NFC For Embedded Applications: Your Critical Link For The Internet of Things

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NFC for embedded

Your critical link for the Internet of Things
NFC—your critical link for the
Internet of Things

Cloud-based applications
Home automation
Mobile banking
Tap your phone to
Social networks
adjust settings for
App stores analytics

Smart meters
Tap your phone for
Tap your phone to read
service diagnostics
out consumption data
or settings

Consumer electronics
Tap your phone to
Tap your phone to pair
read and upload
BT, WiFi, or stream media
vital measurements

Experts predict an explosion of connected to provide zero power operation and maximize
“things” to occur over the next few years. privacy, both at a very low cost.
As more things get connected, concerns
over data privacy and security will escalate. Privacy
Utilizing Near Field Communication (NFC) as a NFC by design has a limited field of operation,
communication method can help address some which prevents data snooping that could occur
of these concerns. from a distance. It also requires intent—the
application of an NFC-enabled device to
NFC is the critical link an NFC-enabled object—in order to read
According to market research, soon more users its memory. This approach is in contrast to
will access the Internet wirelessly via mobile protocols such as WiFi, which require radios to
devices than from wired Ethernet connections. broadcast information regardless of intent. The
These mobile devices offer several different limited field plus other features of the protocol
wireless connectivity options, each with their help to ensure that data exchange only occurs
different strengths and capabilities. But only with the intended party.
NFC is specifically designed and engineered

2 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Low power approaches. In addition, eliminating the need for a
When communicating between an NFC reader and battery in an embedded system can further lower an
an NFC transponder (tag), energy harvested from application’s overall bill of materials.
the RF field of the reader powers the tag, enabling
connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) devices Comparing wireless protocols
without using batteries or power. This energy Designers have several choices for connectivity,
harvesting feature enables a number of low-power all with trade-offs (see Table 1). WiFi, ZigBee,
and low-cost applications. and Bluetooth all have different strengths and
capabilities. None, however, were specifically defined
Low cost and engineered to provide zero-power operation
Adding a connected NFC tag to an embedded and maximize privacy, and do both at very low cost,
system can establish connectivity to mobile as NFC does.
devices at much lower cost than Bluetooth or WiFi

Table 1 Wireless connectivity tradeoffs

WiFi ZigBee (802.15.4) Bluetooth NFC

Network topology
Star Mesh Point-to-point Point-to-point

30-100 m 10-20 m 10 m < 0.1 m

Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Response to field

Power Classic: Mid Tag: Zero

High Low
LE/Smart: Low Reader: Very low

Low Mid Mid High

NXP NFC for embedded applications 3

NFC principles of operation

Overview Peer-to-Peer mode Card Emulation mode

Near Field Communication (NFC) is In Peer-to-Peer mode, any An NFC device in Card Emulation
a short-range, wireless connectivity NFC-enabled reader/writer can mode can replace a contactless
technology designed to be intuitive. communicate to another NFC smartcard, enabling use of NFC-
NFC enables simplified transactions, reader/writer to exchange data enabled devices within the existing
data exchange, pairing, wireless with the same advantages of contactless card infrastructure
connections, and convenience safety, security, intuitiveness, and for operations such as ticketing,
between two objects when in simplicity inherent in Read/Write access control, transit, tollgates,
close proximity to one another mode. In Peer-to-Peer mode, one and contactless payments. NXP has
(up to 10 cm apart). Because the of the reader/writers behaves as a broad product offerings to support
communication is one-to-one and tag, creating a communication link. the secure transactions necessary for
requires such close proximity, data For example, two devices (such as this mode.
privacy is more inherent than with smartphones) with readers/writers
other wireless approaches. can communicate with each other.

