Zigbee Akshat

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❖ Introduction
❖ Zigbee Device Types
❖ Zigbee Home Automation
❖ Example What Zigbee Do
❖ How Zigbee Works
❖ Zigbee Topologies
❖ Zigbee Protocol Stack
❖ Zigbee vs Bluetooth
❖ Uses
❖ Applications of Zigbee
❖ Conclusion
❖ Reference

❏ Technological Standard Created for Control and Sensor


❏ Based on the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard.

❏ High level Communication.

❏ It Connects local wireless nodes and provide high stability and

data rate in low power.

Zigbee Device Types

There are three different types of ZigBee device:

❏ ZigBee coordinator (ZC)

❏ ZigBee Router (ZR)

❏ ZigBee End Device (ZED)

Zigbee Device Types
Types Explained….

1. ZigBee coordinator
● Initiates network formation.
● The coordinator forms the root of the network tree and
might bridge to other networks.
● There is exactly one ZigBee coordinator in each network.
● It is able to store information about the network, acting
as the repository for security keys.
Types Explained….

2. ZigBee Router (ZR)

● Multihop routing.
● Routers act as an intermediate router.
● It passes the data from other devices.
Types Explained….

3. ZigBee End Device (ZED)

● Contains functionality to talk to its parent node.

● It cannot relay data from other devices.
● It requires only least amount of memory, power.
● Less expensive to manufacture than a ZR or ZC.
Zigbee Home Automation
What Zigbee Do

▣ It operates in Personal Area Networks (PANs) and

device-to - device networks.
▣ Connectivity between small packet devices.

▣ Control of lights, switches, thermostats, appliances,


▣ Designed for wireless controls and sensors.

How Zigbee Works

❏ Network coordinator, routers, end devices.

❏ Topology

Zigbee Topologies
1. Star
Zigbee Topologies….
2. Mesh Topology (peer to
Zigbee Protocol Stack
Zigbee Protocol Stack….
1. Physical Layer
Defines the physical operation of the Zigbee device.
It receives sensitivity, channel rejection, output
power, number of channels, chip modulation, and
transmission rate specifications.
Most Zigbee applications operate at a 250 kb/s data
Zigbee Protocol Stack….
2. Medium Acess Control Layer

Manages RF data transactions between neighboring

devices (point to point).
The MAC includes services such as transmission
retry and acknowledgment management, and
Carrier Sense Multiple Access Collision Avoidance
techniques (CSMA-CA).
Zigbee Protocol Stack….

3. Network Layer

Adds routing capabilities that allows RF data

packets to traverse multiple devices (multiple hops)
to route data from source to destination (peer to
Zigbee Protocol Stack….
4. Application Support Sublayer &
Application Framework
Application layer that defines various addressing objects
including profiles, clusters, and endpoints.
5. Zigbee Device Object
Application layer that provides device and service
discovery features and advanced network
management capabilities.
Zigbee V/S Bluetooth

❏ The bandwidth of Bluetooth is 1 Mbps; ZigBee's is one-

fourth of this value.
❏ Bluetooth radio signal range is upto 10 meters; Zigbee
radio signal range is upto 100 meters.
❏ Bluetooth has high power consumption; Zigbee has low
power consumption.
❏ Bluetooth can connect upto 7 devices; Zigbee can

Zigbee offers four inherent, beneficial characteristics:

▣ Low cost.
▣ Range and obstruction issue avoidance.
▣ Multisource products.
▣ Low power consumption
Applications of Zigbee

● Smart Metering.
● Industrial Automation.
● Home Automation.
● Smart Grid Monitoring.
❏ ZigBee is one of the global standards of
communication protocol formulated by the
relevant task force.

ZigBee is the newest and provides

specifications for devices that have low data
rates, consume very low power and are
thus characterized by long battery life.
Thank You

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