4C - Live Forever
4C - Live Forever
4C - Live Forever
28 and 29
1) Matt usually sleeps for eight hours.
2) He is always relaxed.
3) He sometimes does sport or exercise.
4) He often eats healthy food.
5) He is never ill.
6) Becky sometimes sleeps for eight hours.
7) She is often relaxed.
8) She never does sport or exercise.
11) I ____ for eight hours. 9) She hardly ever eats healthy food.
12) I ____ relaxed.
13) I ____ sport or exercise.
10) She is always ill.
14) I ____ healthy food.
15) I ____ ill.
Mike sometimes rides his motorbike to work.
three times
Hello, and welcome to Who's I go to the gym three times a week. Good. That's better. And how many hours do
Healthy? Today we have Marge OK, and how many hours do you you usually sleep?
Wilson and her son, Robbie, with usually sleep? I'm not sure. I go to bed quite late because I'm
us. Marge, do you think you're Well, I get up early, but I always go to on my computer, so I guess I sleep for about
healthy? bed early, too. I usually sleep for about six hours.
Um, yes. I think so. eight hours. Right. Thank you, Robbie. And now it's time
And what about you, Robbie? Are That's great, Marge. And now it's to see what the doctor thinks. Dr. Atkins,
you healthy? Robbie’s turn. Robbie, how old are Who’s healthy? Marge? Robbie? Or both of
Of course you? them?
Well, I'm going to ask you some Twenty. Well, Marge always has breakfast and she
questions and we're going to find And how often do you eat fast food? never eats fast food. She often does exercise
out Who’s healthy? First of all, Well, I love pizza and hamburgers and and she gets a lot of sleep. So, Marge, you're
Marge. How old are you, Marge? I sometimes have chips, so yeah, I eat right. You're very healthy
I’m 48. fast food about five times a week. And what about Robbie?
OK. So, how often do you eat fast What about breakfast? How often do Well, Robbie does exercise four times a week,
food, Marge? you have breakfast? but he often eats fast food and he never has
Never. I don't like it. I don't have time because I always get breakfast. He doesn't sleep enough either. So
Right. And how often do you have up late, so ... I hardly ever have Robbie, you're wrong. You aren't very healthy.
breakfast? breakfast. So, there you have it everyone. A healthy
I always have breakfast. I have a OK, and how often do you exercise? mom and an unhealthy son! And that's all we
cup of tea and some cereal. Oh, I do a lot of exercise. I play have time for today. Join us again tomorrow at
Good. And how often do you do football four times a week. the same time for Who's healthy?
Extra material for
vocabulary and
speaking practice
Expressions of frequency
How often do you see you friends?
1) Every day M, T, W, Th, F, S, S
2) Every week week 1, week 2, week 3, etc
3) Every month January, February, March, etc
4) Every year 2018, 2019, 2020,etc
5) Once a week only on Mondays
6) Twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays
7) Three times a week On Mon, Wed and Fridays
8) Four times a year in Jan, April, May and July
Adverbs of frequency
1) I always get up at 7:00 during the week. I start work at 8:00 o’clock every day.
2) I often go to the cinema after work. About seven or eight times a month.
3) I usually finish work at 6.00. But on Fridays we stop at 3.00.
4) I sometimes meet a friend for lunch. About once or twice a month.
5) I hardly ever finish work at 6.00. Only once or twice a year.
6) I never have coffee. I don’t like it
Listen to five different conversations and choose the correct answer:
1) Where does Kelly usually have breakfast?
(a) in a café (b) at work (c) in the street
2) What does Pete do when he arrives home?
(a) makes dinner (b) takes a shower (c) reads a book
3) How often do John’s parents see their son?
(a) three times a year (b) every four weeks (c) every other Sunday
4) What does Jill do on Saturday afternoon?
(a) goes shopping (b) goes to the movies (c) has a long bath
5) What time does Phil usually get up on Saturdays?
(a) 7 a.m. (b) 8 a.m. (c) 9 a.m.
1 3 5
Dave What do you usually have Mary Where do your parents live, John? Anna Do you get up early,
for breakfast, Kelly? John In a small town in western Phil?
Kelly Oh, I hardly ever have Massachusetts. Phil Not every day. I get up at
time for breakfast at home. I Mary How often do you visit them? six o’clock during the week,
always get up late. I take the John Not very often – about once every because I have a long drive to
train to work and I usually buy four months. It takes around four hours work. And on Saturdays I
a sandwich and a cup of coffee to get there by train and the tickets are sometimes get up at eight
from a little café near the train very expensive. I usually go up for o’clock and go to the gym, but I
station. I have them at my desk. Mom’s birthday and for Dad’s birthday. don’t do that very often.
2 And I always go home for Christmas. Usually I stay in bed until
Jill Do you often go out in the 4 around nine o’clock. What
evenings, Pete? Dan Do you work on the weekend, Jill? about you?
Pete No. I’m afraid my social Jill No, my weekends are for relaxing. Anna Oh, I have three children.
life isn’t very exciting. I usually On Saturday morning I have a long bath. I always get up early!
get home and take a shower. After lunch I meet my best friend, Annie,
Then I make dinner. After and we go shopping together. We usually
dinner I read a book. I get up at buy clothes or CDs. In the evening I go
5 a.m., so I’m always in bed at out with my boyfriend. We usually have
ten o’clock. dinner in a restaurant, but sometimes we
go to the movies.
Say a sentence
including one of the
words below:
Hardly ever