NFC has three communication

modes: Read/Write, Peer-to-Peer, /Write m
C Read od
and Card Emulation. e

Read/Write mode
In Read/Write mode, an NFC
reader/writer (or NFC-enabled
mobile phone acting as a traditional
contactless reader/writer) reads data
from NFC-enabled smart objects
and acts upon that information.
With an NFC-enabled phone, for
example, users can automatically
connect to websites via a retrieved
N FC Pee

URL, send short message service


(SMS) texts without typing, obtain


coupons, etc., all with only a touch


of their device to the object.



rm Em
ode N F C C a rd

Figure 1. The three modes of NFC communication

4 NXP NFC for embedded applications

NFC Read/Write mode for Through this functionality, data can
embedded systems pass from an external source (e.g.,
Most embedded applications that an NFC-enabled mobile device) to
utilize NFC will use Read/Write the embedded system. Furthermore,
mode for the link. In these cases, because NFC connected tags are
an NFC-enabled device, such as passive, they can be read from, or
a mobile device, will provide the written to, by the external source
active reader, and the tag will be in even when the embedded system is
the embedded system. powered off.

Functionally, a connected NFC tag Because NFC connected tags function

in an embedded system behaves similarly to dual port memories, they
similarly to a dual port memory. One facilitate any application that requires
of the memory ports is accessed data transfer between an embedded
wirelessly through an NFC interface. system and an external system with an
The other port is accessed by the NFC reader/writer, such as an NFC-
embedded system via an I2C interface. enabled mobile device.

enabled NFC I2C 0 1 0 1 0
device Interface Interface


Field detect

NFC connected tag

Figure 2. NFC connected tag block diagram

NXP NFC for embedded applications 5

Cost-effective, enhanced
user experience with NFC

For any product where adding an elaborate touch display Benefits

for extended product features and remote control 4 Removes the cost of a fancy touch display from a
capability would ruin the aesthetics, add unwelcome product’s bill of materials, replacing it with a much
cost to the bill of materials, or just simply not fit, NXP’s more cost-effective NTAG I2C tag chip
NTAG I2C chip provides the ideal solution. Using a dual 4 Eliminates the cost of a Bluetooth or WiFi interface
port NTAG I2C chip to provide the conduit between an Simplifies product design (eliminates need for external
embedded system’s microcontroller and a user’s NFC- buttons and dials) and lowers cost
enabled reader/writer device (e.g., phone) allows that Enhances security (unauthorized control of products
device to become an extended graphical display and not as accessible)
touch screen user interface for the system. Consumer intent-driven wireless connectivity
addresses privacy concerns






Microcontroller I2C-bus NTAG




The already available, advanced

graphic display and touch
screen of the NFC-enabled
mobile device provides
extended interface and control
options to the product.

The NTAG I²C tag IC The NFC tag IC can A user’s NFC-enabled mobile device
connects to the product’s be a self-contained connects to the product via the NFC
microcontroller via the I²C module or integrated interface, using the NTAG I²C as the
serial bus interface into the PCB communication conduit

6 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Application examples

Appliances (White Goods)

Home appliances, such as washing machines, are products where
aesthetics are important, size is standardized, and gross margins are
moderate. Users want form and function, they like special features, but
desire easy operation. The NFC connected tag is a cost-effective way
in which a manufacturer can create one product case to house multiple
product variants. Communication with the washing machine is as simple
as opening an application on an NFC-enabled mobile device, and tapping
that device to the machine control panel. All extended settings become
available in one convenient location.

Fitness Tracking Wearable

Fitness tracking bracelets help users set fitness goals and track progress
against their goals. By definition, wearable devices must be small,
aesthetically pleasing, and easily rechargeable. Displays are limited, and
direct control of small wearable devices via tiny mechanical buttons can
be difficult. Adding an NFC connected tag chip to the electronics inside a
fitness band provides access to a much richer user experience. Touching
their phone to the band opens up a user display where users input their
goals easily, view their progress, and control backup or upload to the cloud.
And, the close proximity requirement of NFC communication protects the
user’s private data against unauthorized access by others in the vicinity.

