Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall
East Berlin -
communist West Berlin -
The Spree River along
the Berlin Wall
The “wall” went through the
middle of the street
separating families,
neighbors, and friends. . . .
East Berlin with guards
West Berlin
Friends and family had to
share important events and
celebrations across the
distance of the barriers and
the Trabant
In 1964, nine East Germans escaped, one by one, by hiding in a
three-wheeled car so small that the police didn’t even bother to
search it. The East Germans hid where the car’s
heating system and battery belonged!
The first barricades of
barbed wire and bricks only
required determination and
courage to find or to make an
opening and jump through it.
Schumann, an East Berlin
border policeman made his
Escapes from escape that was caught on
East Berlin to camera.
West Berlin
During the first days several
people lost their life killed by
the East border guard.
Gϋnter Litwin was the first
victim shot down by the
border guard in East Berlin on
August 24, 1961.