Fourty Verses On Reality
Fourty Verses On Reality
Fourty Verses On Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
A Brief Overview
Forty Verses on Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
Those who know intense fear of death seek refuge only at the
feet of the Lord Who has neither death nor birth. Dead to
themselves and their possessions, can the thought of death
occur to them again? Deathless are they.
Who dies? The body is born and so must die. Within us, as
our very Self, is the Existence and Consciousness that lights
up our mind, our senses, and our body. Does Existence ever
die? Consciousness? Do you die? When you know yourself
as this unlimited Existence–Consciousness, then of what
value is any transitory thing; what you have and are is
always. You know you were never born and so will never
Forty Verses on Reality
ever die? If this is your own nature, do you die? This leads
to freedom and peace. How can you want anything since
you are vast and partless? No separation means there is no
other thing to want.
Forty Verses on Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
Practice Note: When your mind gets quiet, you feel calm
and at peace. Where does this peace come from? When
your mind is quiet you are no longer conjuring up the
thoughts, memories, ideas, and projections that you usually
seem to live in. What is different in these mental states?
And if it is not conjured up, where does this peace come
from? And why is this felt by everyone? Could it be that
everyone is looking within, to what is always there, for
everyone? What is to be found by such investigation? Who
am I?
If one has form oneself, the world and God also will appear
to have form, but if one is formless, who is it that sees those
forms, and how? Without the eye can any object be seen? The
seeing Self is the Eye, and that Eye is the Eye of Infinity.
Forty Verses on Reality
Apart from the body does the world exist? Has anyone seen
the world without the body?
Forty Verses on Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
Comment: Only the Self can know the Self. The mind can
never know; the mind is in the Self, not the other way
around. When you turn your own light of consciousness
upon itself, you find this light that is “lit up” by itself.
Nothing else is needed. What is this Self-effulgent light? Is it
any different from you?
Forty Verses on Reality
Comment: Only the Self can know the Self. What is not the
Self is not real. It comes and goes like dust in the winds.
How can what is not real ever know anything?
Forty Verses on Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
Practice Note: You exist, and you know you exist. Who
knows? In your deepest meditation, who knows? Is it the
mind, or deeper than than mind? When you are happy, who
knows? Who is this knower? The unknown knower of all
that is known, who know this? Who am I?
Forty Verses on Reality
Forty Verses on Reality
Existence, they are not two, but two names for the same
thing. This is your very Self, your only Existence.
If the first person, “I,” exists, then the second and third
persons, “you” and “he,” will also exist. By enquiring into the
nature of the “I,” the “I” perishes. With it “you” and “he” also
perish. The resultant state, which shines as Absolute Being, is
one’s own natural state, the Self.
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