Smart Meter Access

As “Smart Meters” for utility usage tracking become more prevalent,
utility companies don’t need to read usage data directly from a meter, so
the mechanical or digital readouts are primarily for the user’s information.
With an embedded NFC connected tag chip as part of the smart
meter design, NFC communication can extend the on-meter displays,
and provide additional information for an enriched user experience.
(For example, users could access historical usage profiles or graphs in
between monthly billing updates.)

Thermostat Control
Thermostat controller interfaces in commercial settings represent a
facilities challenge. To conserve energy and support greater efficiency,
most facility managers prefer to keep temperatures within a common,
narrow range. Yet sometimes certain rooms are too hot or too cold
for comfort. Plus, controls can be confusing, hard to see, difficult to
manipulate, or caged behind a mechanical lock box. With an embedded
NFC connected tag chip, the control interface becomes a sleek unit with
an easy-to-read temperature display. Users tap their NFC-enabled mobile
devices to the surface and use the graphical interface for temperature
adjustments, daily schedule control, or other extended feature access.

NXP NFC for embedded applications 7

Use cases

Administrative access to
electronic devices
Embedding an NFC connected tag chip into
electronic products facilitates controlled access.
Users with an NFC-enabled mobile device
initiate communication via the NFC interface.
Microcontroller software limits access to those with
appropriate credentials.

4 Removes the cost of external access control
measures, such as mechanical enclosures
Adds convenience, especially when combined
with the extended graphical user interface
Figure 3. Controlled access to thermostat settings
available on any NFC-enabled mobile device
Simplifies product design (eliminates need for
external buttons and dials)
Increases access flexibility (remotely granted
access possible)
Enhances security (unauthorized control of
products not as accessible)

Self-serve maintenance
When an embedded system includes an NFC-
connected tag, the system controller can use the
internal, nonvolatile memory of the tag to store
data such as error codes, serial and model numbers,
and warranty information. Power to the electronic
product is not necessary in order to retrieve
data from the tag memory via an NFC-enabled
mobile device. Links stored in memory can even
launch instructional videos on a mobile device for
enhanced consumer convenience.

4 Saves time and money
Figure 4. Appliance error code can send user to a Web site for additional
4 Adds convenience, as consumers have greater
control at their fingertips
4 Reduces new product paper documentation,
creating a more ecologically friendly approach
Cloud-enabled applications on the mobile device
provide context-specific information in response
to the information retrieved from the tag
Enhances security (have to be within a limited
range to retrieve information)

8 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Firmware update
Any product requiring firmware or data updates
benefits from the inclusion of an NFC connected
tag chip, because it enables data download
capability. The on-chip SRAM permits temporary
storage of data during the transfer, enabling the tag
chip to act as a modem.

4 Adds convenience, as consumers don’t need
cables, disks, or other means of data transfer
4 Saves bill of material costs for those products
that wouldn’t normally require a WiFi or
Bluetooth interface for their typical operation
Simplifies designs and improves their aesthetics,
4  Figure 5. An NFC-enabled device facilitates appliance firmware updates and
data delivery
because external connectors are unnecessary
Increases access flexibility (the contactless
interface supports sealed designs)
Enhances security (have to be within a limited
proximity to download information)

Warranty registration
Including an NFC connected tag chip in a product 1 Appliance data
Model and serial
facilitates quick warranty registration through a numbers stored in
NFC tag memory
are uploaded to
consumer’s NFC-enabled phone, where contact the phone

information is already available. Because the user’s

NFC-enabled mobile device already contains
their contact information as part of their stored
2 Contact info
data, filling out a form is a one-step process. The The owner’s
contact data is
retrieved from the
necessary product information (such as serial phone’s stored
number, model number, etc.) is readily available in
the NFC tag memory. The paired user and product
information gets stored in the product to facilitate
later access, and also transfers to the cloud for 3 Online registration
Registration is
the manufacturer’s records via the mobile device’s automatically
uploaded to the Manufacturer’s
manufacturer’s Web Web site
cellular or WiFi connection. site

