of The Curriculum Review
of The Curriculum Review
of The Curriculum Review
W An effecLlve Leacher ls one who has hls skllls ln
Lhe arL of Leachlng
W Pe demonsLraLes proflclency ln Lhe use of
language adopLs varled Leachlng sLraLegles
recognlzes change applles lnnovaLlons
revlses Lechnlques for opLlmum resulLs and
allows hlmself Lo be gulded by acknowledged
prlnclples and Lheorles ln educaLlon
W 1he Learner
1he learner ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe schoollng process
WlLhouL hlm Lhe educaLlonal sysLem wlll noL exlsL
1he learner ls a person who ls recelvlng lnsLrucLlon
or lessons from a parLlcular Leacher
W 1he Classroom
1he classroom ls a place where formal learnlng
1hls could be a sLandard classroom wlLh a sLandard
measuremenL or an ouLdoor space where boLh Lhe
Leacher and Lhe puplls are lnLeracLlng
W Curr|cu|um
1he term comes from the Lat|n
root curere w|th mean "to run" In
educat|ona| usage the "course of
the race" became "the course of
W ,aLerlals of lnsLrucLlon
8efer Lo Lhe varlous resources avallable Lo Lhe
Leacher sand learners whlch help faclllLaLe
lnsLrucLlon and learnlng
1hese maLerlals represenL elemenLs found ln Lhe
envlronmenL and whlch are meanL Lo help
sLudenLs undersLand and explaln reallLy
W AdmlnlsLraLlon
ls deflned as Lhe organlzaLlon dlrecLlon
coordlnaLlon and conLrol of human and maLerlal
resources Lo achleve deslred ends
L|ements |n Curr|cu|um Deve|opment
(a|ma 1992)
W 9urpose
1hls lndlcaLes Lhe goals and dlrecLlons Lhe
school should Lake
W ,eans
1hls suggesLs Lhe learnlng experlences and
resources LhaL are Lo be selecLed organlzed and
lmplemenLed ln pursulL of Lhe purpose
W AssessmenL of ouLcomes
1hls measures Lhe degree Lo whlch purposes have
been meL
1he I|ve Curr|cu|um Components
1he lndlvldual and Lhe SocleLy as a
W A flrsL guldlng consLrucL among currlculum
planners ls Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe learner's
ablllLy needs lnLeresL moLlvaLlon and
poLenLlal for learnlng cerLaln culLural conLenL
W 1he second guldlng consLrucL ln selecLlng Lhe
opLlons wlLhln currlculum componenLs ls how
Lhe socleLy nurLurlng Lhe lndlvldual
Alms and Cb[ecLlves
W Alms and ob[ecLlves evolve and change as culLures
and Lhelr parLlclpanLs change
W 1here ls no sLandardlzaLlon among sLaLemenLs of
alms and ob[ecLlves Lhus ln Lhelr varlous forms
Lhey reflecL phllosophlcal assumpLlons and
poslLlons on Lhe preemlnence of Lhe learner or
socleLy and how Lhese are Lo be played ouL ln Lhe
3 lorm of Sub[ecL ,aLLer
W lL maybe selecLed on Lhe basls of Lhe general
educaLlon of all sLudenLs or Lhe speclallzed
developmenL of a selecLed group of sLudenLs
,odes of 1ransacLlon
W ,odes of LransacLlons have been provlsloned as
recommended Leacher meLhodology Lo lnculcaLe
sub[ecL maLLer
W lL also flgure heavlly ln syllabl as auLhorlLles
aLLempL Lo gulde Leacher behavlor and lnfluence
learner ouLcomes chlefly for naLlonal purposes
3 LvaluaLlon
W As an lnLegral elemenL Lo a currlculum evaluaLlon
may glve emphasls Lo provldlng Lhe lndlvldual
wlLh formaLlon on performance Lo gulde Lhe
learner Lo Lhe nexL sLeps ln Lhe sequence of Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer
W Curr|cu|um
ln lLs narrow sense currlculum ls vlewed merely
as a llsLlng of sub[ecLs Lo be LaughL ln school
ln a broader sense lL refers Lo Lhe LoLal learnlng
experlences of lndlvlduals noL only ln schools buL
ln socleLy as well
Curr|cu|um from D|fferent o|nts of
1radlLlonal 9olnLs of vlew
W Currlculum ls a body of sub[ecLs or sub[ecL maLLer
prepared by Lhe Leachers for Lhe sLudenLs Lo learn
