Brick and Stone Masonry
Brick and Stone Masonry
Brick and Stone Masonry
Engineering Studio
1. Brick
※ There are different ways in which bricks are laid and is termed as
2. Characteristic of Bricks
※ Brick will not burn, buckle or melt.
※ Brick will not rot and allow Termites to invade.
※ Brick will not rust and corrode.
※ Brick will not dent.
※ Brick will not fade from the Sun’s UV Rays.
※ Brick will not be damaged by high winds , rain or hail.
※ Brick will not require constant maintains.
※ Brick will not devalue.
※ Brick will not limit your personal expression.
※ Brick will not limit your design options.
3. Advantages of Brick Masonry
※ The Brick masonry is cheaper than stone masonry.
※ Bricks are of uniform size.
※ Bricks are very workable .
※ Brick blocks don’t need any dressing.
※ Bricks are very light in weight.
※ No complicated lifting devices are necessary in brick work.
※ There is no problem to its availability.
※ They do not require transportation from long distances.
※ Brick work can be done by the less skilled labours also.
※ Bonding strength is very good and brick work is more durable.
4. Classification of bricks
4. Classification of bricks
5. Qualities Of Good Bricks
1. Bricks should be uniform in shape & standard in size.
2. Bricks should give a clear metallic ringing sound when struck with each other.
3. Bricks should show a bright homogeneous & free from voids.
4. Bricks should be well brunt and possess sharp edges.
5. Colour of the bricks should be uniform and bright.
6. Bricks should be sufficiently hard & no impression should be left on bricks surface when scratched
with finger nail.
7. Bricks should have crushing strength above 10 N/mm”.
8. The bricks should not absorb water more than 20% by weight when soaked in cold water for 24
9. The bricks should not show any deposits of white salts when allowed to dry in shade.
6. Sizes of Brick
Nominal size
A standard metric brick has coordinating dimensions of 225 x 112.5 x 75 mm (9” x 4.5” x 3”)
including mortar.
Architectural size
7. Tests for bricks
Absorption:- The brick should not absorb water more than 20% of dry weight.
Hardness :- Brick is treated to be sufficient hard if no impression could be made on the surface of
Soundness :- Two bricks when struck with each other should emit metallic ringing sound.
Shape & size :- Standard size and shapes should be truly rectangular with sharp edges and smooth
8. Brick Masonry
BRICK MASONRY:-The art of laying bricks in mortar in a proper systematic manner giving
homogeneous mass which can withstand forces without disintegration, called Brick masonry.
9. Types of Brick Masonry
Brick work in cement
Brick work in mud
o The cement-sand mortar is used to fill up the joints.
o The mud is used to fill up the joints.
10. Masonry Joint
Weathered joint :- Mortar joint has sloped (downwards)
Plumb bob
Spirit level
Mason square
Steel tape
12. Brick Courses & Closures
King Closure : A brick cut at corner & joining middle points of width and length of the brick.
Half Bat: A brick cut in half along its width and laid in the wall structure.
Three Quarter Bat : A brick cut to three-quarters of its length, and laid with its long, narrow side
13. Orientation of Bricks
HEADER: A brick laid flat with its width at the face of the wall.
SOLDIER: A brick laid vertically with the long narrow side of the brick
SAILOR: A brick laid vertically with the broad face of the brick exposed.
Shiner: A brick laid horizontally with the broad face of the brick exposed.
Rowlock: A brick laid horizontally with the long narrow side of the brick
14. Rules for Good Brick Masonry
The bricks should be immersed in freshwater at least for 2 hours before using in masonry.
Do not use broken bricks unless they are essential for making good bonds.
The bricks should be laid on their proper bond. The frog of the bricks should be kept upward.
Brick bats should be avoided.
The thickness of the joints should not exceed 13 mm.
The masonry walls should be always truly vertical and verticality should be checked continuously
using a plumb bob.