4 Increases likelihood of consumers completing
4 Update and reward
Once registration is
warranty registration, now estimated at about acknowledged, data
is written to the Manufacturer’s
25-30% return rate appliance tag. The
manufacturer can
Web site

reward the user with

Removes cost of processing paper warranty
4  coupons and other
Provides avenue to promote linked products,
such as authentic consumable replenishments, Figure 6. One-step warranty registration using an NFC-enabled device
creating a new revenue stream

NXP NFC for embedded applications 9

Wireless pairing and
network commissioning

NFC makes wireless pairing and commissioning as Benefits

easy as tapping an NFC reader/writer against the 4 Proximity required by NFC offers increased
devices to be connected. An NFC reader/writer security over longer range, or open credential
can operate as a network credential manager, transmission approaches
retrieving credentials from programmed devices 4 User intent-driven approach provides consumers
and writing those credentials to others to facilitate greater control
network connection. Or, an NFC-enabled device One-touch approach offers convenience and
can connect itself to a network, by passing access time savings
codes to a programmed device for verification. In
this case, it operates as both a network node and
the network credential manager simultaneously.


An NFC reader/writer acts

as a network credential
manager to facilitate
network connections
Credentials Credentials between nodes
passed via NFC passed via NFC

Node Node

passed via NFC
An NFC-enabled device
Node can be both a network
A credential manager and
its own network node

10 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Use cases

Bluetooth pairing
Including NFC capability in Bluetooth designs
brings tremendous convenience to consumers by
localizing the Bluetooth passcode management
function into an NFC-enabled reader/writer.

4 Eliminates the typical pairing steps of searching
for Bluetooth devices, manually adding the
device once found, and entering passcodes
4 Enhances the customer experience
4 Auto power up from deep sleep
4 Offers increased security (NFC proximity for
commissioning versus longer range wireless
protocols) Figure 7. One-tap from an NFC-enabled device simplifies Bluetooth pairing

WiFi pairing
Rather than typing in passwords, providing credentials
to enable access to a secured WiFi network is as easy
as tapping an NFC-enabled device to the router.
Transfer of credentials for network extenders requires
only one tap against the router to retrieve, and one
tap against an extender to program.

4 NFC-enabled devices connect by one-tap
against the router
4 Offers increased security (NFC proximity versus
longer range wireless credential broadcast
4 Provides consumer convenience Figure 8. An NFC-enabled device passes network credentials to WiFi routers

Home automation commissioning

Commission home automation networks more easily
through NFC-enabled devices. Users tap NFC-
enabled mobile phones on gateways and collect
network parameters, which they then pass on to
home automation items, creating smart devices.

4 Fast, accurate commissioning saves time
Convenience to consumer is a key selling point

Figure 9. Tap a home automation item to quickly program it as a smart device

NXP NFC for embedded applications 11

Zero power configuration

An NFC tag embedded into a PCB and connected Benefits

to the board electronic circuitry via a hardwired 4 NFC tag’s nonvolatile memory stores
serial bus provides a permanent, contactless configuration data and maintains it without power
bridge between the product’s MCU and the 4 The NFC tag data is accessible via the wireless
outside world. The passive (no power required) interface without disassembling products, or
operation of NFC tags allows reading/writing of even removing them from their packaging
data from/to tag memory via the wireless interface
even if the device has no power.


Product validation, The NTAG memory is Product servicing and

customization and accessible to external return logistics
configuration reader/writers—even if the
product is within a sealed box For service technicians,
and without power retrieving previously stored
Data is written to the NTAG
memory via the NFC data provides accurate repair
communication interface history and diagnostics.
whether the product is Return and repair centers can
powered or not. Validation, virtually peek inside boxed or
customization, and sealed products.
configuration can occur
during manufacturing or

12 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Use cases

Product validation Multiple product variants from

Manufacturers can deactivate electronic products a single platform
via the NFC interface in the factory, with activation An embedded and connected NFC tag’s memory
only possible upon authentication at the point of provides the ability to support zero-power product
sale. For returns, an NFC-enabled product provides configuration. Manufacturers create a single
a means of accessing identifying information that platform, and enable or disable features by storing
validates product authenticity. appropriate configuration data in NFC tag memory.

