This document summarizes information about 4 drugs: cephalexin, mefenamic acid, cefuroxime, and ferrous. It provides the generic and brand names, classification, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, dosing instructions, and important nursing considerations for each drug. The document is intended to educate nurses about key details they need to know to safely and effectively administer these medications.
This document summarizes information about 4 drugs: cephalexin, mefenamic acid, cefuroxime, and ferrous. It provides the generic and brand names, classification, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, dosing instructions, and important nursing considerations for each drug. The document is intended to educate nurses about key details they need to know to safely and effectively administer these medications.
This document summarizes information about 4 drugs: cephalexin, mefenamic acid, cefuroxime, and ferrous. It provides the generic and brand names, classification, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, dosing instructions, and important nursing considerations for each drug. The document is intended to educate nurses about key details they need to know to safely and effectively administer these medications.
This document summarizes information about 4 drugs: cephalexin, mefenamic acid, cefuroxime, and ferrous. It provides the generic and brand names, classification, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, dosing instructions, and important nursing considerations for each drug. The document is intended to educate nurses about key details they need to know to safely and effectively administer these medications.
RATIONALE INDICATIO EFFECTS CONSIDERATION N Generic Name: Like all To treat Hyper CNS: Chills, Use cephalexin Cephalexin cephalosporins, genitourinary sensitivity to fever, cautiously in patients cephalexin tract infections cephalexin, headache, hypersensitive to Brand Name: interferes with caused by other seizures penicillin because cross- Keflex bacterial cell Escherichia coli, cephalosporins CV: Edema sensitivity occurs in wall synthesis Klebsiella , or their GI: about 10% of them. Clasification:anti by inhibiting pneumoniae, or components Abdominal biotic the final step in P. mirabilis; and cramps, Obtain culture and the cross- skin and skin diarrhea, sensitivity test results, if Dose and linking of structure elevated liver possible and as ordered, Frequency: peptidoglycan infections caused enzymes, before giving drug. strands. by S. aureus or S. hepatic Tablet: 500mg Peptidoglycan pyogenes failure, Assess patient’s bowel makes the cell hepatomegaly, pattern daily; severe membrane rigid nausea, diarrhea may indicate and protective. pseudomembr pseudomembranous Without it, anous colitis, colitis caused by bacterial cells vomiting GU: Clostridium difficile. If rupture and die. Elevated BUN diarrhea occurs, notify This level, prescriber and expect to mechanism of nephrotoxicity withhold cefotaxime and action is most , renal failure, treat with electrolytes, effective vaginal fluids, protein, and an against bacteria candidiasis antibiotic effective that divide against C. difficile. rapidly, including many gram-positive and gram- negative bacteria. DRUG ACTION INDICATION/ CONTRAINDICA ADVERSE NURSING NAME RATIONALE TION EFFECTS CONSIDERATION Generic Anti- General: CNS: Before: Name: inflammatory; > relief of moderate headache, > Check doctor’s Mefenamic analgesic, and pain when therapy Contraindicated with dizziness, order acid antipyretic will not exceed 1 wk hypersensitivity to insomnia > Assess pain score activities > treatment of mefenamic acid, > Assess for history Brand related to primary aspirin allergy, and Dermatologic: of allergies to Name: inhibition of dysmenorrhea as treatment of rash, pruritus, NSAIDs Ponstel prostaglandin perioperative pain sweating > Educate patient Clasification: synthesis; with coronary artery regarding desired Analgesic, exact bypass grafting GI: nausea, and adverse effects antipyretic mechanisms GI pain, of action are Patient’s actual diarrhea, During: Dose and not known. indications: Precaution: constipation > Give drug with Frequency: Mefenamic acid is Use cautiously with food, milk or Patient’s given to patient for asthma, renal or GU: dysuria, antacids dose: relief of acute to hepatic impairment, renal > Administer drug 500mg q6o moderately severe peptic ulcer disease, impairment with full glass of prn Onset: varies pain GI bleeding, water hypertension, heart > Do not break, Maximum Peak: 2-4 hr failure, pregnancy, shock chew or crush dose: lactation capsule and tablet 500 mg Duration: 6 hr > Do not administer with anticoagulants Minimum Metabolism: and other drug that dose: hepatic, 2-4 causes GI upset 125 mg hr After: Availability: Distribution: > Document Capsules – crosses accordingly 250mg placenta, > Monitor for enters breast adverse effects milk Route: PO Excretion: feces, urine DRUG ACTION INDICATION/ CONTRA ADVERSE NURSING NAME RATIONALE INDICATION EFFECTS CONSIDERATION Generic Interferes It is given before Hypersensitivit GU: Elevated BUN Obtain culture and Name: with bacterial some surgical y to level, nephrotoxicity, sensitivity results, if cefuroxime cell wall operations, to cefuroxime, renal failure, vaginal possible and as synthesis by prevent an other candidiasis ordered, before Brand Name: inhibiting the infection from cephalosporins, giving drug. ceftin final step in occurring. or their the cross- Cefuroxime treats components Other: Anaphylaxis; Give oral form with Clasification: linking of an infection by injection-site edema, food to decrease GI antibiotic peptidoglycan killing the bacteria pain, and redness; distress, as needed. strands. that are causing it. superinfection Dose and Peptidoglycan Frequency: makes the cell Assess bowel pattern Tablet 500mg membrane daily; severe PO rigid and diarrhea may protective. indicate Without it, pseudomembranous bacterial cells colitis. If it’s rupture and suspected, stop drug, die. as ordered, and provide treatment as prescribed. DRUG ACTION INDICATION/ CONTRA ADVERSE NURSING NAME RATIONALE INDICATION EFFECTS CONSIDERATION Generic Acts to normalize Hemochromatosis, Give iron tablets and Name: RBC production To prevent iron hemolytic GI: Abdominal capsules with a full ferrous by binding with deficiency based anemias, cramps, glass of juice or sulfate hemoglobin or by on recommended hemosiderosis, constipation, water. Don’t crush being oxidized daily allowances hypersensitivity to epigastric pain, enteric-coated tablets Brand and stored as iron salts or their nausea, stool or open capsules. Name: hemosiderin or components, other discoloration, Feosol aggregated ferritin anemic conditions vomiting in unless If GI irritation Clasification: reticuloendothelial accompanied by occurs, give with or Antianemic, cells of the bone iron deficiency just after meals. nutritional marrow, liver, and Protect liquid form supplement spleen. Iron is an from freezing. essential Dose and component of Frequency: hemoglobin, Pregnant myoglobin, and women. 27 several enzymes, mg daily including catalase, Oral cytochromes, and peroxidase. Iron is needed for catecholamine metabolism and normal neutrophil function. DRUG NAME ACTION INDICATION/ CONTRA ADVERSE NURSING RATIONALE INDICATION EFFECTS CONSIDERATION Generic Name: Antipyretic: Contraindicated Hypersensitivity: Do not exceed the paracetamol Reduces Temporary with allergy to rash, fever recommended fever by reduction of acetaminophen dosage. Brand Name: acting fever, Use cautiously Avoid using directly on multiple Tylenol temporary relief with the preparations Clasification: hypothalamic of minor aches pregnancy, containing Analgesic(nonopioid) heat- and pains lactation acetaminophen. Antipyretic regulating Carefully check all center to OTC products. Dose and cause Give drug with Frequency: vasodilation food if GI upset 500mg/tab and occurs. sweating, Discontinue drug PRN not exceeding which helps if hypersensitivity dissipate reactions occur. 3900mg/day heat.