Brickwork should be raised uniformly. Any part of the masonry should not be raised more than 3ft to
the rest of the masonry work.
The amount of lap should be a minimum of 1/4 brick along the length of the wall and 1/2 brick across
the thickness of the wall.
14. Rules for Good Brick Masonry
To achieve easy and adequate bond for plastering and pointing, the facing mortar joints should be
raked for a depth of 13-19 mm when the mortar in the joint is green.
The finished brick masonry should be cured at least for 7 days.
Any brick masonry wall should not be constructed more than 1.5 m in a day.
In brick masonry piers, buttresses, counterfeits, etc., should be constructed along with the main
walls, maintaining a proper bond between them.
The vertical joints in every other course should be vertically over one another.
15. Bonds in Brick-Work
1. English bond.
2. 2. Flemish bond.
3. 3. Header bond.
4. 4. Stretcher bond.
5. 5. Facing bond.
6. 6. English cross bond.
7. 7. Brick on edge bond.
8. 8. Dutch bond.
9. 9. Raking bond.
10. 10. Garden wall bond
15. Bonds in Brick-Work
This bond has one stretcher between headers, with the headers
15. Bonds in Brick-Work
Used for 9 inch wall.
Used when a fair face is required on both sides.
Wall is composed three or four courses of stretchers alternating with one of
It is mostly used in construction of garden wall.
Sulphate attack :- Sulphate salts present in bricks work react with alumina content of cement .It
Crystallization of salts from bricks :- Occur in masonry made out of brick which contain excessive
Corrosion of embedded iron or steel :- Iron or steel embedded in brick work gets corroded in the
presence of dampness. On corrosion the metal expands in volume and tends to crack the brick work.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
6. Ashlar masonry
17. Types of Stone Masonry
• In this type of masonry, the stones used are of widely different sizes. This is the roughest and
cheapest form of stone masonry.
• In coursed random rubble masonry, the masonry work is carried out in courses such that the
stones in a particular course are of equal height.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
• In this type of masonry, the stones used are of widely different sizes. This is the roughest and
cheapest form of stone masonry.
• In uncoursed random rubble masonry, the courses are not maintained regularly. The larger stones
are laid first and the spaces between them are then filled.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
2. Square rubble masonry
• In this type of masonry stones having straight bed and sides are used. The stones are usually
squared and brought to hammer dressed or straight cut finish.
• In the coursed square rubble masonry, the work is carried out in courses of varying depth.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
2. Square rubble masonry
• In this type of masonry stones having straight bed and sides are used. The stones are usually squared
and brought to hammer dressed or straight cut finish.
• In the uncoursed square rubble masonry, the different sizes of stones having straight edges and sides
are arranged on face in several irregular patterns.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
3. Polygonal rubble masonry
• In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for face work are
dressed in an irregular polygonal shape. Thus the face joints are seen running in an irregular fashion
in all directions.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
4. Flint rubble masonry
• In this type of masonry, stone used are flints or cobbles. These are irregularly shaped of silica. The
stones are extremely hard. But they are brittle and therefore they break easily.
17. Types of Stone Masonry
5. Dry rubble masonry
In this type of masonry, mortar is not used in the joints. This type of construction is the cheapest and
requires more skill in construction. This may be used for non-load bearing walls such as compound
walls, etc…
17. Types of Stone Masonry
In this type of ashlar masonry, each stone is cut to uniform size and shape with all sides rectangular,
so that the stone gives perfectly horizontal and vertical joints with adjoining stone. This type of ashlar
In this type of ashlar masonry, the beds and sides are finely chisel-dressed. But the face is made rough
by means of tools. A strip, about 25mm wide and made by means of chisel is provided around the
In this type of ashlar masonry, the strip is provided as earlier. But it is chamfered or beveled at an
This is combination of rubble masonry and ashlar masonry. In this type of masondry, the face work is
provided with rough tooled or hammer dressed stones and backing of the wall may be made in rubble
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