Benefits Benefits
4 Provides a cost efficient means of deterring 4 Fewer PCB versions lowers manufacturing cost
counterfeiting, grey market diversion, and 4 Increases flexibility, because configuration can
distribution channel theft occur at any point in the manufacturing and
4 Protects brands by decreasing chances of distribution channel
consumers unwittingly buying counterfeit goods 4 Reduces retail inventory by enabling last minute,
4 Reduces fraudulent returns to the manufacturer in-the-box product configuration changes

Product personalization Return logistics

Retailers can use the NFC interface to personalize a An NFC connected and embedded tag provides a
product without removing any packaging by writing readily accessible memory (even when the power is
configuration data to the NFC tag’s memory. off) that can hold information such as the product’s
owner, warranty registration information, service
Benefits records, etc.
4 Generates new revenue streams
4 Differentiates from competitive offerings Benefits
4 More efficient product servicing
4 Faster return logistics
4 More effective product maintenance
4 Saves time and reduces servicing costs
4 Enables wireless product validation
4 Provides electronic serialization and error code

NXP NFC for embedded applications 13

Consumable goods replenishment

When a consumer product has replenishment Vacuum cleaner bags and filters
needs, a consumer might not know exactly which Carpet cleaner machine solution
type to purchase or where to find authentic
replacements. But when that product contains an Benefits
NFC tag, a brief pass of their NFC-enabled device 4 The consumer can easily retrieve the correct
over the product can initiate a purchasing cycle for replenishment part information
authentic products, and offer a variety of sites from Retrieval of this information initiates a set of
which to purchase the goods. An NFC-enabled purchasing options for the consumer, and sales
product can also optimize product operation upon opportunities for authentic replacement part
detection of an authentic part. manufacturers, by directing the consumer to
authentic, pre-approved sponsor URL links
Application examples These vendors can also offer incentive coupons
Refrigerator water filters
4  to consumers via the same interaction
Furnace filters
4  Manufacturers increase their revenue stream
Automatic coffee machine filters
4  from consumable parts
Printer ink cartridges
4  An NFC reader within the product can help notify
Espresso machine cleaning products
4  consumers of expired consumables and optimize
Pet products (vitamins, pest control, etc.)
4  product operation when authentic parts are used


An NFC tag designed Consumer taps the product Online ordering is made The authorized
into the product to retrieve consumable part simple as only authorized replacement part
provides part number information and is directed parts are listed. arrives on the
information, as well as to an online source. customer’s doorstep.
websites for ordering

14 NXP NFC for embedded applications

NXP’s NFC connected tag portfolio

NXP offers a comprehensive portfolio of NXP tag NXP’s NTAG 21xF series supports these uses and more.
ICs covering a broad range of use cases, such as The NTAG 21xF series, available in a packaged form
pairing, personalization, user interface, maintenance, compatible with printed circuit board assembly, provides
authentication, payment, and more. support for gaming, goods and device authentication,
Bluetooth/WiFi static pairing, connection handovers, and
Table 2 NFC connected NTAG tag family features other embedded electronics applications.
Feature NTAG 213F/216F NTAG I C 2