W course of sLudy" and syllabus"
W 8obeL , PuLchlns vlews currlculum as permanenL
sLudles" where Lhe rules of grammar readlng
rheLorlc and loglc and maLhemaLlcs for baslc
educaLlon are emphaslzed 8aslc educaLlon should
emphaslze Lhe 38s and college educaLlon should be
grounded on llberal educaLlon
W ArLhur 8esLor an essenLlallsL belleves LhaL Lhe
mlsslon of Lhe school should be lnLellecLual Lralnlng
hence currlculum should focus on Lhe fundamenLals
lnLellecLual dlsclpllnes of grammar llLeraLure and
wrlLlng lL should also lnclude maLhemaLlcs sclence
hlsLory and forelgn language
W !oseph Schwab vlews LhaL dlsclpllne ls Lhe sole source
of currlculum 1hus ln our educaLlon sysLem
currlculum ls dlvlded lnLo chunks of knowledge we
call sub[ecL areas ln baslc educaLlon such as Lngllsh
,aLhemaLlcs Sclence Soclal SLudles and oLhers ln
college dlsclpllne may lnclude humanlLles sclences
languages and many more
W currlculum can be vlewed as a fleld of sLudy
W CurrlculumwrlLLen documenLs or a plan of acLlon ln
accompllshlng goals
9rogresslve 9olnLs of vlew
W 1oLal learnlng experlences of Lhe lndlvldual!ohn
W All experlences chlldren have under Lhe guldance
of LeachersCaswell and Campbell
W Sequence of poLenLlal experlences seL up ln Lhe
schools for Lhe purpose of dlsclpllnlng chlldren
and youLh ln group ways of Lhlnklng and acLlng
SmlLh SLanley and Shores
W Lxperlences ln Lhe classroom whlch are planned
and enacLed by Lhe Leacher and also learned by
Lhe sLudenLs,arsh and Wlllls
Iunct|ons of the Curr|cu|um
eneral LducaLlon
W ls represenLed by Lhe core of common
learnlng from whlch all oLher sLudles
W lL provldes Lhe essenLlal baslc knowledge
needed by man for a balanced llfe
Speclallzed LducaLlon
W lL ls LhaL aspecL of Lhe currlculum deslgned for Lhe
ma[or fleld or professlonal program of sLudles
LxploraLory LducaLlon
W 1hls funcLlon provldes knowledge beyond Lhose of
general speclallzed educaLlon
LnrlchmenL LducaLlon
W 1hls comes ln Lhe form of elecLlves cognaLes
mlnor or allled sub[ecLs
W 1hls parL of Lhe currlculum ls lnLended Lo
supplemenL and deepen one's educaLlve
experlence beyond Lhose connecLed wlLh general
educaLlon speclallzed educaLlon and exploraLory
SpeclallzedlnLeresL LducaLlon
W As ln Lhe case of exploraLory educaLlon Lhe
enrlchmenL funcLlon may be meL ln Lhe secondary
school and college Lhrough conLrolled or requlred
elecLlves or Lhrough free elecLlves
W 1hls ls noL only focused Lhrough formal course
work buL also Lhrough organlzed sLudenL acLlvlLles
such as clubs publlcaLlon and communlLy servlces
and so on
takeho|ders |n Curr|cu|um Deve|opment (opeo flle
oo stokebolJets of cottlcolom fot Jloqtom)
SLudenLs aL Lhe cenLer of Lhe currlculum
1eachers as currlculum developers and
3 Currlculum managers and admlnlsLraLors
9arenLs as supporLers Lo Lhe currlculum
3 CommunlLy members as currlculum resources
6 CLher sLakeholders ln currlculum
9rofesslonal organlzaLlons
overnmenL (le uep Ld CPLu 98C)
1he ko|e of 1echno|ogy |n Curr|cu|um
9resenL currenL Lrends LhaL could carry on Lhe naLure of
educaLlon ln Lhe fuLure
1he flrsL Lrend ls Lhe paradlgm shlfL from LeachercenLered
Lo sLudenLcenLered approach Lo learnlng
1he second ls Lhe broadenlng reallzaLlon LhaL educaLlon ls
noL slmply a dellvery of facLs and lnformaLlon buL an
educaLlve process of culLlvaLlng Lhe cognlLlve affecLlve
psychomoLor and much more Lhe conLemplaLlve lnLelllgence
of Lhe learners of a new age
3 1he Lhlrd and posslbly Lhe more exploslve Lrend ls Lhe
lncrease ln Lhe use of new lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon
Lechnology or lC1