Philosophy of Life

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Why Everybody Needs a Life Philosophy?

Nothing gives a person a sense of purpose like a

distinct understanding of where they're going.

We all need personal philosophy in life or we risk

wandering, and responding to random stimuli and
information with little or no impact on our long-term
A philosophy of life is an overall vision or attitude
toward life and the purpose of it.

Without a personal philosophy, we end up living

without direction.
The idea of a life philosophy, comes back to a central
question, one that Mary Oliver asks well: “What will
you do with your one wild and precious life?

Nothing gives a person inner wholeness and peace

like a distinct understanding of where they are going.
Robert Bryne once observed, “The purpose of life is a
life of purpose.”
In order to get somewhere, you need to define your
end goal. That is essential. And the sooner you define
it, the clearer everything else will become. A life
without a purpose is a life without a destination.
In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor
says, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with
almost any ‘how.’”
Once you have defined your aims and what you
want, it is easier to deal with doubts. Easier not to
get distracted from what is important, keep your
focus, and keep moving.

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