Memory (bytes) 144/888 1K/2K NTAG I2C: NFC, field detect, power harvest, and
Power harvesting 3 I2C serial bus
Bi-directional I2C interface 3 NTAG I²C tag chips have an additional I²C serial bus
Field detect 3 3 connection, which further enhances and expands
Unique ID 3 3 applicable uses. NXP Semiconductors, when still part of
Originality signature 3
Philips, invented the now ubiquitous I²C serial bus—a
simple, yet elegant means of communicating between
NFC Counter 3
electronic devices with minimal physical traces.
Standard ISO/IEC 14443A, Type 2
RF baud rate 106 k bits/s
The NFC contactless interface, combined with the
Unique ID 7 bytes
I²C serial bus connected interface, enables wireless
I2C speed N/A 100/400 kHz
bidirectional communication between electronics and
Packaging NFC-enabled devices, even when the electronic device is
1.5x2x0.5 mm 1.6x1.6x0.5 mm
not powered. In order to make full use of the I²C serial bus
interface, the electronic printed circuit board (PCB) usually
NTAG 21xF: NFC plus field detect tag chips
incorporates the NFC tag. The I²C serial bus interface
The NTAG 21xF series, which includes a field detect output
supports communication with the host PCB microcontroller
trigger that can act as an electronic product wake-up
if the NTAG I²C has an external power supply or when
interrupt, builds upon the NTAG 21x series. Typical NFC
using the power harvesting feature.
applications include data exchange, wireless connection,
pairing, and proximity device communication convenience.


0 1 0 1 0
EEPROM Microcontroller
EEPROM Microcontroller

Data Data Data

Wake up Energy harvesting
Field detection

Energy Energy Field detection Energy

Figure 10. NTAG 21xF tag chip series includes field detect output Figure 11. NTAG I²C tag chip with field detect and I²C serial bus interface

NXP NFC for embedded applications 15

Data transfer mode using EEPROM (passive/static mode)
When manufacturers embed the NTAG I2C tag chip into products, users can download information (e.g.,
manuals, error codes, even links for consumable replenishment) via the RF interface to those products even
when they are not receiving power, because the NTAG I2C tag chip acts as a connection between the user’s
NFC-enabled mobile device and the sealed and packaged product. With power to the device off, the
contactless NFC interface can still operate, receiving data that the NTAG I²C tag chip stores in nonvolatile
EEPROM memory. Later, when the device has power, the microprocessor can access the previously written
data via the I²C serial bus interface. Similarly, the microprocessor can write data to the EEPROM while
powered for later access via the NFC interface whether or not the device has power.



Analog EH

NFC- Microcontroller
enabled NFC

Data EEPROM Data

I 2C


Figure 12. NTAG I²C tag chip dual interfaces support data transfer with or without power

Pass-through mode using SRAM (device-powered mode)

For data transfer after communication has been initiated, the on-chip, 64-byte SRAM preserves EEPROM
access limits by supporting a data pass-through option. In this case, data flows from the NFC interface
through an SRAM buffer to the I²C serial bus interface or vice versa. The NTAG I²C tag chip operates like a
modem when in this mode.



Analog EH

Data SRAM Data

NFC- Microcontroller
enabled NFC


I 2C


Figure 13. NTAG I²C tag chip SRAM enables data pass-through mode and acts as a modem

16 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Energy harvesting
The NTAG I²C tag chip’s energy harvesting capability and Field Detect (FD) functions work together to
help support power management. Upon application of the RF field to the antenna, the FD output asserts
low, and the energy harvested by the NTAG I²C tag chip from the RF field is output (VOUT) to a Power
Management Unit (PMU) (Figure 14 [1]). The PMU distributes received power to both the NTAG I²C tag chip
and the microcontroller (Figure 14 [2]), which allows the I²C bus to become active (Figure 14 [3]), enabling
communication. Alternatively, the power harvested by the NTAG I²C tag chip can also be applied directly as a
source of power for devices requiring less energy, such as low power microcontrollers, sensors and indicators.

4 Enables waterproofing of devices by alleviating the need for connectors
4 Permits power transfer in cases where physical connection is difficult (for example, through glass)
4 Eliminates the need for easily misplaced wires or cables

2 2 VCC


NTAG I2C 3 I 2C Microcontroller
1 Open drain


Figure 14. NTAG I²C tag chip field detect and power harvesting block diagram

Up to 2 V
(10 mA)

The NTAG I²C power management/energy Additional power harvested, over that
harvesting circuitry harvests power from needed for its own operation, can supply
the RF field of an NFC reader to power its other circuitry or trickle charge small
own operation. batteries.

