxime, other cephalosporins, or penicillins.

Renal impairment: Dose adjustment may be required.

Cross-reactivity: Caution in patients with a history of penicillin allergy due to possible

Use during pregnancy and lactation: Generally considered safe, but use with caution.

Make sure to check the patient's medical history for any known allergies or

Adjust the dosage for patients with renal impairment.

Encourage adherence to the medication regimen and advise on completing the full
course of antibiotics.

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