Figure 15. Unused energy from the NFC active device can power additional circuitry

NXP NFC for embedded applications 17

NXP’s NFC Explorer Kit

To demonstrate the unique properties of the NTAG I2C tag NXP’s NFC Explorer Kit supports interactive demonstrations and
chip, NXP developed the NFC Explorer Kit, an all-in-one enables exploration of all NTAG I2C tag chip capabilities for both
demonstration/development resource for NFC connected tag the hardware and the application developer.
chips. By including a full complement of hardware and software
tools, users can not only investigate the capabilities of the chip Optionally, the addition of the LPC-Link2 Debugger probe kit
through the various demonstrations, but also develop and test allows easy debugging of code ported directly into the NTAG I2C
their own applications. Explorer board, facilitating custom applications.

Table 3 NFC Explorer Kit components

NFC Explorer Board
A dual purpose
Peek and Poke
demonstration and
A PC-based NTAG I2C
development hardware
device register and memory
board based on the NXP
exploration software
LPC 11U24 microcontroller,
tool with a graphical user
with onboard LCD display,
NXP PCT2075 temperature
sensor, voltage monitors,
I2C serial bus connector, and
JTAG debug connector to
demonstrate bi-directional NFC RF Detector Board
I2C serial bus/NFC An RF detector with visual
communication, illustrate (LED) output to facilitate
NDEF messaging, monitor location of the optimum RF
energy harvesting capability, field, or to ensure that NFC
and provide a localized has been enabled
application development
USB NFC Reader
NFC Connected Tag Set PC-based PN544PC NFC
NTAG I2C tag chips mounted reader using the NXP
on a variety of different LPC11U24 microcontroller
antenna types (Class 4, 5, with associated graphical
and 6 FR4 PCB-based with user interface and USB-
separate antenna pads for micro to USB cable for those
custom antenna use, as well without an NFC-enabled
as a Class 6 Flex-board based mobile device, where
for easier product insertion one desires additional
testing) and with built-in performance over the
I2C serial bus interface mobile device reader/writer
connectors capability, or for embedded


Android™ NTAG I2C NFC
read/write demonstration
application software for USB/micro USB cable
NFC-enabled mobile phones

NTAG I2C packaged

For more information about this product, please visit:

18 NXP NFC for embedded applications

Optional LPC-Link2 debug probe
The LPC-Link2 debug probe is a low-cost
development tool platform for the LPC MCUs (such
as the LPC 11U24) including a target board with
integrated debug probe plus debug ribbon cable,
and supported by an Eclipse-based integrated
development environment.

Summary NXP Semiconductors offers a full set of NFC

This brochure only touches on some of the products, including tag ICs, reader ICs, and
many applications made possible by NFC demonstration/development tools. With
communications. NFC has been specifically increasingly widespread availability of NFC-
designed and engineered to provide zero power enabled phones, the NXP NFC portfolio enables
operation while maximizing privacy, and to do both opportunities for manufacturers to enhance existing
at very low cost. designs or create new product lines, opening
up additional revenue streams and accessing
Privacy is inherent in a protocol where consumer potentially untapped consumer markets.
intent initiates communication, and read distance
is limited by design. The sans power operation For more information visit, or to
saves not only cost, but delivers a whole new set of contact NXP, see
application possibilities.
About NXP semiconductors
Designers have several choices for wireless NXP Semiconductors (NASDAQ: NXPI), a global
connectivity, all with tradeoffs. Even in products semiconductor company with operations in more
where longer distance wireless communication is than 25 countries, is a key supplier of LF, HF, NFC
desirable, NFC can enhance product operation and and UHF RFID solutions, as well as a provider of
consumer convenience. High Performance Mixed Signal products.

NXP NFC for embedded applications 19

© 2014 NXP Semiconductors N.V.

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the
copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract,
is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by
the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under
patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights.

Date of release: August 2014

Document order number: 9397 750 17587
Published in the USA

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